0686A0 (@ 03:06A0) Adjust Number per normal 000000 - character strength 000002 - Normal 000004 - Shift 0686A0 - Load 0 into 000001 (enforce 8-bits) 0686A2 - Load 0 into 000003 (enforce 8-bits) 0686A4 - Load 0 into 000005 (enforce 8-bits) 0686A6 - Reset P across 0x20 (shift to 16-bit mode) 0686A8 - Set Carry (Prep for subtraction) 0686A9 - Load what's at 000002 (Normal) into the accumulator 0686AB - Subtract what's at 000000 (strength) from the accumulator 0686AD - Set Carry (Prep for subtraction) 0686AE - Subtract what's at 000004 (Shift) from the accumulator 0686B0 - If accumulator is still positive, jump to 0686C3 0686B2 - Compare accumulator to -10 0686B5 - If accumulator >= -10, jump to 0686E4 0686B7 - Compare accumulator to -20 0686BA - If accumulator >= -20, jump to 0686D8 0686BC - Compare accumulator to -30 0686BF - If accumulator >= -30, jump to 0686D6 0686C1 - Jump to 0686D4 (branched if result was > 0) 0686C3 - Compare accumulator to 10 0686C6 - If accumulator < 10, jump to 0686E2 0686C8 - Compare accumulator to 20 0686CB - If accumulator < 20, jump to 0686E0 0686CD - Compare accumulator to 30 0686D0 - If accumulator < 30, jump to 0686DE 0686D2 - Jump to 0686DC (branched if result was < -30) 0686D4 - Decrement 000000 (strength) (branched if result was -21 - -30) 0686D6 - Decrement 000000 (strength) (branched if result was -11 - -20) 0686D8 - Decrement 000000 (strength) 0686DA - Jump to 0686E4 (branched if result was > 30) 0686DC - Increment 000000 (strength) (branched if result was 20 - 29) 0686DE - Increment 000000 (strength) (branched if result was 10 - 19) 0686E0 - Increment 000000 (strength) (branched if result was 0 - 9) 0686E2 - Increment 000000 (strength) (everywhere will end up here) 0686E4 - Set P across 0x20 (shift to 8-bit mode) 0686E6 - Load what's at 000001 into the accumulator (normally 00, FF if strength went below zero, 01 if strength went over FF) 0686E8 - If accumulator is zero, jump to 0686F4 0686EA - If accumulator is positive (01), jump to 0686F0 0686EC - Store zero at 000001 0686EE - Jump to 0686F4 (branched if adjusted strength is currently > 255) 0686F0 - Load 0xFF into the accumulator 0686F2 - Store accumulator at 000000 (capping adjusted strength at 255) (everywhere will end up here) 0686F4 - Load 000000 (adjusted strength) into accumulator 0686F6 - Return this is repeated for the values stored in 1F0A and 1F0E, which are agility and intelligence respectively the various Normals and Shift come from 03C0 These numbers are based off CLASS Classes: 01 - Fighter 02 - Knight 03 - Paladin 04 - Wild Man 05 - Evil One 06 - Samurai 07 - Master (Samurai) 08 - Ninja 09 - Master (Ninja) 0A - Amazon 0B - Valkyrie 0C - Muse 0D - Beastman 0E - Master (Beastman) 0F - Dragoner 10 - Dragonmaster 11 - Dollmage 12 - Master (Dollmage) 13 - Wizard 14 - Mage 15 - Sorceror 16 - Lich 17 - Witch 18 - Cleric 19 - Shaman 1A - Monk 1B - Mermaid 1C - Nixie 1D - Werewolf 1E - Tigerman 1F - Beastman 20 - Vampyre 21 - Vampyre (Coffin) 22 - Princess 23 - Pumpkin 24 - Halloween 25 - Golem 26 - Rockgolem 27 - Irongolem 28 - Giant 29 - Icegiant 2A - Titan 2B - Firegiant 2C - Hellhound 2D - Cerberus 2E - Octopus 2F - Kraken 30 - Dragon 31 - Reddragon 32 - Silverdragon 33 - Blackdragon 34 - Reddragon 35 - Salamand 36 - Golddragon 37 - Platinumdragon 38 - Tiamat 39 - Zombiedragon 3A - Skeleton 3B - Wraith 3C - Ghost 3D - Phantom 3E - Hawk Man 3F - Eagleman 40 - Ravenman 41 - Angel 42 - Cherubim 43 - Seraphim 44 - Imp 45 - Demon 46 - Devil 47 - Faerie 48 - Pixie 49 - Sylyph 4A - Gryphon 4B - Cockatris 4C - Wyrm 4D - Wyvern 4E - Lord (Slice/Iainuki) 4F - Lord (Poison/Phantom) 50 - Lord (Banish/Icecloud) 51 - Lord (Slice/Thunder) 52 - Wise Man 53 - Diablo (Hand) 54 - Diablo (Hand) 55 - Diablo (Head) 56 - Queen 57 - Hilander 58 - Prince 59 - Prince 5A - Prince 5B - Gemini 5C - Gemini 5D - Dandy 5E - Dandy 5F - General 60 - General 61 - General 62 - General 63 - General (Slice/Iainuki) 64 - General (Slice/Blade) 65 - Dragoon The 'shifts' of these classes are taken from 03F63C + class number - 1 (01:F63B + class number) except these aren't the actual shifts, we're subtracting a number from them first. What number is this? Apparently said number is the 'shift' of either the lord unit or of the commander of the unit unit. It's the commanding unit. Okay, class list again except with shifts this time: 50 - Fighter 55 - Knight 60 - Paladin 45 - Wild Man 40 - Evil One 44 - Samurai 35 - Master (Samurai) 54 - Ninja 59 - Master (Ninja) 53 - Amazon 59 - Valkyrie 65 - Muse 62 - Beastman 68 - Master (Beastman) 81 - Dragoner 94 - Dragonmaster 26 - Dollmage 41 - Master (Dollmage) 39 - Wizard 35 - Mage 27 - Sorceror 20 - Lich 65 - Witch 52 - Cleric 53 - Shaman 54 - Monk 38 - Mermaid 34 - Nixie 39 - Werewolf 65 - Tigerman 50 - Beastman 90 - Vampyre 50 - Vampyre (Coffin) 45 - Princess 62 - Pumpkin 61 - Halloween 29 - Golem 23 - Rockgolem 24 - Irongolem 50 - Giant 68 - Icegiant 43 - Titan 65 - Firegiant 66 - Hellhound 70 - Cerberus 38 - Octopus 35 - Kraken 76 - Dragon 80 - Reddragon 80 - Silverdragon 80 - Blackdragon 87 - Reddragon 95 - Salamand 78 - Golddragon 100 - Platinumdragon 88 - Tiamat 96 - Zombiedragon 26 - Skeleton 21 - Wraith 38 - Ghost 29 - Phantom 47 - Hawk Man 63 - Eagleman 37 - Ravenman 47 - Angel 50 - Cherubim 52 - Seraphim 35 - Imp 28 - Demon 20 - Devil 50 - Faerie 66 - Pixie 79 - Sylyph 56 - Gryphon 64 - Cockatris 58 - Wyrm 61 - Wyvern 55 - Lord (Slice/Iainuki) 35 - Lord (Poison/Phantom) 53 - Lord (Banish/Icecloud) 75 - Lord (Slice/Thunder) 26 - Wise Man 0 - Diablo (Hand) 0 - Diablo (Hand) 0 - Diablo (Head) 67 - Queen 60 - Hilander 45 - Prince 40 - Prince 35 - Prince 60 - Gemini 40 - Gemini 64 - Dandy 35 - Dandy 55 - General 42 - General 40 - General 82 - General 60 - General (Slice/Iainuki) 55 - General (Slice/Blade) 94 - Dragoon In any case, how this works... first we load up the lord's shift value, then we load up that of the character we're looking at, then we subtract the lord's from the character's, and take the absolute value of the difference... and that's our shift value. So it's in our best interests to have a commanding unit with a high shift value and peons with low ones? or at least, strong peons prefer low ones and weak peons prefer high ones. hmm. How is a commanding unit's shift determined? Answer: Commanding units aren't shifted (then how come I couldn't find his strength? Was I even looking for his?) So next we want to know where the normals come from Apparently the normals are the strength/agilty/intelligence of the commanding unit. So! On to damage? Argh, that site already had this stuff under Aisyo (affinity) -_- 03C1E5 (01:C1E5) 03C1E5 - Load what's at what's at (0x0D + y), which will be a character's affinised strength 03C1E7 - Shift accumulator right (divide by two) 03C1E8 - Clear Carry Flag (prep for addition) 03C1E9 - Add what's at 02 03C1EB - Store at 02 03C1ED - Shift to 8-bit mode 03C1EF - Shift Direct Page into accumulator 03C1F0 - Load what's at 7E:F938 03C1F4 - Shift accumulator into X 03C1F5 - Subroutine to 03BCD9 03C1F8 - Shift accumulator left (multiply by 2) 03C1F9 - Jump to 03C24F 03C1FC - Shift Direct Page into accumulator 03C1FD - Load what's at 00 into accumulator 03C1FF - Shift accumulator right (divide by two) 03C200 - Shift accumulator into X 03C201 - Load what's at (7EF8B5 + X) into accumulator 03C205 - Set Carry Flag (prep for subtraction) 03C206 - Subtract what's at 7EF926 03C20A - If we're still positive, jump to 03C20F 03C20F - Store A at 4204 03C212 - Store zero at 4205 03C215 - Let accumulator = 5 03C217 - Store this at 4206 03C21A - Push X 03C21B - Pull X 03C21C - Load from 02 (modified strength) 03C21E - Set Carry Flag (prep for subtraction) 03C21F - Subtract what at 4214 from accumulator 03C222 - Store that at 02 03C224 - If we're over/equal to zero, jump to 03C228 03C228 - Let accumulator = 8 03C22A - Jump to 03E569 03C24F - Swap accumulator bytes 03C250 - Let accumulator = 0 03C252 - Swap accumulator bytes 03C253 - Shift to 16-bit mode 03C255 - Clear Carry Flag (prep for addition) 03C256 - Add what's at 02 (strength + something) to accumulator 03C258 - Store this at 02 03C25A - Shift to 8-bit mode 03C25C - Return from subroutine 03C169 seems to be where damage is being set (into 7E:0004). The wrong thing was being found by cheating because this value is overwritten with animation information shortly after being figured out, which is considerably earlier than when it's shown on the screen. At 03C15D we load in 02, subtract 04 from it, bring this up to 1 if it's 0 or lower, and store this in 04 as the damage done. Consequently, 02 should be total offence and 04 should be total defence (or thereabouts). Going with 04 first... At 03C155 we load from 73C1A2 + Y and add that to what's currently in 04, then put that back in 04. So we need to figure out what the previous 04 is and what's at 73C1A2 + Y. Unfortunately, the whole time I watched Y was zero and the whole area of 73C1A2 was empty anyway. Hmph. So, where was 04 set before this? At 03:C12C, we load 04 up, subtract 7E4214, and store that at 04 again. Can we get any of these? Let's just go from here $03/C000 85 02 STA $02 [$00:0002] - Storing something at 02, interesting but for later $03/C002 E2 20 SEP #$20 - Reverting to 8-bit $03/C004 80 10 BRA $10 [$C016] - Jump ahead $03/C006 4A LSR A - Alternate path in, we're shifting A to the right $03/C007 18 CLC - Clearing carry for addition $03/C008 65 02 ADC $02 [$00:0002] - Adding 02 to it $03/C00A 80 08 BRA $08 [$C014] - Jumping ahead $03/C00C C2 20 REP #$20 - Alternate alternate path in, let's go 16-bit $03/C00E 06 02 ASL $02 [$00:0002] - Shift 02 left $03/C010 E2 20 SEP #$20 - Back to 8-bit $03/C012 80 02 BRA $02 [$C016] - Jump ahead $03/C014 85 02 STA $02 [$00:0002] - Here we're storing 02... $03/C016 A9 03 LDA #$03 - Load 03 literal into A $03/C018 85 12 STA $12 [$00:0012] - Then dump this into 12 $03/C01A A6 08 LDX $08 [$00:0008] - Then load up what we have at 8 $03/C01C 7B TDC - Shift direct page into A $03/C01D BF C8 F9 7E LDA $7EF9C8,x[$7E:F9CE] - Load up a value from this area. Interestingly this is ran across twice per battle round $03/C021 C9 FF CMP #$FF - Compare to FF $03/C023 D0 01 BNE $01 [$C026] - If it wasn't equal, jump ahead one $03/C025 60 RTS - Else return. We're in a subfunction? lame (tampering here makes it seem like this is checking a chain of numbers, longer is more) $03/C026 AA TAX - Shift A into X $03/C027 85 17 STA $17 [$00:0017] - Dump A into 17 $03/C029 64 05 STZ $05 [$00:0005] - Store zero at 5 $03/C02B 64 04 STZ $04 [$00:0004] - Store zero at 4 $03/C02D BF 82 F9 7E LDA $7EF982,x[$7E:F988] - Load from this area $03/C031 89 04 BIT #$04 - BIT test against 4 $03/C033 F0 04 BEQ $04 [$C039] - If true, jump ahead a bit $03/C035 A9 08 LDA #$08 - Load literal 8 into A $03/C037 85 04 STA $04 [$00:0004] - Store that in 04 (!!) $03/C039 A5 17 LDA $17 [$00:0017] - Load from 17 into A $03/C03B 0A ASL A - Shift A left $03/C03C A8 TAY - Put this into Y $03/C03D BF 8C F9 7E LDA $7EF98C,x[$7E:F992] - Load from here $03/C041 AA TAX - Shift into X $03/C042 C2 20 REP #$20 - 16-bit $03/C044 B7 0D LDA [$0D],y[$7E:F88C] - Load from *0D + Y $03/C046 4A LSR A - Shift right $03/C047 18 CLC - Prep for adding $03/C048 65 04 ADC $04 [$00:0004] - Add 04 to this $03/C04A 85 04 STA $04 [$00:0004] - Store summation at 04 So, what are we looking at here.... 03C044 is loading the relevant unit's relevant defence (str/int). Y is character offset times 2, and 0D is a pointer to the relevant stat location. We got Y from 17, which we got from the chain... so. I can only assume that the chain is a list of all units that are going to be hit by the attack, terminated by FF. We're also putting this number into X and loading from 7EF982 + X at 03C02D, so this presumably is something character related as well. In fact it isish... characters have a 40 flag if they're out of attacks for the battle, and Warren here has an 01 flag for unknown reasons. Anyway, so having an 04 flag causes extra slight defence...? not sure what might cause that. (Strength Tarot?) Time to continue! 04 is currently effectively our relevant defence, for reference's sake. $03/C04C E2 20 SEP #$20 - 8-bit $03/C04E 7B TDC - Shift direct page into A $03/C04F BD 81 0E LDA $0E81,x[$03:0E87] - Load from around here. I believe X at this point is def. unit-on-map number (ie: in test, hero & buddies were 0-4, warren was 7D) $03/C052 AA TAX - And shift that into X For Warren, this was 64 (100). For my hero team, it was 0, 2, 4, 3, 1 (hero, knight1, knight2, knight3, wizard). Lans' team was 5 through 9 but I don't know the order. I'm assuming, therefore, that this area of memory is actually associating units in teams with unit data in general, and the X before was unit-in-team number. In any case, X should theoretically now contain unit-in-general id number. $03/C053 AF 34 F9 7E LDA $7EF934[$7E:F934] - Load from here. $03/C057 D0 0C BNE $0C [$C065] - If it wasn't zero, jump ahead a bit. $03/C059 8A TXA - Otherwise, shift our unit id back into the accumulator $03/C05A 85 0C STA $0C [$00:000C] - and store it at 0C $03/C05C A9 7E LDA #$7E - Now we load a literal 7E $03/C05E 85 12 STA $12 [$00:0012] - and store that at 12 $03/C060 BD 5A 08 LDA $085A,x[$03:0860] - Load from here $03/C063 80 05 BRA $05 [$C06A] - and jump ahead a little $03/C065 BD 5A 08 LDA $085A,x[$03:0860] - If that number from the start WAS zero, load from here $03/C068 85 0C STA $0C [$00:000C] - and store that in 0C At this point we either have that number in 0C or we have the unit number in OC (if it was zero (zero = hero?)). With regards as to what that number is... It was always FF while attacking Warren, and 0 while he was attacking us. Hm. In any case, was always 13 while attacking warren and 01 while he was attacking me. Hm. RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT it's the class silly me. So... if the enemy is attacking you, 0C gets unit id, 12 gets 7E, and accumulator gets defender class. You attacking enemy, 0C and Accum get defender class. $03/C06A AA TAX - Here we're shifting class into X $03/C06B 20 D9 BC JSR $BCD9 [$03:BCD9] - subroutine I will look at later $03/C06E 0A ASL A - Shifting our result from that to the left $03/C06F 20 94 C1 JSR $C194 [$03:C194] - Another subroutine... this one is a tad closer, but I'll still check it later $03/C072 7B TDC - And here we're wiping the accumulator with the direct page again $03/C073 A5 17 LDA $17 [$00:0017] - Loading from 17 into A, remember that 17 was unit-in-battle ID $03/C075 AA TAX - Shift this into X $03/C076 BF B5 F8 7E LDA $7EF8B5,x[$7E:F8BB] - Loading something unit-related here So here we're loading... (all decimals here) 48 for hero, 50 for the knights, 45 for wizard, 42 for Warren. ??? $03/C07A 38 SEC - Set Carry for subtraction $03/C07B EF 26 F9 7E SBC $7EF926[$7E:F926] - Subtract what's at this location from our unknown number. This is a constant for the battle, and it's 00 in this one so I can't really speak much for how it works? Experimentation says that changing it interferes with the sunlight (but not the time of day) and the music (after the balance sheet). Not entirely understanding am I. $03/C07F 10 03 BPL $03 [$C084] - If our result is positive, skip the error correction $03/C081 49 FF EOR #$FF - EOR against 0xFF (render A = -A - 1) $03/C083 1A INC A - Increment A (A is now -A) (ie: we took the absolute value) $03/C084 8D 04 42 STA $4204 [$03:4204] - Store this at 4204 $03/C087 9C 05 42 STZ $4205 [$03:4205] - Store zero at 4205 to ensure 8-bits $03/C08A A9 05 LDA #$05 - Load from 05 into A $03/C08C 8D 06 42 STA $4206 [$03:4206] - And store that at 4206 $03/C08F 20 B8 BF JSR $BFB8 [$03:BFB8] - Another subroutine $03/C092 C2 20 REP #$20 - 16-bit mode $03/C094 A5 04 LDA $04 [$00:0004] - Loading 4 back up, this is our defence + flag bonus $03/C096 38 SEC - Set carry $03/C097 ED 14 42 SBC $4214 [$03:4214] - Subtract what's at 4214 from our defence. And this is? $03/C09A 85 04 STA $04 [$00:0004] - Store result back at 04 $03/C09C B0 02 BCS $02 [$C0A0] - If our result was greater than/equal to zero, skip next instruction $03/C09E C6 04 DEC $04 [$00:0004] - Decrement 04 (here we're taking the absolute again, slightly differently because of being 16-bit here) $03/C0A0 E2 20 SEP #$20 - 8-bit mode $03/C0A2 A9 08 LDA #$08 - Let A = 8 $03/C0A4 20 69 E5 JSR $E569 [$03:E569] - Another subroutine... $03/C0A7 1A INC A - Increment A $03/C0A8 1A INC A - And again $03/C0A9 1A INC A - And again $03/C0AA 20 94 C1 JSR $C194 [$03:C194] - ANOTHER subroutine. We've called this one earlier as well. $03/C0AD A5 05 LDA $05 [$00:0005] - Load 05 into A $03/C0AF F0 04 BEQ $04 [$C0B5] - If 05 is zero, jump ahead a bit $03/C0B1 A9 FF LDA #$FF - Let A = -1 $03/C0B3 80 02 BRA $02 [$C0B7] - Jump ahead a bit $03/C0B5 A5 04 LDA $04 [$00:0004] - Load 04 into A $03/C0B7 8D 02 42 STA $4202 [$03:4202] - Store that at 4202. In effect; if 05 isn't zero, then 04 went below zero earlier (03C097), so let it be -1, otherwise don't alter $03/C0BA AF 34 F9 7E LDA $7EF934[$7E:F934] - Load from here into A $03/C0BE D0 0C BNE $0C [$C0CC] - If it's not zero, jump ahead a bit $03/C0C0 7B TDC - Otherwise, shift DC into A $03/C0C1 AF 3B F9 7E LDA $7EF93B[$7E:F93B] - Load from here into A $03/C0C5 0A ASL A - Shift A Left $03/C0C6 18 CLC - Prep for addition $03/C0C7 69 1A ADC #$1A - Add 0x1A literal $03/C0C9 A8 TAY - Shift that into Y $03/C0CA 80 07 BRA $07 [$C0D3] - Jump ahead a bit $03/C0CC 7B TDC - If it was zero; shift DC into A $03/C0CD AF 3B F9 7E LDA $7EF93B[$7E:F93B] - Load from here into A $03/C0D1 0A ASL A - Shift A left $03/C0D2 A8 TAY - Shift that into Y In other words, if 7EF934 is zero, we get 7EF93B in A, otherwise we get 7EF93B + 0x1A. $03/C0D3 BE F8 8F LDX $8FF8,y[$03:900B] - Load from here + Y into X $03/C0D6 86 10 STX $10 [$00:0010] - And store that at 10. $03/C0D8 7B TDC - Shift direct page into A $03/C0D9 A5 0C LDA $0C [$00:000C] - Load 0C into A $03/C0DB A8 TAY - Shift that into Y $03/C0DC B7 10 LDA [$10],y[$03:F6B3] - Okay. Now load from the address given by what's in 10, + Y $03/C0DE 8D 03 42 STA $4203 [$03:4203] - And store that at 4203 $03/C0E1 20 B8 BF JSR $BFB8 [$03:BFB8] - Subroutine~~~ we've had this one before as well $03/C0E4 AE 16 42 LDX $4216 [$03:4216] - Load 4216 into X $03/C0E7 8E 04 42 STX $4204 [$03:4204] - Store that at 4204 $03/C0EA A9 64 LDA #$64 - Let A = 100 $03/C0EC 8D 06 42 STA $4206 [$03:4206] - Store that at 4206 $03/C0EF 20 B8 BF JSR $BFB8 [$03:BFB8] - The same routine again $03/C0F2 AE 14 42 LDX $4214 [$03:4214] - Load X from 4214 $03/C0F5 86 04 STX $04 [$00:0004] - Store that at 04. Remember that we moved defence out of that earlier (around 03C0B7) $03/C0F7 AF 31 F9 7E LDA $7EF931[$7E:F931] - Load 7EF931 into A $03/C0FB 89 40 BIT #$40 - compare against 40 $03/C0FD F0 1A BEQ $1A [$C119] - If they were equal, jump ahead a bit $03/C0FF AF 34 F9 7E LDA $7EF934[$7E:F934] - Otherwise, load 7EF934 into A $03/C103 D0 14 BNE $14 [$C119] - If that's not zero, jump ahead like the previous jump $03/C105 20 AA C1 JSR $C1AA [$03:C1AA] - Otherwise call this subroutine $03/C108 C2 20 REP #$20 - 16-bit mode!!! About this point maybe I should consider looking at some of those subroutines. I know some of them are going to come up later in this chunk anyway. $03/C10A AD 14 42 LDA $4214 [$03:4214] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C10D 18 CLC A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C10E 65 04 ADC $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C110 10 03 BPL $03 [$C115] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C112 A9 E7 03 LDA #$03E7 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C115 85 04 STA $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C117 E2 20 SEP #$20 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C119 AF 31 F9 7E LDA $7EF931[$7E:F931] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C11D 89 20 BIT #$20 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C11F F0 1A BEQ $1A [$C13B] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C121 AF 34 F9 7E LDA $7EF934[$7E:F934] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C125 F0 14 BEQ $14 [$C13B] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C127 20 AA C1 JSR $C1AA [$03:C1AA] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C12A C2 20 REP #$20 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C12C A5 04 LDA $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C12E 38 SEC A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C12F ED 14 42 SBC $4214 [$03:4214] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C132 10 03 BPL $03 [$C137] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C134 A9 01 00 LDA #$0001 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C137 85 04 STA $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C139 E2 20 SEP #$20 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C13B 7B TDC A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C13C AF 3D F9 7E LDA $7EF93D[$7E:F93D] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C140 AA TAX A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C141 AF 3E F9 7E LDA $7EF93E[$7E:F93E] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C145 A8 TAY A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C146 AF 34 F9 7E LDA $7EF934[$7E:F934] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C14A F0 01 BEQ $01 [$C14D] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C14C BB TYX A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C14D BF 01 F9 7E LDA $7EF901,x[$7E:F907] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C151 0A ASL A A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C152 A8 TAY A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C153 C2 20 REP #$20 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C155 B9 A2 C1 LDA $C1A2,y[$03:C1B5] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C158 18 CLC A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C159 65 04 ADC $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C15B 85 04 STA $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C15D A5 02 LDA $02 [$00:0002] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C15F 38 SEC A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C160 E5 04 SBC $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C162 F0 02 BEQ $02 [$C166] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C164 10 03 BPL $03 [$C169] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C166 A9 01 00 LDA #$0001 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C169 85 04 STA $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C16B E2 20 SEP #$20 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C16D AF 3A F9 7E LDA $7EF93A[$7E:F93A] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C171 C9 13 CMP #$13 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C173 D0 04 BNE $04 [$C179] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C175 64 04 STZ $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C177 64 05 STZ $05 [$00:0005] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C179 C9 A3 CMP #$A3 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C17B D0 0C BNE $0C [$C189] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C17D C2 20 REP #$20 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C17F A5 04 LDA $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C181 4A LSR A A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C182 18 CLC A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C183 65 04 ADC $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C185 85 04 STA $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C187 E2 20 SEP #$20 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C189 20 65 C2 JSR $C265 [$03:C265] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C18C 20 51 BF JSR $BF51 [$03:BF51] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C18F E6 08 INC $08 [$00:0008] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C191 4C 16 C0 JMP $C016 [$03:C016] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C194 EB XBA A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C195 A9 00 LDA #$00 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C197 EB XBA A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C198 C2 20 REP #$20 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C19A 18 CLC A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C19B 65 04 ADC $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C19D 85 04 STA $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C19F E2 20 SEP #$20 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C1A1 60 RTS A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1A2 00 00 BRK #$00 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1A4 04 00 TSB $00 [$00:0000] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1A6 00 00 BRK #$00 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1A8 FC FF D4 JSR ($D4FF,x)[$03:10B0] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1AB 00 D4 BRK #$D4 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1AD 02 D4 COP #$D4 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1AF 04 C2 TSB $C2 [$00:00C2] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1B1 20 A5 04 JSR $04A5 [$03:04A5] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1B4 85 00 STA $00 [$00:0000] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1B6 A9 1E LDA #$1E A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1B8 00 20 BRK #$20 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1BA 99 11 07 STA $0711,y[$03:0724] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1BD 86 00 STX $00 [$00:0000] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1BF A5 03 LDA $03 [$00:0003] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1C1 8D 04 42 STA $4204 [$03:4204] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1C4 E2 20 SEP #$20 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1C6 A9 64 LDA #$64 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1C8 8D 06 42 STA $4206 [$03:4206] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1CB FA PLX A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1CC 86 04 STX $04 [$00:0004] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1CE FA PLX A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1CF 86 02 STX $02 [$00:0002] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1D1 FA PLX A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1D2 86 00 STX $00 [$00:0000] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1D4 60 RTS A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1D5 7B TDC A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1D6 AF 2E F9 7E LDA $7EF92E[$7E:F92E] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1DA 0A ASL A A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1DB A8 TAY A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1DC C2 20 REP #$20 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1DE B9 5D C2 LDA $C25D,y[$03:C270] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C1E1 85 02 STA $02 [$00:0002] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C1E3 A4 00 LDY $00 [$00:0000] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C1E5 B7 0D LDA [$0D],y[$7E:F88C] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C1E7 4A LSR A A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C1E8 18 CLC A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C1E9 65 02 ADC $02 [$00:0002] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C1EB 85 02 STA $02 [$00:0002] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C1ED E2 20 SEP #$20 A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envmxdizc $03/C1EF 7B TDC A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1F0 AF 38 F9 7E LDA $7EF938[$7E:F938] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1F4 AA TAX A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1F5 20 D9 BC JSR $BCD9 [$03:BCD9] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1F8 0A ASL A A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1F9 20 4F C2 JSR $C24F [$03:C24F] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1FC 7B TDC A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1FD A5 00 LDA $00 [$00:0000] A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C1FF 4A LSR A A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc $03/C200 AA TAX A:0064 X:0006 Y:0013 P:envMxdizc