--Battle Kyosuke-- This hand is mine...! In range... I have you now! I don't mind betting on long odds! No one can attack faster than I can...! You're in my striking distance! You're not gonna get your way! Time to show my hand! ...I call! Care to make a little wager? I bet on your downfall...! Careless moves will be your downfall! There won't be a next time...! I have you...! You're mine now...! You're in range...! Go! Your hand is as good as a bluff! You won't get away with this...! I won't miss my mark, Wodan Ymir! This will take care of you! I won't let you get to the other side! ...! I'm in a good position... I have you now! Read 'em and weep! I won this round! It seems...I won this hand. Excellen! It's me! Kyosuke! Can't you tell!? Excellen, this isn't like you...! I'll get you back. Just wait for me, Excellen. Who the hell are you!? Time to fight, Axel Almer. Don't think you can beat me, Axel Almer! You wanna get slugging match with me? You got it, Axel! Wodan Ymir...! I know your tactics, Wodan Ymir. How are you connected to Excellen? I will destroy you and your dreams, Vindel Mauser! You're not going back to your world. You'll die here! What are you after? What's this feeling...? Reveal yourself...! If you don't want to tell the truth, I'll make you talk! So you're the queen bee, huh...? Enough talk. I just have to defeat the head! Axel Almer! I can cover you at this range! Nice hit. Take this too! Sorry to interrupt...! This will do the job...! What're you doing? I'll finish 'em, Excellen! Hold back, Excellen! I'll join in too! Excellen, I'll lend a hand! Bullet, get back! I'll cover you...! Chief couldn't finish 'em? Well, let me try! I'll follow your lead, Chief! Lt. Katina, I'll cover you...! Tasuku, I'm on my way! My turn. Here goes nothin'! This payback attack will hurt! You mustn't approach your enemy without caution! I can still fight...! I've seen your hand, now come see mine. You've come too close! You're mine! You're closer than you think...! You're close enough! I have you now! Take this...! This is my trump card! This'll knock you off guard! I was lucky to last this long... Damn it... I can still move...! Ugh... It's not over yet! I screwed up... but don't go down yet...! You shouldn't drop your guard until you really nail me. I can still move, so I can still fight! Damn! I'm losing ground! Good call, but the bets are still on the table! I've been cornered...!? Damn! I don't think I can bluff my way out now! So I lost the bet... huh? Ugh... Hang in there, Alt...! Alt's armor was pierced!? It pierced the armor!? Hang in there, Alt! There's no point to have speed if the mech is fragile! Fast mechs get destroyed too easily... Tch! Have I pushed the Gespenst too far!? You're the ghost, Gespenst! Don't get ghosted! You're the mightiest shield, Gigan! C'mon! I know you're damaged, but don't die on me yet, Gigan! If you can't dodge it, stop it with your armor, Grungust! Not even Grungust could hold up. What can I do...? The specs are nice, but the Huckbein isn't my style. Tch! I expected this high-spec model to be tougher! I can't shoot you down, Exce! Snap out of it! Ugh...! Axel's gotten the better of me...! Your sword isn't sharp enough to kill me! Don't think you can fool me...! Ugh... Uh! Huh!! Ugh... But...! Ughhh! Tch! I can still fight! I couldn't dodge it! But, I'm far from beaten...! Just one or two more hits and I'd be a goner...! I managed to avoid the fatal wound, but... I got too close!? Shoot...! But, I can still move! Tch! It's faster than I thought! All right, I've finally warmed up! It's on! Ugh...! I miscalculated the distance...!? I reacted too late...! I wouldn't be piloting this, if that bothered me. My armor's damaged, but it's no big deal. Alt, you can take this much, right? Checking for damage. I'm sure this mech's all right. That much damage isn't a problem even in this thing! The damage is worse than I thought! The armor's too thin! Ugh...! Don't die on me yet, Gespenst...! It's not our time to be real ghosts, Gespenst! Whoa! Gigan, I thought you were tougher than this! You're the "Giant Shield", Gigan! Don't let me down! Grungust, can you still move...!? You're a big boy. Your armor should be thick too...! I expected better from this mech... Or is it my fault? You can be a troublesome enemy, Excellen! You can't beat me that easily, Axel Almer! You're as good as Major Sanger, but...! What are you trying to tell me...? Just a scratch... I can keep going. Tch... I thought I could dodge it... That's not enough to stop me! Attacks like that won't slow me down! Woah! It sure shakes a lot, but I'm not that damaged. I couldn't completely block it... That doesn't even count as damage. Did you think that would kill me? I should never overlook small damages, but...! Tch... Did that scratch my armor? Alt is tough. I can still fight! Alt's strength is its armor...! Did it scratch me? This mech is rather too heavy...! Checking damage... No problems here. The armor is too light that damage shakes my whole mech...! With this armor, I can't afford to get hit... Ugh...! Don't you die on me yet, Gespenst! You want to send this ghost to hell? Try harder! The name "Giant Shield" is not for show! Hmph... That doesn't even count as a hit. This "Super Warrior" can take more than that. If I can't get out of the way, I'll just charge! It looks like this IS a high-spec model! I feel hesitation in you! Excellen, fight! It feels like cheating, but it's a valid strategy. Jammer, huh? It's nicer than I thought. It's not my favorite tactic, but it works. Evasive action...! Yeah! If I see it early, this is nothing. You thought that would hit? I'm holding all the cards here. Hmm? Did it nick me? I can dodge if I have to! ...Not close enough! ...How dull. If you want to hit me, you gotta try harder! I can see 'em coming! Dodge! Even Alt can dodge that! Alt...! Dodge it! Don't underestimate Alt just because it's heavy...! The armor may be heavy, but...! This mech's more mobile than it looks! If I can't dodge, there's no point in using this! If you're built for speed, dodge it! I'm used to handling a Gespenst! Gespenst...! Dodge 'em! I see. This mech isn't so bad once you get used to it. Excellen...! Are you aiming at me...!? I see your tricks now, Axel Almer! I won't lose to you...! Why are you following me around!? Why do you keep calling my name? Who are you? Ugh! ...A barrier? My eyes... It feels like cheating, but it's part of the game. A barrier, huh... I guess they're useful. You've got to deal with my barrier, and my armor! ...Tch! I wasted too many bullets early on...! Tch. There's nothing I can do... From here, this conversation is pointless. I'll show you my hand! I'll beat you to it! I'm also equipped with this kind of weapon! I won't let this chance slip away! There isn't any armor I can't tear through with this! Tear through! Stop me... If you can! It may seem a bit outdated, but it's got power! Bunker! Gooo! Size DOES matter after all! Here I come...! I will punch through any armor you have! Point blank. You're mine! This is my trump card! No armor can withstand this! Take 'em all! My trump card's been played! Here's my wild card! I win...! Take this! It's a straight flush! Try and stop my G-Impact Cannon! Connection confirmed... G-Impact Cannon, fire...! This is my weapon of choice...! Setting to B Mode. I'll get it to hit...! How can she use this big weapon easily? This uses non-beam rounds with extra stopping power... Shooting isn't my forte, but I can play that hand! Setting to E Mode. I'll get it to hit...! Sniping isn't my style, but I got no other choice. Alright, Oxtongue Rifle set to D Mode. If this hits, it'll really mess you up! I'll go both high and low...! Shoot through! C'mon, Weiss...! Oxtongue Rifle, D Mode. ...Go! The main cannon, I better make this shot count! Sorry, but I'm used to this range! Giga Blaster isn't my kind of weapon, but here goes! I'm right at home in a fistfight! I'm up close! Take this! This will end it. Calamity Sword! Alright, Grungust... Drive it into 'em! There's always a way if you're close enough! I'm counting on you, Grungust. Draw your Calamity Sword! This sword is easy to wield too! Feel the power of the sharpness of the Calamity Sword! Maximum power, Grungust! Darkness Slash! I can take you down from this range. Calamity Sword, maximum power! Sorry, but I won this round. You're in my sights, the fight's over! Doomblade...! Gooo! Calamity Sword... Doomblade! This'll put an end to you...! From here, do you think you can stop me? Plasma Stake, set...! Can you dodge all these shards? No one can dodge my claymore! They're made of titanium! Here, have a closer look! This thing is loaded with firepower. Feel it for yourself! Bad move! I'll get you with my claymore! I have you now! My wings will rip you apart! Head on is my speciality! I'll rip you to pieces! There! Slash Ripper, fire...! It's like a wraith, but... This'll haunt you in your dreams! ...Go! Full contact is what I do the best! Time to be all fired up! Show me what you can do...! Let's rush in! I'll end this with a Chakram Caster! I'll make mincemeat out of you! Shoot 'em down! Twin Beam Cannon, fire...! I'm going in for a frontal assault! If this drill hits, it'll really mess you up! This horn isn't just for decoration! Boosters on! Time for a major headache! This isn't called "final" for nothing! Grungust, full power! Show me what you can do! There! Boost Knuckle! This fist will finish you! I prefer primitive weapons like this! Have a big lump of metal! An unusual weapon... But, the power's guaranteed! Black Hole Gun, docked! This will... finish you...! Full power! C'mon, Gespenst! I never knew the Gespenst had such a flashy weapon... Go, Stake! This prototype can pull tricks like this! I'm used to ramming into opponents...! This doesn't look like the "ghost's" tactic, but... I'm coming at you from straight ahead! You tell me if it really is the ultimate attack! I'll slash you with this...! Fang Slasher, gooo! You're mine! Taste my fangs...! Slash the enemy...! I'll hit you with a burst of fire_! Don't think you can avoid this! Time to jump in closer! I'm not big on shooting, but... I'm great in close-quarters battles! Try this and find out for yourself...! I'll blow you away! This kind of weapon is my favorite...! I'll use... the Blade Tonfa! It may be a light mech, but it's not just for show...! Take this salvo attack...! R-Blade, show me what you can do...! All right! Up close and personal! I'll slash you...! Don't think that this horn is all I have! The name doesn't indicate the finesse, but... It'll crush... ...Any armor! This could be a worthy successor to Alteisen! Show me if you can withstand this! Tch! I have to remember that this isn't Alt. I don't know about the doctor's design... But this scissor isn't just for show! Feel the power of this attack yourself! I'm willing to bet it all on this attack...! I call! There's no turning back now! Wurger, show me what you can do...! Your pilot skill will decide... Whether or not you'll be my prey! Full-body contact is more my thing! Nothing personal. This is the Wurger's hidden technique...! I... Win...! Top and bottom, both barrels, continuous fire...! I'll shoot through! Falken, I'm counting on you...! If you're based on the Weiss, then you can do this! If this hits, rest assured you won't stand a chance! Sorry, but ramming is my specialty! When it comes to close combat, I won't lose. I'm not big on artillery warfare... ...but I'll get you with this! I'm not really used to this weapon... But I can't be picky at the moment! I'm not good at this kind of weapon, either. The power of this weapon is guaranteed! I'm not good at shooting... But I'm already locked onto you! F-Solid Bazooka, go! I'm not big on artillery warfare... Excellen, let's do this. Huh? Oh, you mean the Love Love Attack! Just watch your timing. Wha? Hey! Kyosuke! Geez! Don't mess around, Excellen! You really are a slave driver. There. Happy? You complain too much! I'm doing it, aren't I? This is...! Our Joker card! ...Right? I'll follow your lead! Ready? Roger! Let's get our love powers charged up! ...... Hey! C'mon, Kyosuke! Work with me here! ...What's this "love power" thing? It's like two lovebirds, of course! Now, how the hell would I know that!? ...Do you want me to aim for Alt instead? ...Whatever. We need to finish this. Yeah! That's right! Let's finish this, Excellen! The moment of truth! Seriously! Right. Just stick to the plan. Aye aye! Here come the barrage! And one to grow on! Gotcha! Take this shot! It's not over yet! Take this too! Ground Zero Howling! Take it! Let's wrap this up, Excellen! OK! This is the goodbye kiss! So... Goodbye! Behold! This is our... True Joker card! ...Right? Let's go, Excellen! Match my timing! Aye aye! Just like always, hmm? Let's do this...! Let's unload everything! Somewhere around there... Fire! There! Here goes! Just as I thought! Take one more! Wow! Perfect setup! It's my turn! C'mon, Excellen! 3...2...1... Awooooo! Eat it! Eat it all! Love Pow...! No, wait... Uh... Joker card! --Battle Excellen-- Alright, I'll end this quickly! There, there! I gotcha! I wouldn't stand there if I were you! Take this and keep the change! Sorry, but you left yourself wide open! Hello there! How's this? It's not much... But here you go! Would you accept my love in this form? Yoo-hoo! Is this good enough for ya? OK, everyone form a line! There's enough for everybody! Wow! You're right where I need you to be! Thanks! Big Sis Excellen is NOT gonna miss, K'? Look out! I gotcha! Lemme see what I can do! How's this? You lined up for me? How thoughtful! I can pierce all your hearts at once! We'll end this in one quick swift motion! You're... Me? Wait... You're who in the what now? Hey there! Have another! Me too, me too! Let me play! Wow! Nice placement! I'm actually a pretty devoted woman, y'know? Move, move! I'll get your back, Kyosuke! Geez! Do I always have to pick up after you, Kyosuke!? Kyo-Kyo! Oops, am I smothering you too much? Bullet, Big Sis has... your... BACK! Ain't I useful, Boss? How about a raise? Hey handsome, need some help? I'll make it cheap! Ma chere soeur! Pardonnez moi! Just leave it to your Big Sis Exce! Women always reward those who bear gifts! This'll sting a little...! Now then, it's my turn! You had a shot with me and you blew it!? Have a li'l somethin' somethin' to remember me by! Do you wanna bet you can't handle me? When you hit on a hottie, she might hit back! Get it? You knew I'd return your feelings, didn't you? Where's Kyosuke when I really need him!? W-W-Whoa! I'm in serious serious trouble! A direct hit!? I can still move, though, right!? Hey! You're not cheating, are ya!? Woah, hey! Time out! Shoot...! I can still move, but I can't perform... Oww... This wasn't part of the battle plan! Ow! I can't die single! Hey! Stop picking on a helpless little girl! You're supposed to treat women with respect! Please, be more gentle! Weissy's gonna need some plastic surgery... Weissy, just hang on a little more, OK? Be more considerate to my delicate Weissy, OK? I told you not to get hit! You have fragile skin! Alty, you're supposed to be tough, right!? Kyosuke's gonna yell at me for this! Gespy, you gotta be more spirited! Wow! Gespy's turning into a ghost in name and body! Giggsy's had it, too... C'mon, Giggsy! You're the mightiest shield! Hey! You can do better than this, Grungy! Ouch! Don't tell me this armor's for show, Grungy! I thought you were a high-spec model, R-Gun! C'mon! Is it due to the awkward transform system? So fragile. Hit again? Hucky, you need to do better! Something's wrong! Hucky shouldn't be damaged like this! Wow! That was a bold move! Ow ow ow! I felt that one. Float like a butterfl--Aaah! Why am I getting stung!? Float like a bee, sting like a... ...That's not it. Ow! Wow! Such a good effort! Ow! That attack has some punch to it. Hey! Don't be so mean! I don't like it rough. Wow! Such a bad choice! Am I doomed!? Wah! Oh, stop it, now! Hey, watch it! Weissy's armor's thin, y'know! You took quite a hit there, eh, Weissy? You're still OK, right, Weissy? You really are tough, aren'tcha, Alty? Alty, you're still ready to go, right? Don't mess with Gespy! He can still fight! It's not time for us to be ghosted! Giggsy! You sure are tough. Keep up your great defense, Giggsy. Woah! You can still fight, right, Grungy? Wow! You're shaking pretty hard, Grungust. Not yet! R-Gun can do much better than this! This mech can do more than transform into a gun! Huckie-chan, you can do this! Ouch! C'mon, Hucky! Stop messing around! That didn't even smear my makeup. Wow! That scared me! Stop scratching me! I have tender creamy skin! Hey! Where're your manners? Wow! Well, not everything will go my way. All this shaking's making me sick. Ugh... That's not enough to rattle my guard down. That didn't do anything for me. I mean, TO me! If you keep hitting me like that, you might eventually hurt me. Don't you hate aggression without delicacy involved? Gigansky! You sure are tough. Keep up your great defense, Gigansky. Huckle-chan, you can do this! Boat like a flutterby, sing like a flea! I can easily dodge this when I can anticipate your moves. Thank you, thank you. And for my next move... Ta-da! Wow! It takes more effort than that to win my heart! Tsk, tsk. Sorry sweety. Cheer up. Nobody says you suck. Even though you do... I could be Miss EFA, but you just MISS! Buh-hurn! Wow, that was a close one! Ha! Alright, next! Sayonara, my little sucker! Toooooooo baaad! You don't know my Weissy's speed, do you? You're so quick, Weissy! Who's the best Weissy in the world? Yes, you are! Wow! Even Alty was able to dodge that! Even if it's hefty, you just need a little more will! Emergency evasive maneuver! Dance, Gespy! Behold! This is the Gespy dance! Gigansky's got moves! You got served! C'mon, Gigansky! Dodge, please! If you lost weight, Grungy, you could dodge more easily. Even Grungy managed to avoid that! No wonder this is a high-spec model! Such grace! It's so fast and the R-Gun isn't even red! C'mon, Hucky! Move to the groove! You make me feel safe, Hucky! Ms. Jammer! This is your cue! *wink* Did I blind you with my beauty? Even the missiles feel bad about hitting me. Wow! So bright... That's why I don't like barriers. Absolute defense, and it's nice and cozy! Great! This is pretty useful. It gives me smile! Ooh, isn't this great? What!? Geez... My mech's all out of toys. That's not a very nice way to attack! Oh,that's just not fair! Here's something to remember me by! Big Sis Excellen's gonna take care of you all! *Chuckle* You shouldn't huddle together lihe that! Let's see, the B Mode... OK! Here it comes! This doesn't go far, but it's got power! This rifle's gonna "HOWL!" Howling Rifle, E mode! Here goes! Awoooo! Here comes the Howling Rifle! It's a lot like the Oxtongue Rifle, y'know? Now! Let's start the party! Awoooooooo! ...Ling Rifle... Fire! Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! I know this weapon's a little weird, but... Don't ask me how this weapon works! D mode! The D stands for "Damn, she's sexy!" You know, Sexy's my middle name. Excell Sexy Browning. No, wait. This is X mode! Gotcha! Anyway, let's fire this baby! Ch-ching! Ain't it cool? OK! Let's blast somebody! Alone, I can only shoot something this big. If I had someone on top, I can do something bigger! Hi-ho, Gunner! Awaayyyy!! Let's blow 'em away! This doesn't go very far. Oxtongue Rifle, B Mode! Take it away, Weissy! Did you know my rifle is named after a spear? The B stands for "Brilliant." ...Do you believe me? Oxtongue Rifle, E Mode... Go! I'll getcha with this Oxtongue Rifle! The E Mode flies pretty far, y'know! The E stands for... "Excellen!" OK, that joke sucked. This moment of pain is brought to you by the letter D! D stands for Destroy, Demolish, Demise, DOOOOM! Now, for the moment you've been waiting for! *wink* I'm gonna come on strong! Can you handle it? Set it to D Mode, and... Now, then! Welcome to crossfire heaven! It's party time! Ready...? Go! Pop quiz, hot shot! What does D stand for? Destroyer? Demon? My cup size? D is for DEB! 'Cuz it's followed by E and B, see? D is also for Diet! But never mind that! I'm not on a diet! Wah! Big mechs carry the biggest guns! Prepare ze cannon! Fire! *wink* You like it hot? A giga-blast from a giga-mech! Giggsy Punch! It's a one-hit combo! Here's some words to live by: Respect the fist! Alright! Ca! La! Mi! Ty! Swoooorrrrd! Hiyaaaaaah! Let's try a different presentation! Calamity... Swoorrrrrd!! I'll show you Grungy's ultimate move! Here it is! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! There's nothing I can't cut with my Calamity Sword! Improvise! It's Calamity Sword Jazz! I'm in 6/8 time! But you're OUT of time! Darkness Slash! Now for a winning pose! How's this? I wonder where this sword goes when I'm not using it? Oh well, who cares! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! Let's not sweat the small stuff, OK? Doomblade! Shall we? I'm the master of the sword. ...Don'cha think? Earth above, stars below... Wait, that's not it. Forget it! Doomblade! Slash! This'll finish you! Gespy Puuuunch! Maybe no Gespy Kick this time? Hiyaaah! There's no armor I can't pierce through! You've hit the jackpot! Let's see what you've won! Bullet spray, fire! ...Kyosuke sure likes this stuff. Sorry for the wait! Here's your order of claymores! Charrrrge! Just call me Excellen the Ripper! Li'l Ripper, do your job, 'K? Gespy Cutter! Run along now, little Cutter. Yo-yo blade, go! Just stay out of the reach of children, 'K? Chakram! Can you spell that? Careful... Careful... Gotcha! Twin Beam Cannon, fire! Guys like drills? Sounds kinda Freudian to me. I can shoot anything! What should I hit? Beetle Blaaade! ...Kyosuke won't like that name. This is hot, y'know? If it wasn't, it'd be Tepid Horn. Saishu Kosen! ...That's what we shoulda named this. This is it! It's the Penultimate Beam! No, wait... Grungy Rocket! I mean... Boost Punch! You feeling down? I'll give you a Boost... Knuckle! I wonder who came up with this... Hiiiya! Hammeeeer! Black Hole Gun, won't ya come, 'n wash away the rain? It'll take a white hole to get out of this! This is the finishing touch! BAM! I'm firing the Vacuum Cleaner Gun! ZOOM! This weapon doesn't really suit Gespy, does it? Excuse me? Isn't this kinda too funky for Gespy? I can't let this chance pass me by, y'know? I'm gonna penetrate, then go deeper and deeper! Welcome to armor-piercing heaven! Resist me if...you...can. *wink* Revolv... Ack! I bit my tongue... Lemme try that again. Revolver Stake! So manly! I'll kiss you goodbye! Super Omega attack!! Alright! This meeting is officially adjourned! This'll send you flying! 3... 2... 1... Lift off! Leave it to Big Sis, m'kay? Fly to heaven, little birdie! Behold the power of this superhero-style kick!! Gespyyyy Kiiiiick!! Don't you underestimate Gespy! Hiyaa! Ultra... Lightning... Kiiiick! Lemme try that again. Revolver Bunker! So manly! This is the goodbye kiss! Time for a cool aerial attack! The crazy angle represents a woman's heart! If you don't get the metaphor, ask my Fang Slasher! With a loving heart... I present to you this FANG SLASHER! Here's a little gift for you! Fang Slasher! Let's think of the enemy as Kyosuke being stubborn! Stupid stupid stupid idiot Kyosuke!! Let's do this in style for change! Geist Knuckle! Pow! Right in the kisser! My life philosophy: enemies and love can't escape. Blow 'em all away! Hyper Twin Launchers! If I don't use this, it'll just go to waste. It'll hurt more since two beams fuse together! Big Sis is gonna give you something special! Don't take that the wrong way, sorry. Bye! This is gonna hurt! It might hurt me, too... But I gotta do it! Round and round... Ah...it's making me sick... Wurger's sword is super sharp! There's nothing I can't cut... Just kidding! This weapon's hot, just like my boy Kyosuke! By the way, this isn't a crab. It's a stag beetle! OK, kids. Class dismissed. Let's lose the flab! Wow! I feel thinner already! Sigh... If only it was that easy for humans... Wait a minute! I don't need to lose weight! I just need to lose damage! Little Sis is just as good as Big Sis! Set it for D Mode... Then, hasta la vista, baby! It's simple like flying over a few trees for a Falken. Click, click! Change the mode and... Fire! D stands for "Deli!" It's a wide variety of only the freshest attacks! When you make this attack, you have to scream its name! Ready? 1, 2, 3... GIGA UNGHIAAAAAAA! "Sonker," set! Let's do this in super sonic speed! Charrrge! No one can stop me now! Am I bit wild today? Take this, bozos! Ha ha ha! Fire! Fire! Hail of bullets! I might go broke if I waste all my money on bullets... I'll have to ask Kyosuke for some cash later! Time to charge in! Asty's ultimate attack! Missile dance! I'll kiss you goodbye with this! This weapon's a little odd, but I like it! Halberd Shooter! Fire! A halberd's a kind of spear. Got it memorized? 'Cuz there'll be a test later, OK? This weapon is under my charm! It follows my every will! But you're not worth charming! Take it! Heart Breaker, fire! I loved playing hide-and-seek when I was a kid! Where is my favorite target? Found ya! Here comes the big one! Let's have a great big firework! Ignite! Excellen, let's do this. Huh? Oh, you mean the Love Love Attack! Just watch your timing. Wha? Hey! Kyosuke! Geez! Don't mess around, Excellen! You really are a slave driver. There. Happy? You complain too much! I'm doing it, aren't I? This is...! Our Joker card! ...Right? I'll follow your lead! Ready? Roger! Let's get our love powers charged up! ...... Hey! C'mon, Kyosuke! Work with me here! ...What's this "love power" thing? It's like two lovebirds, of course! Now, how the hell would I know that!? ...Do you want me to aim for Alt instead? ...Whatever. We need to finish this. Yeah! That's right! Let's finish this, Excellen! The moment of truth! Seriously! Right. Just stick to the plan. Aye aye! Here comes the barrage! And one to grow on! Gotcha! Take this! It's not over yet! Take this too! Ground Zero Howling! Take it! Let's wrap this up, Excellen! OK! This is the goodbye kiss! So... Goodbye! Behold! This is our... True Joker card! ...Right? Let's go, Excellen! Match my timing! Aye aye! Just like always, hmm? Let's do this...! Let's unload everything! Somewhere around there... Fire! There! Here goes! Just as I thought! Take one more! Wow! Perfect setup! It's my turn! C'mon, Excellen! 3...2...1... Awooooo! Eat it! Eat it all! Love Pow...! No, wait... Uh... Joker card! Our turn, Gigansky! Gigantic Burst Attaaack! Phew... I'm exhausted! Multiple perpetrators! Go get 'em, missiles! Tracer Missiles, follow the dotted line! Fire! Gunner's job is to shoot! Oh... You knew that? Gunner's got all kinds of weapons! Enjoy! I can do it! I can do it three times! The missiles are ready! Adios, muchachos! --Battle Ebil Excellen-- ...You won't get away... ...You're going down... ...... ...Goodbye Kiss... ... ...Now... I gotcha... ...Out of my way... ...What... are you...to me...? What is this...? I feel confused... Kyosuke... ...Ky... os... uke...? I'm...a... pretty... devoted... girl... I'll... cover you... ...You won't get away... !! ...Whoa... ...whoa... ...I can't ...stop... Kyo...suke? ...Not... ...bad... ...Direct... ...hit... Kyosuke... ...I... ...This... ...is nothing... Won't... ...work... Kyosuke... ...it's useless... Float... Butterfly... Sting... bee... Kyosuke... ...my dear... ...This is... ...nothing... --Battle Excellen-- Alright, I'll end this quickly! There, there! I gotcha! I wouldn't stand there if I were you! Take this and keep the change! Sorry, but you left yourself wide open! Hello there! How's this? It's not much... But here you go! Would you accept my love in this form? Yoo-hoo! Is this good enough for ya? OK, everyone form a line! There's enough for everybody! Wow! You're right where I need you to be! Thanks! Big Sis Excellen is NOT gonna miss, K'? Look out! I gotcha! Lemme see what I can do! How's this? You lined up for me? How thoughtful! I can pierce all your hearts at once! We'll end this in one quick swift motion! You're... Me? Wait... You're who in the what now? Hey there! Have another! Me too, me too! Let me play! Wow! Nice placement! I'm actually a pretty devoted woman, y'know? Move, move! I'll get your back, Kyosuke! Geez! Do I always have to pick up after you, Kyosuke!? Kyo-Kyo! Oops, am I smothering you too much? Bullet, Big Sis has... your... BACK! Ain't I useful, Boss? How about a raise? Hey handsome, need some help? I'll make it cheap! Ma chere soeur! Pardonnez moi! Just leave it to your Big Sis Exce! Women always reward those who bear gifts! This'll sting a little...! Now then, it's my turn! You had a shot with me and you blew it!? Have a li'l somethin' somethin' to remember me by! Do you wanna bet you can't handle me? When you hit on a hottie, she might hit back! Get it? You knew I'd return your feelings, didn't you? Where's Kyosuke when I really need him!? W-W-Whoa! I'm in serious serious trouble! A direct hit!? I can still move, though, right!? Hey! You're not cheating, are ya!? Woah, hey! Time out! Shoot...! I can still move, but I can't perform... Oww... This wasn't part of the battle plan! Ow! I can't die single! Hey! Stop picking on a helpless little girl! You're supposed to treat women with respect! Please, be more gentle! Weissy's gonna need some plastic surgery... Weissy, just hang on a little more, OK? Be more considerate to my delicate Weissy, OK? I told you not to get hit! You have fragile skin! Alty, you're supposed to be tough, right!? Kyosuke's gonna yell at me for this! Gespy, you gotta be more spirited! Wow! Gespy's turning into a ghost in name and body! Giggsy's had it, too... C'mon, Giggsy! You're the mightiest shield! Hey! You can do better than this, Grungy! Ouch! Don't tell me this armor's for show, Grungy! I thought you were a high-spec model, R-Gun! C'mon! Is it due to the awkward transform system? So fragile. Hit again? Hucky, you need to do better! Something's wrong! Hucky shouldn't be damaged like this! Wow! That was a bold move! Ow ow ow! I felt that one. Float like a butterfl--Aaah! Why am I getting stung!? Float like a bee, sting like a... ...That's not it. Ow! Wow! Such a good effort! Ow! That attack has some punch to it. Hey! Don't be so mean! I don't like it rough. Wow! Such a bad choice! Am I doomed!? Wah! Oh, stop it, now! Hey, watch it! Weissy's armor's thin, y'know! You took quite a hit there, eh, Weissy? You're still OK, right, Weissy? You really are tough, aren'tcha, Alty? Alty, you're still ready to go, right? Don't mess with Gespy! He can still fight! It's not time for us to be ghosted! Giggsy! You sure are tough. Keep up your great defense, Giggsy. Woah! You can still fight, right, Grungy? Wow! You're shaking pretty hard, Grungust. Not yet! R-Gun can do much better than this! This mech can do more than transform into a gun! Huckie-chan, you can do this! Ouch! C'mon, Hucky! Stop messing around! That didn't even smear my makeup. Wow! That scared me! Stop scratching me! I have tender creamy skin! Hey! Where're your manners? Wow! Well, not everything will go my way. All this shaking's making me sick. Ugh... That's not enough to rattle my guard down. That didn't do anything for me. I mean, TO me! If you keep hitting me like that, you might eventually hurt me. Don't you hate aggression without delicacy involved? Gigansky! You sure are tough. Keep up your great defense, Gigansky. Huckle-chan, you can do this! Boat like a flutterby, sing like a flea! I can easily dodge this when I can anticipate your moves. Thank you, thank you. And for my next move... Ta-da! Wow! It takes more effort than that to win my heart! Tsk, tsk. Sorry sweety. Cheer up. Nobody says you suck. Even though you do... I could be Miss EFA, but you just MISS! Buh-hurn! Wow, that was a close one! Ha! Alright, next! Sayonara, my little sucker! Toooooooo baaad! You don't know my Weissy's speed, do you? You're so quick, Weissy! Who's the best Weissy in the world? Yes, you are! Wow! Even Alty was able to dodge that! Even if it's hefty, you just need a little more will! Emergency evasive maneuver! Dance, Gespy! Behold! This is the Gespy dance! Gigansky's got moves! You got served! C'mon, Gigansky! Dodge, please! If you lost weight, Grungy, you could dodge more easily. Even Grungy managed to avoid that! No wonder this is a high-spec model! Such grace! It's so fast and the R-Gun isn't even red! C'mon, Hucky! Move to the groove! You make me feel safe, Hucky! Ms. Jammer! This is your cue! *wink* Did I blind you with my beauty? Even the missiles feel bad about hitting me. Wow! So bright... That's why I don't like barriers. Absolute defense, and it's nice and cozy! Great! This is pretty useful. It gives me smile! Ooh, isn't this great? What!? Geez... My mech's all out of toys. That's not a very nice way to attack! Oh,that's just not fair! Here's something to remember me by! Big Sis Excellen's gonna take care of you all! *Chuckle* You shouldn't huddle together lihe that! Let's see, the B Mode... OK! Here it comes! This doesn't go far, but it's got power! This rifle's gonna "HOWL!" Howling Rifle, E mode! Here goes! Awoooo! Here comes the Howling Rifle! It's a lot like the Oxtongue Rifle, y'know? Now! Let's start the party! Awoooooooo! ...Ling Rifle... Fire! Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! I know this weapon's a little weird, but... Don't ask me how this weapon works! D mode! The D stands for "Damn, she's sexy!" You know, Sexy's my middle name. Excell Sexy Browning. No, wait. This is X mode! Gotcha! Anyway, let's fire this baby! Ch-ching! Ain't it cool? OK! Let's blast somebody! Alone, I can only shoot something this big. If I had someone on top, I can do something bigger! Hi-ho, Gunner! Awaayyyy!! Let's blow 'em away! This doesn't go very far. Oxtongue Rifle, B Mode! Take it away, Weissy! Did you know my rifle is named after a spear? The B stands for "Brilliant." ...Do you believe me? Oxtongue Rifle, E Mode... Go! I'll getcha with this Oxtongue Rifle! The E Mode flies pretty far, y'know! The E stands for... "Excellen!" OK, that joke sucked. This moment of pain is brought to you by the letter D! D stands for Destroy, Demolish, Demise, DOOOOM! Now, for the moment you've been waiting for! *wink* I'm gonna come on strong! Can you handle it? Set it to D Mode, and... Now, then! Welcome to crossfire heaven! It's party time! Ready...? Go! Pop quiz, hot shot! What does D stand for? Destroyer? Demon? My cup size? D is for DEB! 'Cuz it's followed by E and B, see? D is also for Diet! But never mind that! I'm not on a diet! Wah! Big mechs carry the biggest guns! Prepare ze cannon! Fire! *wink* You like it hot? A giga-blast from a giga-mech! Giggsy Punch! It's a one-hit combo! Here's some words to live by: Respect the fist! Alright! Ca! La! Mi! Ty! Swoooorrrrd! Hiyaaaaaah! Let's try a different presentation! Calamity... Swoorrrrrd!! I'll show you Grungy's ultimate move! Here it is! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! There's nothing I can't cut with my Calamity Sword! Improvise! It's Calamity Sword Jazz! I'm in 6/8 time! But you're OUT of time! Darkness Slash! Now for a winning pose! How's this? I wonder where this sword goes when I'm not using it? Oh well, who cares! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! Let's not sweat the small stuff, OK? Doomblade! Shall we? I'm the master of the sword. ...Don'cha think? Earth above, stars below... Wait, that's not it. Forget it! Doomblade! Slash! This'll finish you! Gespy Puuuunch! Maybe no Gespy Kick this time? Hiyaaah! There's no armor I can't pierce through! You've hit the jackpot! Let's see what you've won! Bullet spray, fire! ...Kyosuke sure likes this stuff. Sorry for the wait! Here's your order of claymores! Charrrrge! Just call me Excellen the Ripper! Li'l Ripper, do your job, 'K? Gespy Cutter! Run along now, little Cutter. Yo-yo blade, go! Just stay out of the reach of children, 'K? Chakram! Can you spell that? Careful... Careful... Gotcha! Twin Beam Cannon, fire! Guys like drills? Sounds kinda Freudian to me. I can shoot anything! What should I hit? Beetle Blaaade! ...Kyosuke won't like that name. This is hot, y'know? If it wasn't, it'd be Tepid Horn. Saishu Kosen! ...That's what we shoulda named this. This is it! It's the Penultimate Beam! No, wait... Grungy Rocket! I mean... Boost Punch! You feeling down? I'll give you a Boost... Knuckle! I wonder who came up with this... Hiiiya! Hammeeeer! Black Hole Gun, won't ya come, 'n wash away the rain? It'll take a white hole to get out of this! This is the finishing touch! BAM! I'm firing the Vacuum Cleaner Gun! ZOOM! This weapon doesn't really suit Gespy, does it? Excuse me? Isn't this kinda too funky for Gespy? I can't let this chance pass me by, y'know? I'm gonna penetrate, then go deeper and deeper! Welcome to armor-piercing heaven! Resist me if...you...can. *wink* Revolv... Ack! I bit my tongue... Lemme try that again. Revolver Stake! So manly! I'll kiss you goodbye! Super Omega attack!! Alright! This meeting is officially adjourned! This'll send you flying! 3... 2... 1... Lift off! Leave it to Big Sis, m'kay? Fly to heaven, little birdie! Behold the power of this superhero-style kick!! Gespyyyy Kiiiiick!! Don't you underestimate Gespy! Hiyaa! Ultra... Lightning... Kiiiick! Lemme try that again. Revolver Bunker! So manly! This is the goodbye kiss! Time for a cool aerial attack! The crazy angle represents a woman's heart! If you don't get the metaphor, ask my Fang Slasher! With a loving heart... I present to you this FANG SLASHER! Here's a little gift for you! Fang Slasher! Let's think of the enemy as Kyosuke being stubborn! Stupid stupid stupid idiot Kyosuke!! Let's do this in style for change! Geist Knuckle! Pow! Right in the kisser! My life philosophy: enemies and love can't escape. Blow 'em all away! Hyper Twin Launchers! If I don't use this, it'll just go to waste. It'll hurt more since two beams fuse together! Big Sis is gonna give you something special! Don't take that the wrong way, sorry. Bye! This is gonna hurt! It might hurt me, too... But I gotta do it! Round and round... Ah...it's making me sick... Wurger's sword is super sharp! There's nothing I can't cut... Just kidding! This weapon's hot, just like my boy Kyosuke! By the way, this isn't a crab. It's a stag beetle! OK, kids. Class dismissed. Let's lose the flab! Wow! I feel thinner already! Sigh... If only it was that easy for humans... Wait a minute! I don't need to lose weight! I just need to lose damage! Little Sis is just as good as Big Sis! Set it for D Mode... Then, hasta la vista, baby! It's simple like flying over a few trees for a Falken. Click, click! Change the mode and... Fire! D stands for "Deli!" It's a wide variety of only the freshest attacks! When you make this attack, you have to scream its name! Ready? 1, 2, 3... GIGA UNGHIAAAAAAA! "Sonker," set! Let's do this in super sonic speed! Charrrge! No one can stop me now! Am I bit wild today? Take this, bozos! Ha ha ha! Fire! Fire! Hail of bullets! I might go broke if I waste all my money on bullets... I'll have to ask Kyosuke for some cash later! Time to charge in! Asty's ultimate attack! Missile dance! I'll kiss you goodbye with this! This weapon's a little odd, but I like it! Halberd Shooter! Fire! A halberd's a kind of spear. Got it memorized? 'Cuz there'll be a test later, OK? This weapon is under my charm! It follows my every will! But you're not worth charming! Take it! Heart Breaker, fire! I loved playing hide-and-seek when I was a kid! Where is my favorite target? Found ya! Here comes the big one! Let's have a great big firework! Ignite! Excellen, let's do this. Huh? Oh, you mean the Love Love Attack! Just watch your timing. Wha? Hey! Kyosuke! Geez! Don't mess around, Excellen! You really are a slave driver. There. Happy? You complain too much! I'm doing it, aren't I? This is...! Our Joker card! ...Right? I'll follow your lead! Ready? Roger! Let's get our love powers charged up! ...... Hey! C'mon, Kyosuke! Work with me here! ...What's this "love power" thing? It's like two lovebirds, of course! Now, how the hell would I know that!? ...Do you want me to aim for Alt instead? ...Whatever. We need to finish this. Yeah! That's right! Let's finish this, Excellen! The moment of truth! Seriously! Right. Just stick to the plan. Aye aye! Here comes the barrage! And one to grow on! Gotcha! Take this! It's not over yet! Take this too! Ground Zero Howling! Take it! Let's wrap this up, Excellen! OK! This is the goodbye kiss! So... Goodbye! Behold! This is our... True Joker card! ...Right? Let's go, Excellen! Match my timing! Aye aye! Just like always, hmm? Let's do this...! Let's unload everything! Somewhere around there... Fire! There! Here goes! Just as I thought! Take one more! Wow! Perfect setup! It's my turn! C'mon, Excellen! 3...2...1... Awooooo! Eat it! Eat it all! Love Pow...! No, wait... Uh... Joker card! Our turn, Gigansky! Gigantic Burst Attaaack! Phew... I'm exhausted! Multiple perpetrators! Go get 'em, missiles! Tracer Missiles, follow the dotted line! Fire! Gunner's job is to shoot! Oh... You knew that? Gunner's got all kinds of weapons! Enjoy! I can do it! I can do it three times! The missiles are ready! Adios, muchachos! --Battle Ebil Excellen-- ...You won't get away... ...You're going down... ...... ...Goodbye Kiss... ... ...Now... I gotcha... ...Out of my way... ...What... are you...to me...? What is this...? I feel confused... Kyosuke... ...Ky... os... uke...? I'm...a... pretty... devoted... girl... I'll... cover you... ...You won't get away... !! ...Whoa... ...whoa... ...I can't ...stop... Kyo...suke? ...Not... ...bad... ...Direct... ...hit... Kyosuke... ...I... ...This... ...is nothing... Won't... ...work... Kyosuke... ...it's useless... Float... Butterfly... Sting... bee... Kyosuke... ...my dear... ...This is... ...nothing... --Battle Classic Bullet-- Go! Attack! Eat this! Take this! Go down! There's nowhere for you to run! Say your prayers! Aaaargh! Charge!! Take 'em out! I won't lose to you! Leave it to me! Take this! Omega Blaster! Hit the enemy in an instant! Your formation was a total failure! I'll crush your formation! One more push! I see another chance to knock you down! I can't pass this chance to attack! Lt. Kyosuke, I'll cover you! Perfect timing! We can do this! He may not need my assistance, but I must make sure! Lt. Excellen! Leave the rest to me! I'll follow your lead, Lt. Excellen! Major Sanger, I will cover you! Major Sanger, let's perform a combo attack! Kusuha! I can handle the rest of them! Kusuha, I'll cover you! Leave this to me, Kusuha! Tasuku, you're too careless! Sorry, Tasuku, but I'll take over from here! Ryoto, I'll help you! Leona, I'll cover you! The fight has just begun! Now I know your true skill! Your attack has failed! OK... I'll play your game. It's not over yet! I will do more than just defend! The best defense is a good offense! I'm not done with you yet! I can still go on! I won't give up! Don't fool yourself into thinking it's over! Bullet! Ugh! Losing here... I must be an amateur after all...! Ughaa! Wh-What's with this enemy's power!? Ugh! I can't die here...! Damn! Don't think this will make me back down! Ugh! My primary armor has been ripped away! I-I'm not done yet! I still have the power to keep fighting! Ugh! S-Such pain... I won't forget this!! I-I can't die here while others are fighting on! I-It crushed this mech's armor so easily!? Argh... I'm still OK, thanks to my heavy armor... This isn't good! The damage is down to the frame! Ughh! I-I knew this mech was fragile, but... I thought my mobility was greater than the enemy's...! Come on, MKII! It's not over yet! Argh! D-Don't go berserk on me, Huckebein! I-I don't think the Gespenst can take much more...! Aaaaah! Ugh! You may tear my flesh, but I'll break your bones! You hit me!? Well, you won't get lucky twice! That doesn't scare me! Come on, already! I'm ready for anything! You can't beat me with these half-assed attacks! You couldn't finish me off all at once, huh? Too bad! Nice attack! But I won't let you do that again! With this mech, I can still go on! Ugh! I hate to rely only on this mech's armor, but...! Th-This mech is more durable than I expected... Tch! I couldn't maneuver the mech fast enough to dodge that! Th-There won't be a next time for this mech... I'll show you how a skilled pilot uses the MkII! Ugh! I must push this MkII to the limit! Don't think that this is all the Gespenst can do! If I feared failure, I wouldn't even try to fight! I'm ashamed. I couldn't dodge in time... Sorry, but you're just no match for me! That little scratch doesn't faze me! Damn! I need more practice...! I see. I need to practice my dodging some more! If that's all you can do, you should just give up! My mech saved me. With this mech, I can be a little reckless...! Tch! I can't believe you caught up with my mech! Ugh! I-I must bring out the best in this mech! So you've come for my mech after all! !! The MkII can still fight! Ugh! I guess I was relying too much on the MkII's specs...! A puny attack like that won't beat a Gespenst! That attack won't work! Engage Jammer! You failed to see what I had equipped! You have to act boldly in a situation like this! You've got to be closer than that to actually hit me! I will dodge! You're too slow! That was a good attack. But better luck next time! I will predict your attack maneuvers! Focus on the attack... Then evade! You were too far away when you attacked me! Your moves are easily to anticipate! I won't let you get to me so easily! What's wrong? I'm over here! You can't hit me!! Even if this is a slow mech, I can predict your moves... My mech's agility is awesome! Good response time! You can't beat my maneuverability! Of all the mechs, I can't have this one damaged! Good response time, MkII! You'll pay if you underestimate the speed of this mech! I can pilot this mech quite well, y'know! I would never do such thing! It's no use! I'll face you head-to-head! Why don't you try again? That won't work! Good! It worked well! G-Wall, activate! G-Territory, activate! Telekinetic Field, activate! Damn! I can't attack!? Huh!? I misjudged the distance... I'll blow you all to bits! All targets locked on. Fire! I'll blow you all away! Take this! Fire! Target locked on! Fire! You're going down! Hit 'em! Take this shot! Now! Get ready! G-Impact Cannon, Fire! Take my ultimate attack! Target locked on! Focus and aim! Eye Laser! Oxtongue Rifle, set to mode B! Fire! Target locked Fire! Take this! Oxtongue Rifle! Oxtongue Rifle, set to mode E! Fire! Get ready! Oxtongue Rifle! Mode D,Fire! Oxtongue Rifle, set to mode D! Fire! Set to mode D! Fire! Omega Cannon, fire! Eat this! Giga Blaster! Get ready! Giga Blaster, fire! Here I go! Calamity... Sword! Calamity Sword! Your end has come! Type-1 Sword! Calamity Sword, Darkness Slash! You're finished! You're finished! Darkness Slash! Focus on the enemy... and slash!! You're finished! Doomblade! Type 2's sword! Stars above, Earth below... The ultimate attack! Doomblade! Jet Magnum! Plasma Stakes, set! Destroy them! Jet Magnum! Get ready! Heavy Claymore, fire! I know this is risky... But I have no choice...! Eat this! Heavy Claymore! Claymores ready! Fire! Spiral Attack! Fly! Slash Ripper! Tear the enemy to shreds! Slash Ripper!! Slash Ripper, ready! Double Omega Laser! Chakram Caster, Go! Chakram ready! Go! Fly! Chakram Caster! Twin Beam Cannon, Fire! Eat this! Boost Hammer! Crush 'em! Boost Hammer! I can get you from here! I've caught you offguard! Slash away! The first strike! One slash is good enough to nail you! Swordmanship is my speciality! Drill Attack! Alt can use this type of weapon, too! Missiles, fire! Final Beam! The ultimate attack! Final Beam! Boost Knuckle, go! Go! Boost Knuckle!! Eat this! Boost Knuckle! Black Hole Gun, fire! Eat this! Black Hole Gun! Say your prayers! Maxiblaster! Focus and... aim... Maxiblaster, fire!! Here you go... Mega Blaster! Rip Slasher, ready! Go! Rip Slasher, go! Revolver Stake! Pierce 'em! I still have an ace up my sleeve! Your end is here! Concentrate on the attack! I'm gonna hit you with all I got! Drill Knuckle, go! Now, take this! Ultimate move! Gespeeeeeenst... Kiiiiiick!! This is no ordinary Gespenst! Eat this! Ultimate Kick! Revolver Bunker! Fang Slasher! I can use more than swords! Get ready! Blade Tonfa! Yaaaah! Taste the power of the Gigan! Go! Giga Unghia!! Time to dive, Gigan! Witness the power with your own eyes! Giga Unghia! Sonic Breaker! Here I come! Activate the boosters! Sonic Breaker!! A sonic boom will be your epitath! Maneuver RaMVs! Now! Full Boost! Push it to the limit!Max speed, Astelion! I'll hit you with everything I've got! Maneuver RaMVs! Charge! Eat this! Giga Burst! All targets, locked on! Remote Missiles, fire! I'll take you all out! Tracer Missiles, fire! --Battle Koryuoh Bullet-- Take 'em out! I've caught you offguard! Attack! Leave the close-quarters combat to me! Go! Eat this! Give it up! Charge!! This attack will smite evil! I will shoot you down! Go down! Yaaaah! Koryuoh, rampage! Grrraaah! Aaaah! Aarrrrr! And now, for the finisher! I'll break your formation! This is an unpredictable assault! Koryuoh, we're going to charge into the enemy! I'll show you the Mechanoid's power! Koryuoh will be your opponent! It's our turn, Koryuoh! Come on, I challenge you! Koryuoh is here! Let's go, Koryuoh! Lt. Excellen! Please come back to your senses! We miss your jokes, Lt. Excellen! Nobody wants a world with continuous war! I won't let you take over the world! Koryuoh, do you know that enemy? Time to settle this, Wendolo! I won't let you have the Earth! I challenge you,Wodan Ymir! Here I come, Wodan Ymir! I won't let you erase the universe just to save your ego! Here I come! One more push! I see another chance to knock you down! I can't pass up this chance to attack! We're not done attacking yet! I'll shoot you down for sure! I'll defeat you right here! Lt. Kyosuke, I'll cover you! Perfect timing! We can do this! He may not need my assistance, but I must make sure...! Lt. Excellen! Leave the rest to me! I'll follow your lead, Lt. Excellen! Major Sanger, I'll cover you! Major Sanger, let's perform a combo attack! Tasuku, you're too careless! Sorry, Tasuku, but I'll take over from here! Ryoto, I'll help you! Leona, I'll help out! Yuu, I'll help you! Yuu! Leave the rest to me! Don't let your guard down until you nail the enemy, Carla! Cpt. Viletta, I'll assist you! Cpt. Viletta, please get down! Ratsel, I'll take care of the rest! Ratsel, now is the time! OK... I'll play your game. I won't lose! I'm through being on the defensive! The best defense is a good offense! We're not done yet! It's starting to get interesting! Now I know your true skill! Your attack has failed! I can't believe you gave me a chance to fight back! The best chance is when the enemy's done attacking! Koryuoh, start fighting back! E-End of the line, huh!? Ugh! Losing here... I must be an amateur after all...! I'm sorry, Kusuha... I was an amateur after all... I came prepared to risk it all! Ughaa! Wh-What's with this enemy's power!? Ugh! I-I won't die here...! Damn! Don't think I'm giving up already! Ugh! S-Such pain... I won't forget this!! I-I can't die here when others continue to fight! Damn! You've got me! But it's not over yet! It's not our time to go down, Koryuoh! Heavy damage!? But the Tiger's not done hunting! Y-You really want to fight us, Lt. Excellen!? I won't submit to you, Shadow-Mirrors! Ugh! H-Her TK power is affecting my movement...! Wendolo, I won't lose to you! Ugh! Th-This power... It's like Major Sanger's...! I still have much to learn... I guess. Argh! I still need more training... Ugh! You may tear my flesh, but I'll break your bones! You hit me!? Well, you won't get lucky twice! That doesn't scare me! You can't beat me with these half-assed attacks! You couldn't finish me off all at once, huh? Too bad! I will survive this, and I will emerge victorious! An attack like that is nothing to Koryuoh! We can't lose, Koryuoh! Lt. Excellen, please! Snap out of it! Not bad, Shadow-Mirrors! I can't let her TK Power overwhelm my mind...! Did you think I'd pass on attacking the head Inspector? Ugh! He's as good as Major Sanger...! A puny little attack like that doesn't bother me! I still have much more to learn about evasion. I won't fear making mistakes! I will learn from this! I'm ashamed. I couldn't dodge in time... That little scratch doesn't faze me! You managed to catch up with Koryuoh's moves, huh? You won't take down Koryuoh like that! Lt. Excellen! Hang in there! You don't need to go easy on me, Shadow-Mirrors! Th-This TK Power is inhuman! What IS it!? Are you just pretending to fight, Wendolo? I must find a weak spot in Wodan's sword attack...! That attack won't work! Engage Jammer! You failed to see what I had equipped! You have to act boldly in a situation like this! What's wrong? I'm over here! Focus on the attack... Then evade! You're too predictable! I will dodge! I will predict your attack maneuvers! You were too far away when you attacked me! All my training's paid off! Good job, Koryuoh! Koryuoh's too fast for you! Lt. Excellen! Don't let the Einsts control you! I'm over here, Shadow-Mirrors! I feel the TK Power... Could it be...!? Don't under- estimate Koryuoh's speed, Wendolo! I've figured you out, Wodan Ymir! It's no use! No effect! I'll face you head-to-head! Try again later! Telekinetic Field, activate! Koryuoh! Double Image! Special technique! Double Image! Damn! I can't counterattack! Damn! I can't attack!? Damn! I guess I pushed too hard... Huh!? I misjudged the distance... Ugh! The enemy is better than I thought! Damn...! I couldn't do anything! I'll blow you all to bits! All targets locked on. Fire! I'll blow you all away! Take this! Random Spike! Uaaaaah! Come out! Random Spike! Haaaaaah! Koryuoh! Barrage Strike! Hiyaaa!!! Tiger Knuckle! Tiger Knuckle, Go! Flying Tiger Fist! Go!! Get ready! Sonic Javelin! Eat THIS!! Sonic Javelin, extend! Aaaaah! Koryuoh... Godspeed Javelin!! Thrust and slash! Pierce 'em all! The ultimate technique of the Koryuoh...! Koryuoh...! Rapid Knuckles!! Sonic Javelin! This will end you! Variable Drill!! Here I go! Tyrant Breaker! Aaaaargh! Pierce the enemy! Variable Drill! --Battle Classic Kusuha-- Here I come! I'm attacking! I can do this...! I'm sorry! ...Target locked. I'm commencing attack! I don't want to be a damsel in distress anymore! I have to stop you now! Please, hit! I can do this, too! I'm scared... but I won't run! I'm not the only one who has to fight! There's no time to hesitate! You're not the only ones doing what you think is right! I can't turn back either! Please retreat if you can! If you say this battle is inevitable...! I don't have time to hesitate! I'm going to go all-out! Excellen, please! Snap out of it! I'll cover you! I'm not always the one being saved! I can help you in times like these...! Bullet, I'm with you! I'll follow up, Bullet! If I can join forces with Bullet...! Ryusei, I'll cover you! Leave the rest to me, Rio! Rio, you're working so hard...! Ryoto has distracted the enemy for me...! Tasuku, I'll handle this! I know Leona shouldn't need my help, but... Now it's my turn! I still have a chance...! I haven't done anything yet...! I can't just sit around and do nothing...! I can't stay on the defensive all the time! I will fight when I have to! Noooo! Not here...! I-I have to do something! Anything! N-No! Do I even stand a chance!? Ahh! I-If I take another hit...! The controls aren't responding!? It went through the second layer? No way... I... Iwon't give up! Everyone else is still fighting! Aaaahh! I must do something or I'm finished!! How can my Grungust be so damaged!? P-Please, Grungust! Hang in there! Ahh! Please, Type 2! Don't fall yet! Ugh! T-Type 2, are you still OK? At this rate, even a Huckebein would...! Ughh! H-How can I fight like Bullet does...? I can still fight after taking this much damage! I still can fight with this much of damage... I-I won't let you do it any more! I can't let this make me give up! I-I can deal with this...! Ahh! A direct hit...! Tch... Where did I get hit!? To the Grungust, this is nothing! Ahh! Ah... Grungust protected me... Thank goodness... You're still OK, Type 2. Ugghh! I can't balance the upper body very well! Ahh! M-My mech's response is too quick! I can't afford to get hit any more... Good... The damage wasn't as bad as I thought. No! I coudn't avoid it...!? Checking systems... It looks like I'm OK. I have to be a better pilot! Are you going easy on me...? I know how I look, but I've been training too, you know! Aaahh! Huh? Was I hit!? ! Grungust's got scratched! The mech was too heavy to dodge it...? That wouldn't hurt the Type 2. I'm sorry, Type 2... If only I was a better pilot... I couldn't dodge it, even in the Huckebein? Bullet would laugh at me if he found out about this. The Jammer will handle this! I'm glad I had a Jammer... You won't get me so easily! Th-That was close...! Even I could dodge this! Thank goodness, it missed. I managed to avoid it...! Well, I could see your moves. I won't let you have your way with me! I mustn't worry my teammates! *phew* I was lucky... I'm sorry, but I can't let myself get hit by you. I successfully dodged! Ha! Turning on the Boost! I'll try to dodge it! Even if it's a Grungust, you still can't hit me! Please dodge it, Grungust! Thanks, Type 2! Type 2 told me the enemy's moves... Way to go, Huckebein! Thanks, Huckebein! MkII told me the enemy's movement...! Please, protect me! I won't be done in so easily! Ahh! Am I safe...? Thank goodness for the barrier... Please hold, TK Field! TK Field! I'm not that easy to defeat! No way...! I can't attack...! Ah, what!? I-I can't do anything...!? No, I can't reach...! Dang it...! I lost it... Multiple targets confirmed! Fire the MAPW! Sorry! I'm going to attack you all at once! I'll do it even with this many opponents! Kusuha here! I'm using the Gravity- Impact Cannon! Connection confirmed! Target locked! Fire! Start connection! I'm going to fire the G-Impact Cannon! Gravity-Impact Cannon, fire! Eye Laser! Oxtongue Rifle B Mode, firing now! ...This range should do it! It's in my sights... Here I go! Oxtongue Rifle E Mode, firing now! E Mode would work in this situation...! It's in my sights... Here I go! Brace yourself! Oxtongue Rifle D Mode, firing now! If that's the case... Then, I'll shoot both! Omega Cannon! Giga Blaster! Graviton Cannon, fire!! The stars of calamity shine down on you! This is the Calamity Sword! Calamity Sword! Come, Calamity Sword! Here I come! Darkness Slash! Slash!! It's called Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! Stars above, Earth below... The ultimate attack! Doomblade! Brace yourself...! Here we go, Type 2! The ultimate attack! Doomblade!! At this range...! Hiya! Jet Magnum... Confirming target... Charge! Firing the Claymores! Please don't ricochet back at me...! Please, Alt! Spiral Attack! Go! Slash Ripper! Please! Double Omega Laser! Go! Chakram Caster! Chakram Caster! I'm counting on you! Twin Beam Cannon... Fire! Now's my chance...! Firing the Twin Beam Cannon! Drill Attack! Final Beam! Firing the Final Beam! Boost Knuckle! Boost Knuckle! Go! Boost Knuckle! I'm counting on you! It's in my sights... Black Hole Gun, fire! I don't want to use this, but... I'm sorry... I must fire the Black Hole Gun! Maxiblaster, fire! Maxiblaster! Mega Blaster! Please! Remote Slasher! Remote Slasher! Go! Revolver Stake! Firing! This will do the job! I'm sorry...! I won't miss! There! Fang Slasher! This should do it...! Go! Fang Slasher! Will I be able to use this weapon? But, I've got to, now...! Haaa!! I can't be on the defensive all the time. I must attack! Here goes! Giga Ungia! I'm charging now! Open up the throttle! Sonic Breaker! The Sonic Breaker can...! Here I go! We're going! Astelion! I'll do this with the RaMVs! I'm not going to miss with this shot! Giga Burst! Remote Missile, fire! Multitrace Missile, fire! --Battle Ryukooh Kusuha-- I'm attacking! I can do this! Right there! I have to stop you here! Please, hit! Please get ready for me! Show me what you've got! Here I come! Dragoon Blade! Dragon Fang! Haaaaa!!! If we defeat you all, nobody else will get hurt! Now's your chance, Ryukooh! I will take all you people down at once! Please, Ryukooh! I'm counting on you, Ryukooh! Ryukooh, at your service! I, too, have the power to protect everyone else!! I can't run away! May the best fighter win! Ryukooh is here to stay! Please take this! Excellen, please snap out of it! I won't let you destroy our planet! We will not be judged by you!! Please, Ryukooh! Help us fight the Einsts! We don't want a world of endless wars! H-Her TK power feels like...!? Grant me your power, Ryukooh! I'll cover you! I'll keep it going! I can't let you escape! We're not done yet! Ryusei, I'll cover you! Go on, Ryusei! We'll take care of the rest! You can leave the rest to me, Rio! Rio, keep up the good work...! Ryoto has given me a chance to attack...! Tasuku, I'll handle this! I'll keep it up, Leona! Yuu, let me help! Carla, I'm covering you! Viletta, I'll cover you! Viletta, are you OK!? Ratsel, I'll follow your lead! Please stand back, Ratsel! Not yet! I'm just starting!! I can't stay on the defensive all the time! I'm not done yet! Now it's my turn! I can't just let this go on! I'll fight my hardest if I have to! Aaaaaahhhh! I'm sorry, Bullet! I'm sorry, Ryukooh! I-I have to do something! Anything! I can't lose heart when something like this happens! Wh-What should I do!? Ahh! I-If I take another hit...! I... Iwon't give up! Everyone else is still fighting! Aaaahh! I must do something, or I'm finished!! I can't let Ryukooh get hurt any more! Please, Ryukooh! Hang in there! Lt. Excellen! Please come to your senses! If we lose... The Earth will be theirs... Th-This feeling... Could she be!? I-I can't lose to the Inspectors! I can still fight after this much damage! Tch... Where did I get hit!? I still can fight with this much of damage... I-I won't let you do this any more! I mustn't give up when something like this happens! I-I can deal with this too...! Ugh... Where did I get hit!? Ahh! A direct hit...! A-Are you still OK, Ryukooh!? Ryukooh, where did you get hit!? I feel some other TK Power from Lt. Excellen...!? I-Is this the true power of the Inspectors!? I won't let you control me anymore! This is the power of Dikastis...!? Aaaagha! Uh? Did I get hit...? This is nothing to me! Good... The damage wasn't as bad as I thought. No! I coudn't avoid it...!? Checking systems... It looks like I'm OK. I have to be a better pilot! I know how I look, but I've been training too, you know! I'm sorry, Ryukooh. It's my fault... An attack like that doesn't even make me flinch! Ryukooh, are you OK...? Lt. Excellen, please remember Lt. Kyosuke! Remember us! We won't be defeated by the Inspectors! She's... reading our... minds? Please, protect me! I-I'm safe...? You won't hit me so easily! Thank goodness, it missed. I successfully dodged! *phew* I was lucky... I managed to avoid it...! Because I can see your movements... I can't cause everybody trouble! I'll try to dodge it! You can't hit me with that! Thanks, Ryukooh. Awesome, Ryukooh. Did you miss me on purpose, Lt. Excellen...? I won't lose to Inspectors! Ryukooh is reacting to her...! Please, protect me! I won't be done in so easily! Ahh! Am I safe? Thank goodness for the barrier... Please hold, TK Field! TK Field! No way...! I can't attack...! Ah, what!? I-I can't do anything...!? Ryukooh!? A-Are you out of ammo!? No, I can't reach...! Darn it! I lost it...! I'm sorry! Defeat my foes, Holy Thunder God! Slash all evil! Jii Jii Lu Loo Ling! Power to move mountains! Ii San Fa! Mountains of the gods! Sun Zhou, Bwoh, San! I call upon the dragon's power! Li San Zhao Hai! Jii Jii Lu Loo Ling! I summon the dragon's flame! The ultimate technique! Magma Burst! Sear the enemy with flames! I summon you, Dragoon Blade! The ultimate attack, Dragoon Blade! Please get ready! Dragon Blade, transform! Dragon... Fang! Ryukooh's ultimate attack! I summon you, Dragoon Blade!! The dragon's wrath is focused into the blade! Dragoon Blade! --Battle Lefina-- Fire! All hands, rig ship for anti- submarine warfare! All hands, rig ship for torpedo battle! All hands, rig ship for artillery battle! Leave the enemy ship to us! We'll intercept that ship! We can't lose this battle. All hands, do your best. We mustn't let the wishes of so many go in vain...! Provide support to our ally units! After charging in, we'll provide support fire! Ready the cannons! We'll provide support! Please leave the rest to us! Please commence the attack! Ahh...! All hands abandon ship...!! The starboard PT landing deck has been hit! Close the blast doors in the hangar! Put out the fire! Captain! The Tesla Drive control system is damaged! Switch to standard propulsion and maintain speed! Ahh! The left main wing!! A wing or two won't affect us. Order us to attack, Ma'am. We can't take any more damage...! This is nothing compared to the battle at Pluto. The main engine has blown! We're losing power!! Aux engines on both wings, full power! Maintain current speed! Aaaah! Ugghh! The last one really did some damage!! Please report where we were hit! Lower wings of the bow and the Aegis Radar array, Ma'am! Ugh! The Teslan Drive on the bilge was directly hit, Ma'am! Power both wing boosters to the max to keep us balanced. ...We're still OK, right? This ship is tough, just like you, Captain. Oh. The enemy is focusing on this ship. Then, the Hiryu Custom will take down the enemy! That enemy plans to charge into us...!? Hmmm... Perhaps it's the color of the ship. Direct hit to the starboard deck! Fire in Block 5! Extinguish it immediately! I guess this ship IS heavy... just like the Captain. I-I'm not THAT heavy! They have taken aim at us, just as like we predicted...? Then, let's show them this ship is no ordinary battleship. The damage seems light. We must stay alert. The enemy has begun focusing on us. Hmmm... They picked quite a good spot to hit. Um, XO... Now's not the time to be impressed... The starboard VLS missile launcher has been disabled! Transport any unused missiles to the other launchers. Direct hit, starboard! Blocks 3 through 5 damaged! Evasive action! Portside engine at full power! Bowside reverse thrusters on! My, my. They missed such a big target? Umm... XO? Down trim! Flank speed! Circle starboard! Down trim 10 degrees! Hard starboard! After we take evasive action, we'll counterattack! Understood, Captain. That attack is not effective against this ship. Concentrate the energy field at the front of the bow! Activating energy field! We're in quite a pickle. We can't counterattack... Shouldn't this be a more tense situation...? The ship's cannons can't reach!? The enemy is in range. Captain, your orders? 1st, 4th and 6th cannons! Fire!! XO, have all sub cannons fire! Roger. All main frontside cannons, fire! Captain, the target is within range of our Sub Cannons. Affirmative. I'll leave the firing command to you. 2nd, 4th and 5th cannons! Prepare to fire! Quickly and steadily, aim and confirm! Fire! Open the anti- ship missile hatches! Input enemy data now! Captain, anti- ship missile is ready to be launched! Roger that. Fire! Tubes 1 through 6 have been loaded. Then, please fire tube 1 first! Captain, the main cannons are charged. Then, please commence the attack! Main cannon, open fire! Adjust for the target's speed! Main cannons 1 and 2, fire! Cannons 3 and 4, ready to fire. Your order, Captain? Cannon 3, cannon 4, fire! Captain, the target is within range of the main cannons. Draw them closer, then open fire!! Captain, cannons 1 through 4 are ready tofire. All cannons, fire! Don't let them escape! XO, we'll take the initiative! Roger that. Frontside main cannons, fire! Captain, we mustn't miss this opportunity. I understand! Discharge the main cannons!! Defeat our foe, and I'll tell you the Captain's secret. Anti-air guns, don't let the enemy get near us! Concentrate all fire in front of the ship! All turrets, open fire! Portside missile launcher, open your hatch! Fire VLS Homing Missiles! Fire the AA Missiles on both sides! Dragon 2 to all units! Stay clear of our line of fire! Energy charge complete... Connect the ignition bolt! Gravity Cannon, fire! Prepare the gravity brake! Energy condenser functional! All safeties have been disabled. Captain, your orders. --Battle Sean-- ......... !?!?!? .........!!! .........!! .........? --Battle Katina-- If ya don't wanna get hurt, get outta here! This'll take care of you! I said, OUTTA MY WAY! I have a short temper! Let's get this over with! Your luck ran out when I found you! Blitz! I'll show you how much better I am than you! Don't you dare disappoint me! I don't like your face! Scram! You're outta luck... It's all over! I'll show you the harsh realities of war! Hold still! I'll put you out of your misery...! Go down! Here I come! I'll take care of him! I'll beat you all to pulps! I'll whoop all your asses! Okay, punks! Time to die! Hold still! I'll save you! I'll back ya up! I'll kick their asses! Get outta my way! I'll handle this! I won't let this awesome chance get away! Hey! The fun's not over yet! Russel, I'll take care of this! Back off! Don't just stand there! Get out of the way, Russel! You didn't finish 'em, Kyosuke! Kyosuke! I'll finish 'em off! Quit acting like an idiot, Excellen! Move it! Excellen! Get serious, will ya! Tasuku! You're gettin' it later for failing to kill 'em! Don't make me clean up after you, Tasuku! You'll regret messing with me! You picked the wrong girl to mess with! Dammit... You're not getting away so easily, punk! You wanna mess with me? I'll rip all of ya a new one! When I pay back in double, I pay back more than I owe! Mess with me and it'll cost you big time! Thought you can get rid of me that easily? Well, Too bad! I hope you're ready to die! Don't get cocky, punk! I'll show you how to put your life on the line! What the hell!? DAMMIT...! Grrr! Don't think you can get away after doing this to me! Aagh! Why, you...! It's not over yet! Damn! I'm almost done for! Damn! What the hell's going on!? Oh, that's it! Don't think you can get away! You're not leaving here in one piece! Move, Alteisen! Man, you're heavy! You're supposed to be tough! You better hold! Huh!? You're too weak, Weissritter! Damn, this prototype is too fragile! Gespenst! Don't go down yet! You better not turn into a ghost with me in you, Gespenst! How lame! You're nothing but a big target, Gigan! I took the trouble to get this Huckebein, dammit! Excellen! Expect a can of super whoop-ass later! Ha! And you think you can fight me with that skill? I'll get you! I can't let Russel see me go easy on you! Ugh! Don't get cocky, bub! That's so weak! At least put up a fight! You bastard! I'll make you pay for this! You'll never take me down if you keep hesitating! The damage is worse than I expected. Tch, no fair... The Alteisen has great armor! That shouldn't hurt! Not bad, Alt. Hey, wait...! This is BAD! Can you take some more, Weissritter? Gah! Why doesn't this thing have more armor!? Damn! Let's do this, Gespenst! Tch! The Gespenst isn't that weak! Tch, you got me. But Gigan can still fight! It takes more than that to destroy a Huckebein! Tch! Come to your senses already, Excellen! Ha! Did ya think THAT would kill me!? What was that? Pathetic! What a boring attack, wuss! That's it? Oh, come on, pal! Damn it! I can't believe I let that hit me! Tch! If that's the price I need to pay, then I'll pay it! You call that an attack? Heh! Resiliant, just like me. This may be a prototype, but it's still really durable! Weiss! Nice job hanging in there! Woops... This Weiss can't take another hit... Don't you dare mock my Gespenst! The Gespenst is stronger than it appears! You need more than that to break Gigan's guard! I'm counting on you, Huckebein! Since you're brainwashed. I'll let it slide, Excellen. This is how you use a Jammer! Your attack won't work against me, you hear? Don't you dare underestimate this mech! That ain't hitting me! I won't take any unnecessary damage! Yawn... Oh? Did you attack me? That's all? Get outta here! You're way too predictable. Sorry, but this is reality! I saw that comin' hours ago. Don't disappoint me now. You hear? Go back to your mommy! I don't know what I'll tell Russel if I get hit by you! I'm not some rookie! Too easy! Is that it? What!? You're nothing but talk! What's the rush, man? Hey, hey! What're you up to now, huh? I can't just dodge all day! C'mon, Excellen! Wake up! I got a barrier! Too bad for you, huh? Gimme a break for once! Barrier power: MAXIMUM! Barrier at maximum power! Ha! That's useless! Tch! Looks like I played around too much... No more cheap tricks, coward! I'll smash you all with this! I'll blow you all away! Let's start things off with a BANG! Go get 'em! G-Impact Cannon! If I'm going to use it, I'm going all-out! Take this! G-Impact Cannon! Oxtongue Rifle, Bullet Mode! Eat lead! Tear the enemy apart! Oxtongue Rifle, B-Mode! Oxtongue Rifle Energy Mode! Go! Tear the enemy apart! Oxtongue Rifle, E-Mode! Oxtongue Rifle D Mode!! They should've made this mode from the start, dammit! I'm gonna kick your ass with D Mode! I'll finish you off with this! Giga Blaster! Eat this! Giga Blaster!! Come here! Calamity Sword! I'll slice you in two! My Calamity Sword is going to taste blood! Hyaaa! No one's gonna mourn you, pal! This is the harshness of reality! Come on! Calamity Sword! This'll kill you for sure! Darkness Slash! Slaaash!! Suffer the calamity! Doomblade! Take this! Doomblade! Break through! Jet Magnum! Plasma Stake, set! Guess what? This mass-produced mech has... ...this kinda weapon too! This ain't child's play! These Claymores will blow you into smithereens! I'll wipe you out with the Claymores! Sic 'em! Slash Ripper! Rip'em to shreds! These are pretty damn sharp, y'know? I'll give 'em a taste of pain... Slash Ripper! Go! Chakram Caster! These are pretty damn sharp! Chakram Caster, fire! Bull's-eye! Twin Beam Cannon! Fire! This is too easy! You're wide open! Twin Beam Cannon!! Final Beam, full power!! This is the end! Final Beam! Have a knuckle sandwich! Boost Knuckle! This ain't no ordinary fist, y'know! Go bust 'em! Boost Knuckle! Well, it IS a Black Hole after all... There's no telling what'll happen if you get hit! I don't know how it works, but it's definitely powerful! Eat this! Revolver Stake! Punch through! Go! Revolver Stake! I'll treat you big time! Take 'em all! Ain't I generous!? Now then... It's play time...! This is my trump card! I know how to use this one! Get lost! Gespenst Kick!! I'll make sure to leave a footprint in your ass! The ultimate attack! Gespenst Kick! Take this! Revolver Bunker! Go! Revolver Bunker! I'll eviscerate you! Fang Slasher! Try dodging this! Go! Fang Slasher! I'll eviscerate you! Fang Slasher! Try dodging this! Fang Slasher! I'll beat you to a pulp! Ora ora ora! Go to hell, punk! This fist will leave more than a bruise! Take this! Geist Knuckle! Too late to apologize! Hi-Twin Launcher! Eat this! Outta my sight! Hyper Twin Launchers! Fire! This is a fun weapon, but I ain't holding back! This is the Blade Tonfa! Eat this! I'll slice you in two! Take this! Metal Sword! I'll carve my initials in your hide! Metal Sword! Here you go! I'll crush you! Remove outer armor! I'll spread my wings and... Fly right over to kick your ass! I'm saving the best for last! Now, adios!! Oxtongue Rifle D Mode! Try tasting both shots at once! Oxtongue Rifle simultaneous fire! Don't underestimate the power of Gan-Duro! Take this! Giga Unghia!! If Tasuku can use it, I can too!! See you in hell, punk! Giga Ungia! I hope you're not thinking of running away! Sonic Breaker! This'll be the end! Go! Sonic Breaker! Blow them away! Here I go! Charge! Stay outta my way! This lesson WILL cost ya! Trying to stand up to me, cocky bastard!? I'll make you regret fighting me! It doesn't matter where you are! You're finished! Sword Breaker! Fire! I'm not nice enough to let you get away! Feel the pain! Sword Breaker! Every one of my bullets has your name on it! RaMVs, here I come! I'm sure Hell has an open spot just for you! Here's my farewell gift for ya! Take it to Hell! F-Solid Bazooka! Fire!! I don't really get this much, but it performs great! So, there you are! Break through! I'll send you to Hell! Giga Burst! You'll all feel the pain! Tracer Missile! You'll regret flocking like that! Remote Missile, fire! --Battle Russel-- If I can just stay calm...! I've got to be careful... I have to win, at any cost...! I'm in range! Please, hit! I'll take you down! I'll do whatever it takes...! I can't hide in the shadows forever! I hope this is the shot that takes you down! I can't slow Lt. Katina down! Go! Take this! Alright, I can do this! Commencing the attack! I have to hit with this attack! Now! I won't let you escape! Sometimes, a bold move is necessary! Enemy units confirmed! Commencing the attack! I won't lose even if you gang up on me! I'll back you up! I might be able to do a bit more! Leave the rest to me! Now's my chance! I can't let this chance slip away! Count me in! Lt. Katina! You're too far ahead! Alright! It's your call, Lieutenant! Lt. Katina, leave the rest to me! Radha, leave the rest to me! Radha, I'll cover you! I won't give up just yet! I've still got a chance! It's my turn now! I'll try to end this with the next hit...! Not yet! I'm just getting started! It's not over yet! This won't go as you planned! I won't back down until I get revenge...! I-I better escape! Whoa! I'll be a corpse if I don't do something! Ugh! W-Will this be the end of me...!? M-My power generator's been hit...!? How could I have made such a mistake...!? Ugh! I-I'm not going to give up yet...! Not yet! This is just the beginning! Ugh...! I-I must hold out a little longer...! Even this mech's armor wasn't strong enough!? Detaching damaged armor! I can't get hit again... At least that didn't put me out of commission...! Damn! I've got to move faster or I'm goner! Ugghh! That shot would've taken down a fighter jet...! Is that the limit of the Gespenst's armor...!? I escaped a direct hit... Somehow! I won't go down that easy! Uaghhh! If this gets much worse, I'll be in danger! Damage check... This doesn't look good... This is nothing compared to Lt. Katina's yelling. Damn! I mustn't slow down Lt. Katina like this! Aghh! Where'd I get hit!? That kind of damage won't stop this mech. Phew... It didn't go all the way through. Ugh! If only I could control this thing better! Ugh! Did the enemy anticipate my moves!? Th-The enemy knows the weak point of the Gespenst!? Damn...! The stabilizer on the backside...! I-I can't nail them like Lt. Katina does, after all... Phew. It seems it's nothing to worry about... Minor damage, that's all. Nothing to worry about. Tch! That won't make me run! If I run now, I'll get yelled at by Lt. Katina! I-I'll dodge the next one! Damn! I couldn't dodge it!? I can still fight all out with this minimal damage... That barely shook this heavy mech... I can still fight, even with this lightweight mech! I couldn't even dodge that with this mech...!? A Gespenst should be OK even if I push it a little! Ugh! I guess I can't dodge it like I would in a fighter jet! Alright, I dodged it! There's no way I'd let you hit me! Phew, I dodged it successfully... I won't get hit, not if I can help it! Dodged it! All right! Who's next!? Compared to Lt. Katina, you're not such a tough opponent. I didn't make it this far by luck! It takes skill! Thanks to Lt. Katina's training... Good thing I dodged that one... Just like that...! Th-That was close...! As long as I watch my opponent carefully...! Barely... If I use the Jammer...! I've got a Jammer on my side! Phew... Looks like I escaped that one... Barrier at full power! I can't afford to take a direct hit! Activate the defense device! Wh-What!? I can't do anything! A-Am I too far...!? Alright...! This is it...! The timing is crucial! I won't let you all escape! Locked on! G-Impact Cannon, fire! Target locked! Oxtongue Rifle set to B mode! I just need to take careful aim... Here goes! Oxtongue Rifle, fire! Oxtongue Rifle set to E mode! Oxtongue Rifle set to D mode! I can win... If I score a direct hit! Giga Blaster! Charging to maximum power! Fire! Grungust, sword attack mode! Calamity Sword!! Grungust, final mode! Calamity Sword, Darkness Slash! You're done for! Type 2, final mode! Doomblade!! Gespenst, fight mode! Jet Magnum! Plasma Stake, set! I will break you! In range! I'll show you what my Jet Magnum can do! I have you in range! It's Heavy Claymore time! Now! Heavy Claymore!! Slash Ripper! Guarlion, full power! Sonic Breaker! Charge!! Twin Beam Cannon, fire! Twin Beam Cannon!! Final Beam! Max power!! Boost Knuckle!! Go! Boost Knuckle!! In range! Firing Boost Knuckle! Black Hole Gun locked 'n loaded! Target locked! Fire! Alteisen, full power! Revolver Stake activated! Revolver Stake! Tear 'em apart! It's risky, but I'm gonna fire everything I've got! That's a confirmed kill! I'll finish you...! Eat this! Gespenst Kick!! This is a strange attack, but I have to use it! Gespenst KICK!! Alt, full power! Activating Revolver Bunker! Revolver Bunker! This is sure to knock the enemy down! Where's my next opponent!? Fang Slasher! Set! Slice 'em apart! Fang Slasher! Fang Slasher Set! Slice 'em apart! In range! Fang Slasher!! If you don't run, I'll have to kill you...! I'll crush you! Geist Knuckle!! This is gonna hurt more than a punch from Lt. Katina! You...! The Tronium Engine's output is stable... Here goes! Hi-Twin Launcher, fire! It's hard to handle, but I'll do it! Here goes! Hi-Twin Launcher! It's difficult to use, but I've got no choice! Take this! Blade Tonfa!! With the Wurger's dexterity, I can do this! Metal Sword! Crusher, ready! I've got you! Sorry, but you're going down! Release the jacket armor! Boosters on!! I'm ready for high-speed Gs! Raptor... Wings!! Rapid fire!! Adjustments complete... Data processed... Rifle set to D mode... Ready to fire! Here we go! Oxtongue Rifle, fire! Increasing power! I'm going in!! You're going down! Giga Ungia! I must be bold to use this weapon! Giga Unghia!! Time for the Sonic Breaker! I'll tear you to shreds! Increasing throttle! Sonic Breaker! I'm going for it! I'll challenge to reach the terminal velocity! The time is ripe...! I'll fire everything I've got! I'm not done yet!! I need a direct hit...! I hope this is the one... I've got to...! There! If I can use this without TK power, then I will! Sword Breakers, launch! You're in my range! I'll go with the Sword Breakers! I mustn't care where this weapon came from! Enemy confirmed! Break through! At this range... this'll do the job! This will be a direct hit...! F-Solid Bazooka, fire! --Battle Tasuku-- You're going down!! Alright, here I go! I gotcha!! Time to roll the dice! I make sure I hit jackpots and targets!! Let's see who's luckier: you or me! Eat this!! Let's try your luck! I see ya. There!! I'll show you that I'm the better gambler!! I have you in my sights! Now, take this!! I'm not just gonna lie down and lose, y'know! I see ya guys. There!! You're lined up... Then I just have to charge straight in! Alright! I've got you all! Why don't you try playing fair, huh!? I don't like your hand! Tasuku Shinguji! Going in for a once in a lifetime gamble! This is it! The gamble of the century! Tasuku Shinguji is at your service! Hold it right there! Luck is on my side!! The hero always enters last! Leona! How about depending on me for once? Ms. Radha! I'll give you a hand! Ma'am! I've got your back! I'm not out yet! I still have a chance to win!! As they say, it's not over 'til it's over! You never know the outcome 'til the match is over! Sorry, but I've got my reasons not to back down! Fortune's wheel has turned! You sealed your fate the moment you let me attack. This is where I shine! Alright! Time to double down!! I still got plenty of cards up my sleeve! Let's start over! The bets are already placed!! I-I lost a bet!? Why you...! Whaddya think you're doing!? W-Whoa! Things aren't lookin' good!! Heh... This is where I show off my skills as a gambler! Gah! If it's there's something at stake, I can't lose! Dammit! Is this the moment of truth!?' H-Hold on a sec!! Huh? No? What!? Even Giganscudo can't withstand it!? Phew! If this wasn't Gigan, I'd be a goner. Aghhh!! You're better than I thought! Just you wait. I'll turn things around! Ugh! The battle's not over yet! Ugh... But, Lady Luck is still on my side! Tch! This doesn't look good! Whoa! A stroke of bad luck! The Gigan can take a few direct hits, no problem! It'll take more than that to bring down the Gigan! Hm? Did something just hit me? Ouch... Did I wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Shoot... My guess was wrong? ! I have a bad feeling about this... Oops! Was that because I'm uncoordinated? Oh, well. Even bad shots'll hit if you keep shooting. The Gigan doesn't even need to dodge that! No surprise, since this mech's a gigantic shield! You get it? Probably not. I consider that a first-rate trick. I've got nothing up my sleeves! I knew you'd do that. Hey, luck is a skill, right? Whoa! That won't hit me! Hahahaha! How typical! I didn't even need to guess. Heh, I can see what you're aiming for! Ooh! Lucky!! What, you want me to reveal the trick? Looks like I'm better! Folks, this isn't an illusion! You're nowhere near my level! Watch carefully, now! C'mon, give me SOME competition! Alright, just as I thought! Wahahaha! What are you aiming for!? See that!? Welcome to Tasuku's magic show! That was hilarious! Wahahaha! Right back at ya! ...Or maybe not! This ain't just hocus pocus! A Jammer isn't so bad! Useless! Useless! Useless! Damn! I can't shoot like this! C'mon! Fight fair and square! I'll rob you all of everything!! I don't care how many of you there are! I'll hit you all! Massive Area Preemppp... Whatever! I'll just shoot them! This game's mine! G-Impact Cannon! Here goes!! It's win or lose! Gravity- Impact Cannon... Fire!! I'll face you mano-a-mano!! G-Impact Cannon! Fire!! Go! TK Boomerang!! I won't miss! TK Boomerang!! Get 'em! TK Boomerang!! Eye Laser! Guess which bullet's coming out!! The one and only! Phantasmagoric Oxtongue Rifle!! Now... What will come out? Just wait and see!! Alright! I'll use this ammo! ...On second thought, I'll use both!! First comes B! Then, E! In other words, D Mode!! Now, then... Weiss's Oxtongue Rifle... It's got a trick up its sleeve!! Omega Cannon!! This isn't an optical illusion! This is THE Calamity Sword!! It's either win or lose! Ha! Calamity Sword!! Your future is filled with Darkness! Ya wanna know your feng shui? I'll tell ya, then! That's right... You're in the worst possible position!! Ultimate technique! Doomblade!! This is the Doomblade!! Here I go! Final technique! Gespenst PUNCH! Eat my fist! Jet Magnum!! It's win or lose! The killer! Heavy Claymore!! Your fate is sealed! Prepare to get blown to smithereens! Eat this! Heavy Claymore!! Spiral Attack! Go! Slash Ripper!! I won't miss! Rip 'em to shreds! Double Omega Laser!! Go! Chakram Caster!! I won't miss! Chakram Caster!! Rip 'em to shreds! Chakram Caster!! Your fate is sealed! This'll do it! Beam Cannon! Here goes! Twin Beam Cannon!! Drill Attack!! Eat this missile!! Eat this! Final Beam!! You wanna play with matches? I got it right here for ya! Ultimate technique! Final Beeeeeeeam!! Go! Boost Knuckle!! Boost Knuckle, launch!! Eat fist! Boost Knuckle!! I'll knock you out! Boost Knuckle!! I'll fight you head on! Black Hole Gun Firrrre!! I'll burn ya to ashes! Maxiblasterrrr! I'll burn your ass! If you play with matchees, you'll get... Maxiblasterrr!! I won't show you how this trick works! Remote Slasher! Go! Remote Slasher!! I won't miss! Remote Slasher!! You wanna play Alt's Russian roulette? Sorry, but you lose!! Shoot through, Alt! Take this! Revolver Stake!! Here I go! The final big gamble! This is Alt's trump card!! This is when it counts!! This is a gamble I can't afford to lose! Here goes! A technique that'll make any mechanic cry! The awesome Gespenst Kick!! It's just a kick, but it guarantee it'll hurt! Take this! Gespenst Kickkk!! Take this! Revolving Bunker!! I can't lose if there's something at stake! This guy's movement involves a trick or two! I'll tear you to shreds! Fang Slasher!! Leave it to fate... Go! Fang Slasher!! This is as quick as my wits! Get it? Go get 'em! Fang Slasher!! I leave it to fate... Go! Fang Slasher!! Since I'm a boxer, punches are my specialty! Jab! Jab! And the coup de grace is my golden right! I'm used to large mechs! I won't miss! Geist Knuckle! I'm not gonna mess up this gamble! Make or break, it's all up to luck! C'mon, luck! G Sword Diver!! Now then, I'll settle things with this! Activating slash mode! Take this! G Sword Diver!! Luck will decide how many of these 4 shots hit you! I don't intend for any to miss! Here goes! Ballistic Cannon!! I ain't folding this hand! The ante's our lives... Come on!! This is my trump card! Ballistic Cannon!! Hyper Twin Launcher, Gooooo!! Killing technique! HyperTwin Launcher!! Get blasted by my Hyper Twin Launcher!! This is the answer! Eat this! Blade Tonfa!! Take this! Metal Sword!! I'll use the Metal Sword! It cuts so well, it's like magic! Let's settle this mano-a-mano! Go down! Beetle Crusher!! Taste this beetle's mandibles! Crush 'em! Wurger! Armor purge! Spread your wings... This is the big gamble, Wurger!! There's no trick to this speed! Raptor Wings!! Lighten my load... And it's time to roll the dice! I can do a high speed battle, too! Raptor... Wiiiiiings!! The skies are on my side! First comes E! Then, B! In other words, D mode!! And now, for a Falcon trick, Oxtongue Rifle... I promise this will make you scream! Here goes! Giga Unghiaaaaaaaaaa!! I'll hit you with Gan-Duro's full power! Ultimate technique! Giga Unghia!! Here we go, Gan-Duro! Blast away! Giga Unghia!! I'm betting all my chips on Gan-Duro!! Here, take this! The king-sized Sheath Anchor! Here goes! Sonic Breaker!! You'll be annihilated by my Breaker!! We're going in, Astelion! How many'll hit is up to Lady Luck! Here's another for good luck!! Halberd Shooter! Take this! Halberd Shooter! My bet's on the Halberd Shooter! Gotcha!! You want a taste of this baby's power!? Go! Sword Breakers!! Listen to my orders, OK? Sword Breakers! Go get 'em! It's as powerful as it looks! F-Solid Bazooka! Gooooo!! I'm gonna let'er rip! F-Solid Bazooka! I feel sorry for you, getting shot at by me! The bet is on! You all want a piece of this!? Giga Burst!! This is Gan-Duro's specialty! Giga Burst!! The bet is on with this Giga Burst! Gooo!! Your fate is sealed! Firing Tracer Missiles!! You think you can dodge all these!? Tracer Missiles!! Time to roll the dice! Firing Remote Missile!! This is a gunner's secret! Firing Remote Missile! Luck will determine the victims! Firing Split Missile! --Battle Leona-- You are unfortunate to have appeared in my sights! Go down! This should do it! There! Can you withstand my assault? I'll make you regret encountering me! *smirk* You're no match for me! It's no use resisting me...! Target in sight. I'm attacking! Youe luck ends here! Do you think you can evade my sights? Sorry, but you're out of your luck. If you try to stop me, you shall meet your maker! All of you... will regret encountering me here! Target in sight! I'll attack the enemy consecutively. I'll use your placement to my advantage! The DC no longer follows Bian's or Maier's wishes! Archibald...! You're the only one I can't...! You left yourself open...! Pity you weren't more observant... So, you noticed my approach... But it's too late. Tasuku, don't make me clean up after you. Your luck ran out when you targeted me! You're going to regret attacking me! You've underestimated my abilities! It is not over yet! Now it's my turn. I will end you! No! I'm not ready for this yet! I-I can't believe this is happening...! This humiliation... I won't forget this! No! What section was damaged!? Heavy damage, but I can still fight! You'll pay for disgracing me! Tch. This is not the place for me to die! You have no concept of justice! Only greed! *smile* You're better than I expected. What's wrong? Is that all you've got? Not bad. This will be interesting! Too bad... You were so close. Ugh! But won't work with me again! Ughh! Y-You hit me from straight ahead!? Evil dictators always get their just deserts! Is that it? How boring. I can't believe I let that hit me... You cannot defeat me with an attack like that! Do you actually think you have the skill to beat me? Stay cool as ice... I learned that from Sir Elzam. Do you really expect to conquer the Earth with that skill? This is what happens when you underestimate your foe. I've got a Jammer on my side! You won't be able to hit me with that. That won't hit me. Is this all you can do? Your tactics are too obvious... *smile* That was too bad for you... I don't need to bother with small fries like you. Go find another target. I'm clearly too much for you. You're a fool to challenge me. Have you realized how poor your skills are? What's wrong? You don't have to hold back on me. The DC without Commander Branstein will never defeat me! I don't even need to dodge this. Is that all? G Wall! Activate G Wall. Activating TK Field. I can't...fight back...!? Attacking from a distance... You know how to fight. Would you like me to defeat all of you at once? I'll get all of you! Locked on to all enemies in range! Here goes! G-Impact Cannon, connected! Target in sight. Fire!! TK Boomerang...! Tear my enemies to shreds! Go! TK Boomerang! Eye Laser! Target sighted. Firing mode set to B. Fire! Target sighted. Firing mode set to E. Fire! Oh White Knight, pierce my enemy! I'll show you the power of the White Knight! Oxtongue Rifle, rapid fire! Omega Cannon, fire! Target sighted. Graviton Cannon, fire! There are two calamity stars in the sky! The name is Calamity Sword! The Calamity Sword will reveal your fate...! It's the Darkness Slash! Farewell... When you see the calamity stars, your death draws near. Ultimate attack! Doomblade! BM Select! Melee Combat Mode! Jet Magnum! You cannot hide from my might! Heavy Claymore! Slash Ripper! Tear my enemy to shreds! Go! Chakram Caster! Can you see this? Chakram Caster! Fire! Target sighted! Twin Beam Cannon... Fire! Final Beam, full power! Take this! Final Beam! Boost Knuckle! Go! Boost Knuckle! Tear the enemy apart! Boost knuckle! Black Hole Gun, connected! Target sighted! Fire! Take this! Maxiblaster! Maxiblaster, full power! Can you see this? Remote Slasher, fire! Go! Remote Slasher! Let's do this, Alt...! Revolver Stake! Your fate is sealed...! It's too late for regrets! This is the power of the Alt! It's not my cup of tea, but if I can defeat the enemy...! Gespenst, Kick! We're gonna do it, Gespenst! Ultimate Kick! Here we go, Alt...! Revolver Bunker! If we can get into close range! I got you! Revolver Bunker! Fang Slasher! Can you see my movements? Tear my enemy to shreds! Fang Slasher!! Can you see this? Fang Slasher!! Take this! Geist Knuckle!! My Geist Knuckle will make you disappear! You'll regret standing before me! MkIII, activate the Slash Mode! Pierce my foe! G-Sword Diver! Now, prepare yourself! Activate Slash Mode! G-Sword Diver! Don't even think of running from the Gunner! Full Impact Cannon, fire! You'll regret being in my way! Energy charge complete! Hi-Twin Launcher... Fire! Leave the shooting to me! Take this! Hi-Twin Launcher! BM Select! Gunfight Mode! Hi-Twin Launcher!! Even with a prototype model, I won't lose to you! Blade Tonfa, set! Get out of my sight! I'll slice you in half! Metal Sword!! Your luck runs out here! Take this! Metal Sword! It's an odd weapon, but depending on how it's used...! Beetle Crusher! It's no use struggling! I'm going to Crush you! I've got you! This is the difference between our strengths! Detach the Jacket armor! Tesla Drive at full power! I won't lose in a high-speed battle! Now, this will be your end! Raptor Wings! I'll show you the power of the Falken! Have a taste of this rifle's power! Fire Mode B after Mode E!! Take Mode E first! Then, Mode B, fire! If Tasuku can do it, so can I! Take this! Giga Unghia! The best defense is the best offense! This is it! Giga Unghia! Sonic Breaker! Boosters on! I'm charging! You can't escape from me! If I charge at this speed...! Here goes! Sonic Breaker! Can you withstand the RaMVs? I'll fire everything that theAstelion can offer! Your fate is sealed! Astelion, we're going to accelerate to the limit! Can you dodge this special attack? This is the last shot! Halberd Shooter... Fire!! Take this! Halberd Shooter! Halbard Launcher! This weapon has no blind spots! Sword Breakers, launch! I won't let you escape! Go get 'em!Sword Breakers! Curse your misfortune! F-Solid Bazooka, fire! If you get in my way, I'll just defeat you. I WILL get you with this shot...! Pierce my foe! I won't let you escape! Giga Burst! Target sighted! Tracer Missile, fire! Can you survive this? Tracer Missile, fire! Target sighted! Remote Missile, fire! Remote Missile, fire! Your fate is sealed! Split Missiles will blast anyone standing in my way! I will blast my enemies with the Split Missiles! --Battle Buggy Lamia-- Here I come...! Commencing the attack! I have you...! Time to attack! This fight... I win! I won't let you escape. I won't miss from this distance! There...! Don't take this personally...! Can you dodge this? My mech is faster...! Take this...! I-I got-ot you... Hm? It's happ-app-ening again. I need to show some results. Here I cuh-cuh- cuh... Come! I'll hit you dead center! I will hit...! Range and speed confirmed! Here I come! Fall...! I'm firing now...! Target locked! ...Fire! Enemy in range! Commencing the attack! No one can escape my sights! If I can attack efficiently... I'll use your formation against you! I-I will defeat-eat you one after another-er! Checking enemy data... This is just as the simulation predicted. You won't be able to dodge this! Range is acceptable. You came too close. Target confirmed. Retrieving data from archive... Predicting enemy maneuvers... You're close enough. ...... En garde, Chief Axel...! Here I come... Chief...! Say your prayers, Chief. Mistress Lemon, I will show you my will to fight! Master Vindel, we have no place in this world...! W15... Here I come, W16... You let your guard down! I will move in for one more hit! You're in my range! Don't be shy. Take it all. I'll cover-er y-you... I'll back you up. I'll be sure to use the data I just got! Continue to fight. Return fire... Now, it's my turn. You've left yourself open... Recomputing combat data. Target locked! Here I come! I will-ill return f-fire. Huh... I can't pre-prevent thi-is... It's my turn-urn now...! I know your capabilities now... I thought I could last longer, but my estimates were wrong. System down... I have n-no ex-excuses... Direct hit to my generator...! Ugh...! I relied too much on predictive data! Has this mech reached its limit? Power output is going down...! The third layer of armor has been penetrated! The data did not predict this! Interesting... It seems my judgement was wrong. The damage rate is in the red zone...! You've heavily damaged me... Impressive. Y-You're b-better than I-I expec-pected. Cut power to the damaged parts. This will stabilize my mech. Cut power to damaged areas. Detach the damaged armor. It wasn't a direct hit, but this doesn't look good. You can't shoot me down just yet, huh? I think I need to recalculate. It took out my armor...! Have I exceeded my predicted damage rate? This isn't good. Change the evasion sequences... Thanks to you, I now have more combat data. I must complete my mission! I can still fight. Damage is at an acceptable level... H-How d-d-dare you! Argh! St-stupid voice b-box... Damage appears to be medium. Light damage. All systems remain intact. I've been hit... Damage report: all systems functional. It's just a scratch... It was unavoidable, but not very damaging. I couldn't dodge it... Your attack power is less than I had expected. Th-That was j-just a scr-scr-scratch. Are you watching my reactions? You are not enough to cause me to be concerned. I-I w-will predict y-your n-next m-move. You underestimated my armor. Activate the Jammer! I've got the Jammer. That attack will never reach me! Such a simple attack... You lack consistency. Evasive maneuvers...! I can't afford to get hit. ...As I predicted. Analysis completed on enemy attack pattern. Your aim is incorrect. ...Just as my data suggested. If you want to win, you must outwit me. Y-You sh-should pay m-more atten-ten-tention. T-Too b-b-bad... Grr! TOO. BAD. Activate the Barrier. Th-That will not-ot work-rk. My barrier will protect me. Your beam attack is useless against me. I have a Beam Coat with me. Extend the AB Field! I've got an E-Field. Activate the G-Wall. Zero damage sustained. Activate the G-Territory. Sustained zero damage. No ammo left... ......... I'm unable to attack... From outside my range, huh...? Out of range... I have no options... I can't reach from here... Multiple enemy units in range. I will use this! This is wh-what h-happens when y-you stick together-er. This would be the best weapon to wipe them all out at once. Go...! Mirage... Sign...! Do you think you can find it? The glimmer of a mirage! Mirage Sign! Can you take this sword!? I'll rip you apart! Mirage Sword, E Mode...! Shadow Lance... Go! Shadow Lance! The enemy is at midrange... I'll use this! Illusion Arrow, set...! I will not... miss! Enemy in sight! Illusion Arrow! Illusion Arrow...! Go! Disabling the limiter! Inputting the activation code... Phantom Phoenix! Disabled the limiter, inputting the code...! Go! Phantom Phoenix! Maximum power! The enemy's in sight! Phantom Phoenix! Say your prayers. Firing Mega Blaster...! This attack is not all theatrics! Take this! Gespy Kick! If the data is right, this should work... The ultimate technique! Gespy Kick! I'll use this for melee combat! Jet Magnum! I'll use the Twin Beam Cannon...! Can you withstand this impact? Twin Beam Cannon, set...! Enemy confirmed! Fire! No one escapes my firepower! Firing Twin Beam Cannon! If I can get to point-blank range, I'll win! Here I am! Revolver Stake! This weapon's specs are in the data archive! Revolver Stake! Pierce my enemy! This fierce attack is sure to devastate you! All rounds fired. Moving on to next objective... This card will defeat any obstacles! This impact... It's worth the risk. B and E... I'll show you the hybrid tactic! Oxtongue Rifle, rapid fire! Oxtongue Rifle, Dual Fire Mode...! This is it...! Range analysis completed. Transmitting the data...! Oxtongue Rifle, go! The Black Hole will swallow you! Behold! The power of Huckebein! Black Hole Gun, ready...! This was named the Berserk Trooper for a reason! This will smash you...! Firing G-Impact Cannon! Let's wrap this up...! Take this! G-Impact Cannon! This'll rip you apart... Fang Slasher! I won't let you dodge this...! Go! Fang Slasher! It'll rip you apart... Fang Slasher! I won't let you dodge this...! Fang Slasher! If I beat you with my fists, it'll be all over for you! Geist Knuckle! I will finish you with the Geist Knuckle! I got you! Enemy sighted! Firing Hyper Twin Launchers! Raise the Tronium Engine's output...! Take this! Hyper Twin Launchers! Hyper Twin Launchers set...! My aim shall not miss...! Even though this is a prototype, I've got detailed specs! Blade Tonfa set! Now, for a series of attacks. I need to quickly move into close range...! Metal Sword! I'll choose Metal Sword...! Go down...! It's the best weapon to capture an enemy unit! Beetle Crusher! Crusher set! If I can grab the enemy... All I have to do is crush it. Detaching jacket armor...! Tesla Drive, maximum power...! Activate the boost! No one can escape this mech's speed! Behold the power of Grungust... Calamity Sword! Grungust's ultimate technique... Calamity Sword, Darkness Slaaaash!! You're finished... I'll show you why Grungust is called the Super Warrior! Calamity Sword, Darkness Slash!! I hurt you more than you were expecting, huh? I won't lose if we go toe-to-toe! The ultimate technique! Doomblade! I'll show you the Type 2's fiercest attack! Doomblade! Witness the power of Gigan...! The ultimate attack! Giga Unghia! Target acquired! Sonic Breaker! I'll charge you with the Sonic Breaker! Boosters on! Predict the enemy's evasive pattern... Attack! Take this! Starting the RaMVs maneuver...! I'll use my data effectively...! You're done for! Can you survive this impact!? Twin Beam Cannon, set...! Enemy confirmed! Fire! Firing Twin Beam Cannon! Multiple targets acquired! Fire Tracer Missiles! Your foolish tactics will be your doom! Remote Missiles! Multiple targets acquired! Fire Split Missile+'s! --Battle Lamia-- Here I come...! Commence attack! I have you...! Time to attack! This fight... I win! I won't let you escape. I won't miss from this distance! There...! Don't take it personally...! Can you dodge this? My mech is faster...! Take this...! This is... ...how I fight! All I have to do now is to show some results. I will take you down! I'll hit you in the middle! I will hit...! Range and speed confirmed! Here I come! Fall...! I'm firing now...! Target locked on! ...Fire! Enemy in range! Commence attack! No one can escape my sights! If I can attack efficiently... I'll use your formation against you! I'll take them out in one swift move! Check the enemy data... It's the same as the simulated training. In this angle, you won't be able to dodge it. Not a bad distance. You came too close. Target confirmed. Retrieve the data from archive... Estimate the enemy maneuver... You've taken your step close enough. En garde, Chief Axel...! Here I come... Chief...! Say your prayers, Chief. Master Lemon, I'll show you my fight...! Master Vindel... We have no place in this world! W15... Here I come, W16... Your guard's off! I will move in for one more hit! You're in my range! Don't be shy. Take it all. I'll help you...! I'll back you up. I'll be sure to use the data I just got! Continuing the fight. Return fire... Now, it's my turn. You've left yourself open... Recompute the combat data... You're locked on. Here I come... You hit, I hit. Fair's fair. It's my turn next. I know your moves now... I thought I could last longer, but my estimates were wrong. System down... Direct hit on the generator...! Ugh...! I relied too much on data analysis! Has this mech reached its limit? Power output is going down...! It penetrated to the third layer of the armor! Exceeded the data estimate!? Interesting...! Have I read wrong? The damage rate is in the red zone...! You've pushed me this far... Impressive! You've exceeded my expectations...! Cut power to the damaged area. A quick patch, but it will work. Cut power to the damaged area. Detach the damaged armor. It wasn't a direct hit... but it doesn't look good. You can't shoot me down just yet, huh? I think I need to recalculate. It took out my armor...! Exceeded the estimated damage rate? Not good... Change the evasion maneuver sequence... Thanks to you, I've got some good combat data... I can't go down for the sake of my mission. I still can fight. Damage rate: Acceptable level... You're quite good...! I'd say this is medium damage. Only light damage... Combat system is intact. I've been hit... Damage check... All systems functional. It's just a scratch... I didn't even have to dodge your attack. I couldn't dodge it... Your attack power is less than I had expected. Are you observing my moves...? I don't even have to be cautious with you. Compute the probabilities of the enemy's next actions... You've underestimated my armor. Activate the Jammer! I've got the jammer. Such attack will never reach me! Such a simple and plain attack. You lack consistency. Evasive maneuver...! I can't afford to get hit. ...As I predicted. Enemy attack pattern analysis completed... Your aim is not fixed. ...I knew you'd do that. I can see through your attack. Where are you looking? You can't hit me that easily. Activate the barrier. It's no use. I can prevent it by my barrier. Your beam attack is useless against me. I've got the beam coat with me. Extend the AB Field! I've got the E Field with me. Activate the G Wall. Sustained zero damage. Activate the G Territory. Sustained zero damage. I've got the Warp Field. I'll take... this energy...! No ammo left... ......... Unable to attack, huh? From outside my range, huh...? Out of range... Got no choice. I can't reach from here... Multiple enemy units in range. Then, I'll go with this...! If you think there's safety in numbers, you're wrong. To wipe them off at once, this is the choice. Go...! Mirage... Sign...! Do you think you can find it? The sign of mirage! Mirage Sign! Can you take this sword!? I'll rip you apart! Mirage Sword, E Mode...! Shadow Lance... Go! Shadow Lance! The enemy's in middle range...then, I'd go with this! Illusion Arrow, set...! I will not... miss! Enemy in sight! Illusion Arrow! Illusion... Arrow...!! Go! Disabling the limiter! Inputting the activation code... Phantom Phoenix! Disabled the limiter, inputting the code...! Go! Phantom Phoenix! Maximum power... Enemy's in sight! Phantom Phoenix! Say your prayers. Mega Blaster, fire...! This attack is not for show...! Take this! Gespy Kick! If the data is right, this should work... The ultimate technique! Gespy Kick! Close range... Then, I'd go with this! Jet Magnum! I'll use Twin Beam Cannon...! Can you take the impact!? Twin Beam Cannon, set...! Enemy confirmed! Fire! No one escapes my artillery!(attack) Twin Beam Cannon,fire! If I can get to point-blank range, I'll win! I'm here...! Revolver Stake! This weapon's specs are in the data archive! Revolver Stake! Strike through the enemy! This fierce attack will bring you devastating damage! Shot all the rounds, moving on to next action. With this card, I'm invincible...! This impact... It's worth the risk. Right here...! Revolver Bunker! I know the specs of this mech! Revolver Bunker! Pierce the enemy...! B and E... I'll show you the hybrid tactic! Oxtongue Rifle, rapid fire! Oxtongue Rifle, dual fire mode...! This is it...! Range check! Correct the variations! Input the data! Oxtongue Rifle, go! Black Hole will swallow you! Behold! The power of Huckebein! Black Hole Gun, connected...! The name Berserk is no show! This will smash you...! G-Impact Cannon, fire! Let's wrap this up...! Take this! G-Impact Cannon! It'll rip you apart... Fang slasher! I won't let you dodge this...! Go! Fang Slasher! It'll rip you apart... Fang Slasher! I won't let you dodge this...! Go! Fang Slasher! If my eat this fist, you're done for! Geist Knuckle! I will finish you with the Geist Knuckle! I got you! Hyper Twin Launchers, fire! Raise the Tronium Engine's output...! Take this! Hyper Twin Launchers! Hyper Twin Launchers, set...! My aim shall not miss...! Even this is a prototype, I've got detailed specs! Blade Tonfa, set! Now, for the serial attack...! Get closer at once...! Metal Sword! I'll choose Metal Sword...! Go down...! It's the best weapon to capture an enemy unit! Beetle Crusher! Crusher, set! If I can grab the enemy... All I have to do is crush it. Detach the jacket armor...! Tesla Drive, maximum power...! Activate the boost! No one can escape this mech's speed! Behold the power of Grungust... Calamity Sword! Grungust's ultimate technique... Calamity Sword, Darkness Slaaaash!! You're finished... I'll show you why Grungust is called the Super Warrior! Calamity Sword, Darkness Slash!! It seems the damage was more than you expected, huh?. If it's a power fight, I won't lose...! The ultimate technique! Doomblade! I'll show you the fiercest attack of Type 2...! Doomblade! Witness the maximum power of Gigan...! The ultimate attack! Giga Unghia! Target acquired! Sonic Breaker! I'll charge with Sonic Breaker! Boosters on! Sonic Cutter, charge! Slash with Sonic Cutter...! Gust Ripper! Enemy kill confirmed...! Dodge this attack--if you can! Their radar won't be able to catch me at this speed! This is the Gust Ripper. Slash faster than the speed of sound...! You can't defend yourself from a blade of wind! I will finish you with this! Vaisaga, maximum power! Overboost! The ultimate technique: Lite Saber! I will accelerate to top speed! This slash... Can you dodge it!? That's the power of my ultimate attack, Lite Saber. Input the activation code for... Lite Saber. Behold the power of the Vaisaga! It was a mistake to challenge me. Halberd Shooter! I'll use the Halberd Shooter. Target confirmed... Fire! Halberd Shooter, fire! This is a good weapon for this range...! Halberd Shooter! Unlock the safety... I'll charge you with the Sonic Breaker! Locked on and ready to fire! Sword Breakers...! They're equipped with auto-guidance systems...! Sword Breakers, go! This weapon has no blind spot! Launching Sword Breakers! Preparing the F-Solid Bazooka. Enemy data has been loaded. Fire! This will get you! Range check! Target confirmed. F-Solid Bazooka! This is a large-caliber weapon. It must be devastating! It's got a strong recoil, but I will try to handle it...! I WILL hit you! Predict the enemey's evasive maneuver... Fire back...! Take this! Starting the RaMVs maneuver...! I'll use the data effectively...! You're done for! Multiple targets acquired! Tracer Missiles, fire! Your foolish tactics will be your doom! Remote Missiles! Multiple targets acquired! Fire Split Missile+'s! --Battle Ryusei-- Stay right there! Haaaaa! Let's go! Eat this! No one can escape my sights! There! Sweet! You won't get away! Gotcha! I've got you right where I want you! Take this! And this! And this! And this and that too! I'll blow all you guys away at once! Whoa! NOW! Let's go, R-1! Step it up, R-1! Let's go, Gespenst! Gespenst, charge! I'll show you the power of Grungust! The Super Warrior is here to stay! Alt, charge! The Old Iron is here to stay! Let's go, Weiss! Here I am, the White Knight! Now it's my turn! I'm not done yet! Here I go! I'm not through with you yet! You owe me one, Rai! C'mon, Rai! Hit 'em harder! Rai, it's time for our combo attack! Hey Rai, get into Formation D! Hey Aya, get into formation D! Aya, I'll take care of the rest! Aya, let's do the combination attack! I'll handle it from here, Aya! Captain, I'll assist you! Nice work, Captain! I'll do my best as well! Alright! Leave the rest to me, Latooni! I'll give you a hand, Latooni! Nice position, Kusuha! Leave the rest to me, Kusuha! I'll give you a hand, Kusuha. Mai, I'll take care of the rest! Mai, time for our combo attack! I'll pay you back... Tenfold! Payback time! You want a fight? ...You got it! Nope! I'm not finished with you yet! The odds have been evened! Now the tables have turned! I'm not going to sit here and take that! Right back at ya! Booya! I'm not backing down! I-I'm...! Bastard! How'd you get to be so strong!? Ugh! I-I won't die here! Raarrrrr! I won't dieee!! I-I can still fight... Argh... I c-can't lose! Looks like you couldn't finish what you started! Argh! I-I can get out of this mess. No problem! Uah! R-1! Move! C'mon! Hang in there, R-1! Ugh! It's not over yet! R-1 can still fight! Ugh! The enemy hit the R-1 right in its weakest point!? Ugh! Tronium Engine is behaving abnormally! Hang in there, Rai! Ugh! I can't take much more... Aya! Trust me! I won't lose! The joint servos are overloaded! Super Robots always turn the tables at the last minute! Argh! The enemy found my mech's weak point! Ugh! This mech's light armor turned out to be a disadvantage! Aaaah! I-I won't let you do that! Tch! Stay out of my way! Pretty good moves... I'll have to remember them. Ugh! I-I'll remember your face, you bastard! Ughaa!? You got me! But it's not so bad... heh. You want to stop me, but it's not gonna happen! Cool! That was a sweet move you did just now! You gotta be stronger to take me down, pal! It'll take more than that to take down the R-1! That's not enough to stop the R-1! Damage check! Good, R-1... You can still fight! Tch! You're aiming for my weak spot...! Gah! The AUX parts were hit! I know! I'll watch out next time! Ryu, are you OK!? Ha! This is nothing! What are you doing,Ryusei! Do you think I'm slacking, huh!? What? You DO? Ugh! I don't think my armor can take much more! What's up? Is that the best you can do!? Y-You suck, pal! Not bad! Maybe I shouldn't have gone so easy on ya! That'll be a lesson for you today... Wait, was it MINE!? OUCH! I couldn't dodge it! Where did I get hit!? What? Just a scratch? Damn! The enemy's mech distracted me! H-Hey! I thought I dodged that! You're way out of your league against my R-1! You damaged my R-1! You're on my list now! Ugh! You managed to hit my R-1!? Hey. Were you paying attention? Shut up! I know what I'm doing! You failed to dodge it... Sorry, man! Let's pretend nothing happened, OK? SRX can take a lot more than that. Don't worry about it. The SRX is invincible! In...vincible! Even if my armor is thin, I won't go down easily! One more hit and I'll be in trouble! Almost! You almost got me! Try again in a few years! You're way out of your league! You might wanna go back to pilot school, eh? Th-That was close... Phew... Even Rai could've dodged that! That was... close... Go grab some coffee and try again when you're awake! Sweet! I dodged it! Wow! Almost, almost! Hey, Rai! Did you see that? You didn't, did you... I dodged it! Who's next? You missed! Try again, sucker! My reflexes have been honed by years of video games! Watch out, Ryusei! I know, I know! On your left, Ryu! Leave it to me! Protect me, Jaaammmerrr! Activating anti-missile field! Go ahead! Throw everything you've got at me! Activating barrier!! There's no way you can hit me, buster! I can take more than that! I won't fall! Energy Field! Activating G Wall! Activating Telekinetic Field! Protect me! Telekinetic Field, activate! You're never gonna hit me, fool! Why, thanks! Useless! Useless! Useless!! Shoot! I wasn't keeping track of my ammo! Argh!? I can't attack anymore!? I can't reach you over there, you coward! Full power! Ready... Aim... Fire! G-Revolver! Giant Revolver! G-Revolver Cannon... Random fire! Revolver Cannon... Fire! Send me the G-Impact Cannon... G-Impact Cannon... Fire! Huckebein, Ultimate Attack! Gravity-Impact Cannon, fire! Gunner Technique! Ryu, Rai! Prepare for the R-Formation! Roger, Captain. Alright! I'll go first! Transform! R-Wing! I'll go first! Strike Shields, go! Now, me! Hi-Zol Launcher, fire! I'll finish up this attack! Eat this! T-Link Double Knuckle! Telekinetic Fist! T-Link Knuckle! Haaaaaa! My iron fist will strike you down! Take this! T-Link Knuckle! Go! T-Link Boomerang! Take this! Slash Boomerang! Tear them to pieces! All-gun Boomerang! Eye Laser! Grungust... Eye Crash! Oxtongue Rifle... Mode B! Oxtongue Rifle... Fire! Weissritter's long lance! Oxtongue Rifle... Mode E! Beam Rifle of Weissritter! Ready... Aim... Oxtongue Rifle, Mode D, fire! White Knight's ultimate technique... Oxtongue Rifle, maximum fire! It's the ultimate super attack... Weissritter, unload on 'em! Omega Cannon... Fire! Gust Lander Beam! Giga Burrrst! Giganscudo's heat circles will nail you all at once! Giganscudo... Giga Fiiiire!! Giga Knuckle! Giganscudo... Gigaton Punch! Grungust's ultimate attack... Calamity Sword! The Super Warrior technique...! Calamity Swoooooord!! Calamari... Oops! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! Slash! Type 2 ultimate! Calamity Sword! Doomblade! Goold Steel Kniiiiife!! Tear them to shreds! Steel Kniiiife! Golden Steel Kniiiife... minus the golden! Super Sonic Fist! Jet Magnuuum! Here comes my Killer Technique! Gespenst... Magnum Punch! Blast 'em away, Heavy Claymore! Alt's ultimate attack! The claymore barrage! Spiral Attaaack!! Grungust... Hawk Attack! One slash is all it takes! Slash Ripper! This'll split you in half! Gespenst... Flying Cutter! Double Omega Laser! Gust Wing Laser! Chakram Caster! Slash... Chakram Caster! Twin Magnum Rifle!! Double Magnum Rifle... FIRE! Schutzwald's ultimate attack... Twin Beam Cannon!! The killer technique! Schutzwald Double Beam! It's the ultimate super attack... Twin Beam Cannon! Concentrate... TK...! Form the TK into a blade! Extend the blade! The invincible sword of TK Power! T-Link Blaaaade! T-Link Contact! Destroy them, Dominion Ball! Drill Attack! Gust Lander... Charge! Neutron Beam! Gespenst... Crash Beam! Target sighted! Try some Finger Launcher! Don't miss, Ryusei! Just trust me! ...Finger Launcher! Heat Horn! It'll hurt if you get hit by it! Maybe the head is for showing off...? Fire missiles! Gust Lander missiles! Final Beeeaaam! Ultimate Grungust Beam! Sure shot... Boosted Rifle! Boosted Rifle, fire! Boosted Rifle... Eat this! Roaring fist... Boost Knuckle! Boost Knuckle!! Go! Boost Knuckle! Rocket Gust Punch! Eat my Ultimate Technique! Boost Hammer! Boost Hammer! Craaaaaash! Huckebein's ultimate attack... Black Hole Gun! This one's gonna blow you away! Super Gravity Darkness Impact Cannon! Blaaaade! Kiiiiiick!! Blade Kick, charge! The ultimate technique! Maxiblaaasssterrr!! Grungust... Fiiire! Mega Beam Rifle, Fire! Mega Beam Rifle! I have you in my sights! Mega Beam Rifle! Mega... Blaaasssterrr!! Gespenst, Final Beam! I'll cut you in half! Plasma Sword! Slash! Plasma Sword! Killer technique... Remote Slasher! Huckebein! Berserk Slash Ring! Pierce through! Revolver Stake! Alt's ultimate attack... Iron Claws! Roche Saber! My Roche Saber will slice you into two! Maximum power! Start charging the TK Field now! TK! Burst!! Slaaaash!!! TK Burst! Alt's super- ultimate, final move! Finishing Strike! The Old Metal Ultimate Strike! Final Joker Card! Explode!! Ready, aim... Magna Beam Rifle! Eat this! Magna Beam Rifle! Sure shot... Magna Beam Rifle! Revolver Bunker! Riese'a Ultimate Attack! Alteisen's super-duper ultra attack! Riese's Lethal Weapon! Variable Volcano Strike!! Finishing strike! The Old Metal Ultimate Attack! Final Joker Carrrd!! Super explosion! Behold the power of the new Riese! Claymore Overlord! I win! Gespenst's Final Attack! Ultimate Gespenst Kick! Here I come! The ultimate attack! Gespenst Kick! Super sonic attack! Sonic Hurricane! Soniiiiiic... Breaker! Sonic Breaker! CHARGE! GO! Huckebein Fang Slash! Fang Slasher! Goooooo! Mega-Spin Cross-Edge! Slash away! Mega-Spin Cross-Edge! Go! Huckebein Fang Slash! Faaaaaang Slaaaasher! Raging... Master...! Wait... I can't come up with V! What's good for V!? Never mind! Just chaaaarge! Fly, Astelion! RaMVs! You're finished! Super Ultimate Technique! The Spirit Crushing Fist!! Geist Knuckle! Hiiii-yaaaah! AM Boxer, transform! G-Sword! Here we go! G-Sword Diver! Gravity Sword! Attack! Graviton surfing ram! DIVE! Huckebein! Gunner, full power! Super Ultra Mega-Mega G-Impact Cannon! GOOOOOOO! Huckebein Gunner, maximum power! Super Graviton Cannon! Full blast! Here I go! Ultimate Skill! Blaaade Tonfaaa! Take this! And this! And this! I'll slash you to ribbons! Goooold Steel Swooord! I won't mess up this time! Golden Steel Sword! You think I did that on purpose, huh? Wurger's Super Technique! Beetle! Crusher! Taste my wrath! Cross Smasher! Goooo! Breakdown! Purge the armor wings! Wings of a hundred locusts, soar through the sky! Go, Wurger! Raptor! Wiiiiiiings! Go beyond the limit! Destroy! Jetwiiiing! Wildwurger, gooooo! Jetwing Cutter! Final Break!! Falken's long spear rifle!! Take this! And this! And this! Double Oxtongue! Rifle!! Giganscudo, I believe in your power! Gigaaa!! Unghiaaaa!! Here we go! Thunder of Justice!! Giant Thunder! Volt Claaawww!! Let's do this! Sonic Cutter! Super Sonic Blaaaade! I'll show you the power of this awesome spear! Halberd Shooter! A halberd's a cross between an axe and a spear... Axe-and-Lance Fusion Shooter! OK, that sucked... The Blade Destroyer!! You won't get away from me! Sword Breaker, go! Time to give the coup de grace! I won't let this chance slip away! F-Soliiiid Bazooooooka! Randgrith, I believe in you! Energy is charged! Max power! Final Solid Mega Cannon! Focusing TK power... Take this! Hyper Twin Launchers! I'll show you the power of the new R-Gun! Here we go, Chief! Right! Systems connecting...! Chief, I'll handle the rest. It's all yours, Aya. T-Link contact complete! Metal Destroyer Mode! Tronium engine at full power! Ryu, you have the trigger! Energy charge at 120! One-shot kill! Tronium Cannon! Take this! Let's go, everyone! Roger. Connect the systems...! Let's go, Mai! Got it, Aya! T-Link Twin Contact! Activate the Metal Destroyer Mode! Tronium Engine, maximum power! Ryu, the trigger is yours! Hear the roaring of the H! T! B! Cannon! Ultra Meteor Slash of the Lion King! I'll slash anything that comes in front of me! Go, Stealth Wing! Fly, Stealth Wing! Dive! G-Impact Stake! Take this! Take this! And take this, too! Tear 'em up! Neo Chakram Caster! Neo Chakram Caster! Go! Tracer Missiles! Huckebein, fire the missile! Remote Missile, fire! All missiles, fiiiire!! Eat this! Split Missile! Special delivery! Split Missile! Phalanx Missile, find your mark! I'll give you all I got! Missiles. fire! --Battle Lamia again-- Here I come...! Commence attack! I have you...! Time to attack! This fight... I win! I won't let you escape. I won't miss from this distance! There...! Don't take it personally...! Can you dodge this? My mech is faster...! Take this...! This is... ...how I fight! All I have to do now is to show some results. I will take you down! I'll hit you in the middle! I will hit...! Range and speed confirmed! Here I come! Fall...! I'm firing now...! Target locked on! ...Fire! Enemy in range! Commence attack! No one can escape my sights! If I can attack efficiently... I'll use your formation against you! I'll take them out in one swift move! Check the enemy data... It's the same as the simulated training. In this angle, you won't be able to dodge it. Not a bad distance. You came too close. Target confirmed. Retrieve the data from archive... Estimate the enemy maneuver... You've taken your step close enough. En garde, Chief Axel...! Here I come... Chief...! Say your prayers, Chief. Master Lemon, I'll show you my fight...! Master Vindel... We have no place in this world! W15... Here I come, W16... Your guard's off! I will move in for one more hit! You're in my range! Don't be shy. Take it all. I'll help you...! I'll back you up. I'll be sure to use the data I just got! Continuing the fight. Return fire... Now, it's my turn. You've left yourself open... Recompute the combat data... You're locked on. Here I come... You hit, I hit. Fair's fair. It's my turn next. I know your moves now... I thought I could last longer, but my estimates were wrong. System down... Direct hit on the generator...! Ugh...! I relied too much on data analysis! Has this mech reached its limit? Power output is going down...! It penetrated to the third layer of the armor! Exceeded the data estimate!? Interesting...! Have I read wrong? The damage rate is in the red zone...! You've pushed me this far... Impressive! You've exceeded my expectations...! Cut power to the damaged area. A quick patch, but it will work. Cut power to the damaged area. Detach the damaged armor. It wasn't a direct hit... but it doesn't look good. You can't shoot me down just yet, huh? I think I need to recalculate. It took out my armor...! Exceeded the estimated damage rate? Not good... Change the evasion maneuver sequence... Thanks to you, I've got some good combat data... I can't go down for the sake of my mission. I still can fight. Damage rate: Acceptable level... You're quite good...! I'd say this is medium damage. Only light damage... Combat system is intact. I've been hit... Damage check... All systems functional. It's just a scratch... I didn't even have to dodge your attack. I couldn't dodge it... Your attack power is less than I had expected. Are you observing my moves...? I don't even have to be cautious with you. Compute the probabilities of the enemy's next actions... You've underestimated my armor. Activate the Jammer! I've got the jammer. Such attack will never reach me! Such a simple and plain attack. You lack consistency. Evasive maneuver...! I can't afford to get hit. ...As I predicted. Enemy attack pattern analysis completed... Your aim is not fixed. ...I knew you'd do that. I can see through your attack. Where are you looking? You can't hit me that easily. Activate the barrier. It's no use. I can prevent it by my barrier. Your beam attack is useless against me. I've got the beam coat with me. Extend the AB Field! I've got the E Field with me. Activate the G Wall. Sustained zero damage. Activate the G Territory. Sustained zero damage. I've got the Warp Field. I'll take... this energy...! No ammo left... ......... Unable to attack, huh? From outside my range, huh...? Out of range... Got no choice. I can't reach from here... Multiple enemy units in range. Then, I'll go with this...! If you think there's safety in numbers, you're wrong. To wipe them off at once, this is the choice. Go...! Mirage... Sign...! Do you think you can find it? The sign of mirage! Mirage Sign! Can you take this sword!? I'll rip you apart! Mirage Sword, E Mode...! Shadow Lance... Go! Shadow Lance! The enemy's in middle range...then, I'd go with this! Illusion Arrow, set...! I will not... miss! Enemy in sight! Illusion Arrow! Illusion... Arrow...!! Go! Disabling the limiter! Inputting the activation code... Phantom Phoenix! Disabled the limiter, inputting the code...! Go! Phantom Phoenix! Maximum power... Enemy's in sight! Phantom Phoenix! Say your prayers. Mega Blaster, fire...! This attack is not for show...! Take this! Gespy Kick! If the data is right, this should work... The ultimate technique! Gespy Kick! Close range... Then, I'd go with this! Jet Magnum! I'll use Twin Beam Cannon...! Can you take the impact!? Twin Beam Cannon, set...! Enemy confirmed! Fire! No one escapes my artillery!(attack) Twin Beam Cannon,fire! If I can get to point-blank range, I'll win! I'm here...! Revolver Stake! This weapon's specs are in the data archive! Revolver Stake! Strike through the enemy! This fierce attack will bring you devastating damage! Shot all the rounds, moving on to next action. With this card, I'm invincible...! This impact... It's worth the risk. Right here...! Revolver Bunker! I know the specs of this mech! Revolver Bunker! Pierce the enemy...! B and E... I'll show you the hybrid tactic! Oxtongue Rifle, rapid fire! Oxtongue Rifle, dual fire mode...! This is it...! Range check! Correct the variations! Input the data! Oxtongue Rifle, go! Black Hole will swallow you! Behold! The power of Huckebein! Black Hole Gun, connected...! The name Berserk is no show! This will smash you...! G-Impact Cannon, fire! Let's wrap this up...! Take this! G-Impact Cannon! It'll rip you apart... Fang slasher! I won't let you dodge this...! Go! Fang Slasher! It'll rip you apart... Fang Slasher! I won't let you dodge this...! Go! Fang Slasher! If my eat this fist, you're done for! Geist Knuckle! I will finish you with the Geist Knuckle! I got you! Hyper Twin Launchers, fire! Raise the Tronium Engine's output...! Take this! Hyper Twin Launchers! Hyper Twin Launchers, set...! My aim shall not miss...! Even this is a prototype, I've got detailed specs! Blade Tonfa, set! Now, for the serial attack...! Get closer at once...! Metal Sword! I'll choose Metal Sword...! Go down...! It's the best weapon to capture an enemy unit! Beetle Crusher! Crusher, set! If I can grab the enemy... All I have to do is crush it. Detach the jacket armor...! Tesla Drive, maximum power...! Activate the boost! No one can escape this mech's speed! Behold the power of Grungust... Calamity Sword! Grungust's ultimate technique... Calamity Sword, Darkness Slaaaash!! You're finished... I'll show you why Grungust is called the Super Warrior! Calamity Sword, Darkness Slash!! It seems the damage was more than you expected, huh?. If it's a power fight, I won't lose...! The ultimate technique! Doomblade! I'll show you the fiercest attack of Type 2...! Doomblade! Witness the maximum power of Gigan...! The ultimate attack! Giga Unghia! Target acquired! Sonic Breaker! I'll charge with Sonic Breaker! Boosters on! Sonic Cutter, charge! Slash with Sonic Cutter...! Gust Ripper! Enemy kill confirmed...! Dodge this attack--if you can! Their radar won't be able to catch me at this speed! This is the Gust Ripper. Slash faster than the speed of sound...! You can't defend yourself from a blade of wind! I will finish you with this! Vaisaga, maximum power! Overboost! The ultimate technique: Lite Saber! I will accelerate to top speed! This slash... Can you dodge it!? That's the power of my ultimate attack, Lite Saber. Input the activation code for... Lite Saber. Behold the power of the Vaisaga! It was a mistake to challenge me. Halberd Shooter! I'll use the Halberd Shooter. Target confirmed... Fire! Halberd Shooter, fire! This is a good weapon for this range...! Halberd Shooter! Unlock the safety... I'll charge you with the Sonic Breaker! Locked on and ready to fire! Sword Breakers...! They're equipped with auto-guidance systems...! Sword Breakers, go! This weapon has no blind spot! Launching Sword Breakers! Preparing the F-Solid Bazooka. Enemy data has been loaded. Fire! This will get you! Range check! Target confirmed. F-Solid Bazooka! This is a large-caliber weapon. It must be devastating! It's got a strong recoil, but I will try to handle it...! I WILL hit you! Predict the enemey's evasive maneuver... Fire back...! Take this! Starting the RaMVs maneuver...! I'll use the data effectively...! You're done for! Multiple targets acquired! Tracer Missiles, fire! Your foolish tactics will be your doom! Remote Missiles! Multiple targets acquired! Fire Split Missile+'s! --Battle Ryusei again-- Stay right there! Haaaaa! Let's go! Eat this! No one can escape my sights! There! Sweet! You won't get away! Gotcha! I've got you right where I want you! Take this! And this! And this! And this and that too! I'll blow all you guys away at once! Whoa! NOW! Let's go, R-1! Step it up, R-1! Let's go, Gespenst! Gespenst, charge! I'll show you the power of Grungust! The Super Warrior is here to stay! Alt, charge! The Old Iron is here to stay! Let's go, Weiss! Here I am, the White Knight! Now it's my turn! I'm not done yet! Here I go! I'm not through with you yet! You owe me one, Rai! C'mon, Rai! Hit 'em harder! Rai, it's time for our combo attack! Hey Rai, get into Formation D! Hey Aya, get into formation D! Aya, I'll take care of the rest! Aya, let's do the combination attack! I'll handle it from here, Aya! Captain, I'll assist you! Nice work, Captain! I'll do my best as well! Alright! Leave the rest to me, Latooni! I'll give you a hand, Latooni! Nice position, Kusuha! Leave the rest to me, Kusuha! I'll give you a hand, Kusuha. Mai, I'll take care of the rest! Mai, time for our combo attack! I'll pay you back... Tenfold! Payback time! You want a fight? ...You got it! Nope! I'm not finished with you yet! The odds have been evened! Now the tables have turned! I'm not going to sit here and take that! Right back at ya! Booya! I'm not backing down! I-I'm...! Bastard! How'd you get to be so strong!? Ugh! I-I won't die here! Raarrrrr! I won't dieee!! I-I can still fight... Argh... I c-can't lose! Looks like you couldn't finish what you started! Argh! I-I can get out of this mess. No problem! Uah! R-1! Move! C'mon! Hang in there, R-1! Ugh! It's not over yet! R-1 can still fight! Ugh! The enemy hit the R-1 right in its weakest point!? Ugh! Tronium Engine is behaving abnormally! Hang in there, Rai! Ugh! I can't take much more... Aya! Trust me! I won't lose! The joint servos are overloaded! Super Robots always turn the tables at the last minute! Argh! The enemy found my mech's weak point! Ugh! This mech's light armor turned out to be a disadvantage! Aaaah! I-I won't let you do that! Tch! Stay out of my way! Pretty good moves... I'll have to remember them. Ugh! I-I'll remember your face, you bastard! Ughaa!? You got me! But it's not so bad... heh. You want to stop me, but it's not gonna happen! Cool! That was a sweet move you did just now! You gotta be stronger to take me down, pal! It'll take more than that to take down the R-1! That's not enough to stop the R-1! Damage check! Good, R-1... You can still fight! Tch! You're aiming for my weak spot...! Gah! The AUX parts were hit! I know! I'll watch out next time! Ryu, are you OK!? Ha! This is nothing! What are you doing,Ryusei! Do you think I'm slacking, huh!? What? You DO? Ugh! I don't think my armor can take much more! What's up? Is that the best you can do!? Y-You suck, pal! Not bad! Maybe I shouldn't have gone so easy on ya! That'll be a lesson for you today... Wait, was it MINE!? OUCH! I couldn't dodge it! Where did I get hit!? What? Just a scratch? Damn! The enemy's mech distracted me! H-Hey! I thought I dodged that! You're way out of your league against my R-1! You damaged my R-1! You're on my list now! Ugh! You managed to hit my R-1!? Hey. Were you paying attention? Shut up! I know what I'm doing! You failed to dodge it... Sorry, man! Let's pretend nothing happened, OK? SRX can take a lot more than that. Don't worry about it. The SRX is invincible! In...vincible! Even if my armor is thin, I won't go down easily! One more hit and I'll be in trouble! Almost! You almost got me! Try again in a few years! You're way out of your league! You might wanna go back to pilot school, eh? Th-That was close... Phew... Even Rai could've dodged that! That was... close... Go grab some coffee and try again when you're awake! Sweet! I dodged it! Wow! Almost, almost! Hey, Rai! Did you see that? You didn't, did you... I dodged it! Who's next? You missed! Try again, sucker! My reflexes have been honed by years of video games! Watch out, Ryusei! I know, I know! On your left, Ryu! Leave it to me! Protect me, Jaaammmerrr! Activating anti-missile field! Go ahead! Throw everything you've got at me! Activating barrier!! There's no way you can hit me, buster! I can take more than that! I won't fall! Energy Field! Activating G Wall! Activating Telekinetic Field! Protect me! Telekinetic Field, activate! You're never gonna hit me, fool! Why, thanks! Useless! Useless! Useless!! Shoot! I wasn't keeping track of my ammo! Argh!? I can't attack anymore!? I can't reach you over there, you coward! Full power! Ready... Aim... Fire! G-Revolver! Giant Revolver! G-Revolver Cannon... Random fire! Revolver Cannon... Fire! Send me the G-Impact Cannon... G-Impact Cannon... Fire! Huckebein, Ultimate Attack! Gravity-Impact Cannon, fire! Gunner Technique! Ryu, Rai! Prepare for the R-Formation! Roger, Captain. Alright! I'll go first! Transform! R-Wing! I'll go first! Strike Shields, go! Now, me! Hi-Zol Launcher, fire! I'll finish up this attack! Eat this! T-Link Double Knuckle! Telekinetic Fist! T-Link Knuckle! Haaaaaa! My iron fist will strike you down! Take this! T-Link Knuckle! Go! T-Link Boomerang! Take this! Slash Boomerang! Tear them to pieces! All-gun Boomerang! Eye Laser! Grungust... Eye Crash! Oxtongue Rifle... Mode B! Oxtongue Rifle... Fire! Weissritter's long lance! Oxtongue Rifle... Mode E! Beam Rifle of Weissritter! Ready... Aim... Oxtongue Rifle, Mode D, fire! White Knight's ultimate technique... Oxtongue Rifle, maximum fire! It's the ultimate super attack... Weissritter, unload on 'em! Omega Cannon... Fire! Gust Lander Beam! Giga Burrrst! Giganscudo's heat circles will nail you all at once! Giganscudo... Giga Fiiiire!! Giga Knuckle! Giganscudo... Gigaton Punch! Grungust's ultimate attack... Calamity Sword! The Super Warrior technique...! Calamity Swoooooord!! Calamari... Oops! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! Slash! Type 2 ultimate! Calamity Sword! Doomblade! Goold Steel Kniiiiife!! Tear them to shreds! Steel Kniiiife! Golden Steel Kniiiife... minus the golden! Super Sonic Fist! Jet Magnuuum! Here comes my Killer Technique! Gespenst... Magnum Punch! Blast 'em away, Heavy Claymore! Alt's ultimate attack! The claymore barrage! Spiral Attaaack!! Grungust... Hawk Attack! One slash is all it takes! Slash Ripper! This'll split you in half! Gespenst... Flying Cutter! Double Omega Laser! Gust Wing Laser! Chakram Caster! Slash... Chakram Caster! Twin Magnum Rifle!! Double Magnum Rifle... FIRE! Schutzwald's ultimate attack... Twin Beam Cannon!! The killer technique! Schutzwald Double Beam! It's the ultimate super attack... Twin Beam Cannon! Concentrate... TK...! Form the TK into a blade! Extend the blade! The invincible sword of TK Power! T-Link Blaaaade! T-Link Contact! Destroy them, Dominion Ball! Drill Attack! Gust Lander... Charge! Neutron Beam! Gespenst... Crash Beam! Target sighted! Try some Finger Launcher! Don't miss, Ryusei! Just trust me! ...Finger Launcher! Heat Horn! It'll hurt if you get hit by it! Maybe the head is for showing off...? Fire missiles! Gust Lander missiles! Final Beeeaaam! Ultimate Grungust Beam! Sure shot... Boosted Rifle! Boosted Rifle, fire! Boosted Rifle... Eat this! Roaring fist... Boost Knuckle! Boost Knuckle!! Go! Boost Knuckle! Rocket Gust Punch! Eat my Ultimate Technique! Boost Hammer! Boost Hammer! Craaaaaash! Huckebein's ultimate attack... Black Hole Gun! This one's gonna blow you away! Super Gravity Darkness Impact Cannon! Blaaaade! Kiiiiiick!! Blade Kick, charge! The ultimate technique! Maxiblaaasssterrr!! Grungust... Fiiire! Mega Beam Rifle, Fire! Mega Beam Rifle! I have you in my sights! Mega Beam Rifle! Mega... Blaaasssterrr!! Gespenst, Final Beam! I'll cut you in half! Plasma Sword! Slash! Plasma Sword! Killer technique... Remote Slasher! Huckebein! Berserk Slash Ring! Pierce through! Revolver Stake! Alt's ultimate attack... Iron Claws! Roche Saber! My Roche Saber will slice you into two! Maximum power! Start charging the TK Field now! TK! Burst!! Slaaaash!!! TK Burst! Alt's super- ultimate, final move! Finishing Strike! The Old Metal Ultimate Strike! Final Joker Card! Explode!! Ready, aim... Magna Beam Rifle! Eat this! Magna Beam Rifle! Sure shot... Magna Beam Rifle! Revolver Bunker! Riese'a Ultimate Attack! Alteisen's super-duper ultra attack! Riese's Lethal Weapon! Variable Volcano Strike!! Finishing strike! The Old Metal Ultimate Attack! Final Joker Carrrd!! Super explosion! Behold the power of the new Riese! Claymore Overlord! I win! Gespenst's Final Attack! Ultimate Gespenst Kick! Here I come! The ultimate attack! Gespenst Kick! Super sonic attack! Sonic Hurricane! Soniiiiiic... Breaker! Sonic Breaker! CHARGE! GO! Huckebein Fang Slash! Fang Slasher! Goooooo! Mega-Spin Cross-Edge! Slash away! Mega-Spin Cross-Edge! Go! Huckebein Fang Slash! Faaaaaang Slaaaasher! Raging... Master...! Wait... I can't come up with V! What's good for V!? Never mind! Just chaaaarge! Fly, Astelion! RaMVs! You're finished! Super Ultimate Technique! The Spirit Crushing Fist!! Geist Knuckle! Hiiii-yaaaah! AM Boxer, transform! G-Sword! Here we go! G-Sword Diver! Gravity Sword! Attack! Graviton surfing ram! DIVE! Huckebein! Gunner, full power! Super Ultra Mega-Mega G-Impact Cannon! GOOOOOOO! Huckebein Gunner, maximum power! Super Graviton Cannon! Full blast! Here I go! Ultimate Skill! Blaaade Tonfaaa! Take this! And this! And this! I'll slash you to ribbons! Goooold Steel Swooord! I won't mess up this time! Golden Steel Sword! You think I did that on purpose, huh? Wurger's Super Technique! Beetle! Crusher! Taste my wrath! Cross Smasher! Goooo! Breakdown! Purge the armor wings! Wings of a hundred locusts, soar through the sky! Go, Wurger! Raptor! Wiiiiiiings! Go beyond the limit! Destroy! Jetwiiiing! Wildwurger, gooooo! Jetwing Cutter! Final Break!! Falken's long spear rifle!! Take this! And this! And this! Double Oxtongue! Rifle!! Giganscudo, I believe in your power! Gigaaa!! Unghiaaaa!! Here we go! Thunder of Justice!! Giant Thunder! Volt Claaawww!! Let's do this! Sonic Cutter! Super Sonic Blaaaade! I'll show you the power of this awesome spear! Halberd Shooter! A halberd's a cross between an axe and a spear... Axe-and-Lance Fusion Shooter! OK, that sucked... The Blade Destroyer!! You won't get away from me! Sword Breaker, go! Time to give the coup de grace! I won't let this chance slip away! F-Soliiiid Bazooooooka! Randgrith, I believe in you! Energy is charged! Max power! Final Solid Mega Cannon! Focusing TK power... Take this! Hyper Twin Launchers! I'll show you the power of the new R-Gun! Here we go, Chief! Right! Systems connecting...! Chief, I'll handle the rest. It's all yours, Aya. T-Link contact complete! Metal Destroyer Mode! Tronium engine at full power! Ryu, you have the trigger! Energy charge at 120! One-shot kill! Tronium Cannon! Take this! Let's go, everyone! Roger. Connect the systems...! Let's go, Mai! Got it, Aya! T-Link Twin Contact! Activate the Metal Destroyer Mode! Tronium Engine, maximum power! Ryu, the trigger is yours! Hear the roaring of the H! T! B! Cannon! Ultra Meteor Slash of the Lion King! I'll slash anything that comes in front of me! Go, Stealth Wing! Fly, Stealth Wing! Dive! G-Impact Stake! Take this! Take this! And take this, too! Tear 'em up! Neo Chakram Caster! Neo Chakram Caster! Go! Tracer Missiles! Huckebein, fire the missile! Remote Missile, fire! All missiles, fiiiire!! Eat this! Split Missile! Special delivery! Split Missile! Phalanx Missile, find your mark! I'll give you all I got! Missiles. fire! --Battle Rai-- I'll put you out of your misery...! The only thing waiting for you is death. You're in my way... Get lost! Your fate was sealed the moment we met! Tough luck... Now, go down! Resistance is futile...! Are you ready? Then, here I come! Get out of my way if you don't wanna die! There's no place to run! Go down! Now, go down! Sorry, but this is as far as you go! Right there! Take that! I'll get you! You're the only one I can't forgive...! Of all people, I can't forgive you! I'll send you to Hell! ...Along with the curse you've given me! Sorry, but this is the end for all of you! There's nowhere you can run to! You should've been more careful with your formation... Archibald Grims! I'll never forgive you! I'll sever my ties to you now! Archibald Grims!! Archibald Grims! Pay attention... We're not done yet! I'll take out as many as I can...! You're out of luck! Ryusei, it's time for Formation W! That's not good enough, Ryusei! Well done, Ryusei. Now, I'll join in! I'll join the attack, Captain! I'll cover you, Captain Aya! Captain, it's time for a cooperative attack! Mai, I've got your back! I'll cover you, Mai! Watch and learn, Mai. I'll take it from here, Lieutenant! Lt. Irm has given me a chance to attack the enemy! Leona, don't forget to finish the enemy! Leona, we need to go for a cooperative attack! Let's do this, Elzam! I'll back you up, Elzam! Nobody can avoid our combination attack! Let's do this, brother! I'll back you up, brother! Chief, I've got your back! Great teamwork... You ARE good, Chief. You'll be sorry you couldn't finish me! Your careless will be the cause of your death! I'm not finished yet! Don't get cocky! That's enough! Not good enough! It's payback time! So, this is the end, huh? This is nothing compared to the accident I was in! Ugh! (What power...) Don't get cocky! I'm not done with you yet! My left hand aches because of this disgrace! This is not where I'm going to die! Ugh! I-Is this the end for me...!? You've damaged me this much... Impossible! I don't think the R-2 can withstand another hit... Argh! I can't let the engine blow...! I got hit!? But, this mech won't go down easy! Checking damage... Having thick armor paid off! Tch...! This is harder to control than the R-2! Tch! The Schutzwald won't last much longer! Ugh! This mech is no mere antique...! Ugh! Even if this mech is outdated, it can still fight! Grr! I won't suffer another tragedy in this mech! Ugh! The Huckebein won't go down that easily! Uaghh!! You're good... But not good enough to defeat me! Impressive. I see you're not so bad. *smirk* I guess I still have a lot to learn... How careless of me... But, it won't happen again! Tch! A direct hit...! Checking for damage... I can still fight alright. Tch... That hit my weak spot... So, they targeted my mech... Smart move. It'll take more than that to defeat the R-2! Nearly a direct hit to the power source...! You can't take down the R-Gun with just that! Schutzwald's armor isn't that weak. Tch! I know this mech's an easy target, but... Ugh! The enemy seems to know this mech's weak point! I'm well aware of this mech's durability...! A direct hit to the Huckebein, huh? Not bad. You... Are you in a hurry to die? It seems you think little of me, huh? Damn. It's not like me to let my guard down... That wasn't even worth dodging. How did I let that happen? Bravo... for actually hitting me. Tch... Don't get in my way! The R-2's armor is too tough for that attack. You think you can beat the R-2 like that? Damage to the main armor, but the power source is OK. I got hit... But the R-Gun can handle it. Not a problem for the Schutzwald. So you're going after the slow mechs? That's a solid tactic. This one won't go down easily, despite being an older model. Tch...! I guess me and this mech aren't a good match. If this wasn't the Huckebein, that would have been a direct hit. Sorry, but that attack was useless. Activate the Jammer! That was pathetic! What are you aiming at!? Even Ryusei could have dodged that. How foolish of you to challenge me with skills like that. I've got you all figured out. *smirk* ...Too bad. Next time, target someone else! Is that all you've got? Heh. Sorry, but you're way out of your league. Heh. I can see you're getting impatient. You've chosen the wrong opponent! I don't even need to use the shield. My skill will make up for a lack of maneuverability. I can't afford to get hit so easily in this mech... *smirk* You can't even scratch my R-Gun... Hmph, you can't even scratch this Schutzwald... Not bad. But it wasn't enough to take me down. Looks like you underestimated this Huckebein... I am familiar with this mech. Defense system, activated! Sorry, but your attack was useless. That won't work...! Energy field, activated! G Wall activated! I don't recommend trying a beam attack. That was careless of you. I can't attack... How did I let this happen? Out of range... I see you know what you're doing. You're sticking to textbook maneuvers, huh? I can't counterattack at this distance. Tch... I've got to get closer. Locked on... I won't let you escape! Allow me to attack! Target in range. Proceeding with the attack...! G-Impact Cannon, fireeee!! Target in sight! G-Impact Cannon, fire!! Ryu, Rai! Let's commence Formation-R! Roger that, Captain. I'm going to go first! R-Wing! Transform! I'll go first! Engage Strike Shield! Next up, Hi-Zol Launcher! Fire! I'll complete it! Take this! T-Link Double Knuckle!! Oxtongue Rifle, B mode! Fire! Target in sight... Oxtongue Rifle, fire! This gun is hard to handle... but here goes nothing! Oxtongue Rifle, E mode! Fire! Oxtongue Rifle, D mode! Fire! White Knight, slay my enemy! Firing B and E at the same time! Giga Blaster, fire! Target in sight... Graviton Cannon, fire! Calamity Sword...! Take that!! Calamity... Sword! Darkness Slash! You'll curse the day we met! Doomblade...! Begone! Doom... blade! Take this!! My ultimate attack! And be obliterated! I'll dodge the ricochet if there's any! Heavy Claymore! I'm not safe at this distance, but it's worth the risk! Go! Slash Ripper!! Cut down my enemy! Take my steel chakram! Chakram Caster, fire! Roar! Chakram Caster! Chakram, go! This one's for you! There's no use trying to run! In range. Proceeding with the attack! Twin Beam Cannon, fire! Twin Beam Cannon! I won't miss! Target in sight...! Hi-Zol Launcher, fire! Hi-Zol Launcher!! Say goodbye! Final Beam... Full power!! I'll do some major damage with this attack! I won't miss... Boosted Rifle, fire! Boosted Rifle, fire! Boost Knuckle, fire! Go, Boost Knuckle! I'll crush you! I WILL hit! Boost Knuckle, strike down my enemy! I won't make the same mistake twice! Black Hole Gun, fire! Maxiblaster... Full bombardment! Beam Chakram, fire! Take the chakram of light! Cut my foe to shreds, Beam Chakram! Roar, Chakram! Go, Remote Slasher! Cut my foe to shreds, Remote Slasher! Remote Slasher, fire! Pierce through! Revolver Stake! I'll break you into pieces! This is my last resort! You'll curse your fate! There's no way you can win! The only thing in your future is defeat! I won't miss... Magna Beam Rifle, fire! Magna Beam Rifle, fire! I'll blow you away! Let's go, Gespenst! Revolver Bunker! I'll use the Riese's trump card! Roar! Steel cross! Your fate is in my hands... I have you in my crosshairs... Fang Slasher!! Go, steel cross! Your fate is in my hands... Cross attack! Cut down my enemy, Fang Slasher!! Let's go, Astelion! Full boost! Take this! My ultimate attack! I will show you the RaMVs! Take this...! and be obliterated!! Take this! Feel the wrath of my fist! I'll show you... ...the melee power of the Huckebein Boxer! Hyper Twin Launchers, fire! Hyper Twin Launchers! I'm charging in! Blade Tonfa! Out of my way... Get lost! Behold the sharpness of... ...the lethal blade! Shatter! Beetle Crusher! Jacket Armor, purge! The ultimate Shrike attack! Witness its power with your own eyes!! I'll fight you in the name of the falcon! Firing B and E consecutively! This weapon is hard to handle... But here goes nothing! Falcon! Pierce my enemy! Giganscudo, full power! At this speed... You can't escape! This attack... You can't escape!! Halberd Shooter, fire! Halberd Shooter! Sword Breaker! Sword Breaker will prevail! Lock released! Breaker activated! Go! Sword Breaker! F Solid Bazooka, fire! You can't escape my aim! F Solid Bazooka, fireeee! Locked on... Tracer Missiles, fire! You won't get away! Tracer Missiles, fire! Target locked! Remote Missile, fire! --Battle Aya-- There's no use in running! You can't escape from me! I'll take you out! There! I will HIT! Gotcha! Can you dodge this? I'll shoot you down! You're going down! There's nowhere to run! Take this! I'll do whatever it takes! How about this!? Here I come! I'll take you on! If you stick together like that, I can do this! Activating T-Link. Acquiring target... Commencing Telekinesis Link... I can see... The enemy's movement... Telekinetic Processing... Looking good. I can do this... Focus your thoughts... Concentrate... T-Link Contact... Don't be bothered by that TK Power...! That wasn't the end of our attack! You can't beat our teamwork! Not yet! Here it comes! Ryu! Get into formation! Ryu! Let's work together! Let's keep going, Ryu! Ryu, you can't just attack all the time! Good timing, Rai! We can do this! I'll cover you, Rai! Let's do a team attack, Rai! Rai, let's get into formation! Chief has given me a chance! If I'm with Chief, I can do this! Mai,leave the rest to me! With you... I can do this!! I'll get you back! What are you looking at? Here I come! You can't escape! Now it's my turn! I'm going to push through! I won't just back down...! Here's what I owe you! I won't flinch from an attack like that! Aaah...! Not here...! Ugh! How could it come to this...! I'm not done yet! I can still fight! I don't want to be a burden on everybody! Aaah! My controls...! I-Impossible! My armor's been pierced. Ugh! I-I won't give up! If I give up, Rai and Ryu will laugh at me! I'll get back on my feet somehow! Please, R-3! Hang in there! If I didn't have the Aux-Parts, I'd be a goner...! If the T-Link System is still OK, then I can do this! I won't lose to the overflow of the TK Power! Killing one or two connectors won't affect me!! This is no time to lose consciousness! This TK Power... It's way too huge...! Aah! D-Did I mess up? I'm OK. It's not fatal!! Waah! A direct hit!? It'll take more than that to take me down! Ugh...! Are they going after me now...!? How dare you! I won't be stopped by that weak attack! My "Powered" can't be defeated like that. It got heavier, but it also got tougher! I'm not piloting the SRX's legs for no reason! Don't think that you can interrupt my concentration. System functional. ...I can still fight. I must adjust the T-Link System to stabilize it... Ugh... I'm being pulled by that TK Power...!? Hey! That's not the way to deal with a lady, you know! It's just a scratch! Did you mean to defeat me with that? Oops. I read you wrong...? Look alive, Aya. You're the leader of the SRX. Ugh...! But it wasn't as bad as I thought. I couldn't dodge it... I still have a lot to learn... Hey! How can you shoot my fragile R-3! ! It hit the Aux Parts! That wimpy attack can't bring down my R-3! I won't be startled by such a weak attack. I must... perceive the enemy's moves more precisely. Calm down... Predict the enemy's movement. Ugh! M-My system is affected by that too...! Activating Jammer! Please, protect me! Missiles can't hurt me! Is that all you've got!? Don't think I'm an easy target just because I'm a girl! I won't be hit that easily! Huh? What happened? You're not that unpredictable. Sorry, but that won't hit me. Oh? How do you intend to kill me without hitting me? I've got to do it well, for Mai's sake too! I don't need the T-Link System to dodge your attack! Th-That was kinda close... R-3, dodge it! My mech's mobility has increased too! T-Link Contact... Predict the enemy's attack. T-Link Contact... I can see! I can see...! I knew you'd try to hit me there. Ugh! That TK power is interfering with my system. But! Activate Barrier! Please, protect me! Engaging defensive system! That won't work! Urgh! Activate G-Wall! Activating energy field! T-Link: Full contact! Protect me! Activating TK Field! You can't break my protective field! No! I can't counter-attack! Oh no! It doesn't reach!? All friendlies, get out of the way! Commencing a pre-emptive attack! If this works, nobody will be able to return fire! Launch confirmed. ...Connecting! G-Impact Cannon, fire! Energy charging complete... Connecting! Ryu, Rai! Let's commence Formation-R! Roger that, Captain. I'm going to go first! R-Wing! Transform! I'll go first! Engage Strike Shield! It's my turn! Hi-Zol Launcher! I'll complete it! Take this! T-Link Double Knuckle!! T-Link Boomerang! I'm counting on you!! T-Link Boomerang! Go! Telekinesis focusing... T-Link Boomerang! Oxtongue Rifle... B-Mode, fire! Oxtongue Rifle, fire! Oxtongue Rifle Launching E-Mode! Oxtongue Rifle! D-Mode! Here I go! Oxtongue Rifle... Engaging D-Mode! Giga-Blaster, fire! Graviton Cannon, Fire! Come to me, Calamity Sword! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! This is it!! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! You're finished! Stars Above, Earth Below... Take this! Doomblade! Switching to short range! This... ...is the end! T-Link Contact... Target acquired... Go! Strike Shield! Slash Ripper... I'm counting on you! T-Link Full Contact... Firing TK-Missiles! Twin Beam Cannon... Fire! Ready to fire! Fire!! Final Beam... Fire! Boost Knuckle... Fire! Go! Boost Knuckle! Boost Knuckle! You have nowhere to run! Go down, now! Firing... Maxi Blaster!! Maxi Blaster! Go, Remote Slasher! Remote Slasher, fire! Revolver Stake! Now, it's time for the trump card! This is it...! Now, it's time to use the Riese's trump card! Revolver Bunker! Here I go! Gespenst Kick! Yah! Fang Slasher... Please!! Fang Slasher... Please! Fang Slasher...Go! Maneuver RaMVs... I can do this too! The basics must be the same! I can handle this small number of G! This is it! T-Link Full Contact! Slash Mode, engaged! G-Sword Diver! Energy charging complete! Ballistic Cannon, fire! Concentrating psychic energy...! I've been trained in melee combat too! Blade Tonfa! Time to use the crusher! Wurger, High-Mobility Mode! Extending the wings! Here I go! Raptor Wings! I've been trained to use these weapons! Rifle, D-Mode! Here I go! Oxtongue Rifle...... D-Mode, fire! Sheath Anchor, Charge complete! Here I come! Giga Unghia!! Sonic Cutter! Halberd Launcher... This should work the same as the Strike Shield does! Sword Breaker, Go! I found you! Locked on confirmed! F-Solid Bazooka, fire! Locked on! You can't escape from me! F-Solid Bazooka! Fire! T-Link Full Contact... Hyper Twin Launchers,Fire! Giga Burst!! Here I come... Giga Burst! --Battle Viletta-- Take this! Here I come! Are you ready for this...? Got you! You're finished... You have nowhere to go. You picked the wrong girl to mess with today... You can't get away from me. You were destined to die by my hand! I'm going to wreck you! All of you were destined to die by my hand! Don't hate me. Hate your silly formation. That's too bad... ...Think you can dodge this? Just as I predicted. I will make use of this chance...! I've got you covered. I'll cover you, Radha. Ryusei, let me handle this... I'll cover you, Rai. Aya, I can take it from here. Mai, stand back and let me handle this. This isn't over yet! Time for some payback. Any more of this would be a waste of my time. Your aim wasn't that bad. Make sure you finish off all enemies in front of you. Don't blame me for your lack of skill. ...!? Damn! I see... This is it. Ugh! Don't think I will fall off a hit like that! This is... much more than I expected...! You'll regret not killing me in one shot. Ugh! ...At least it's getting interesting. ...You're better than I expected. I-It seems I was unable to predict your attack...! I'll run a damage check...! I can still fight. I won't lose this mech Ingram entrusted to me...! I-I must not let the engine explode in here...! Oh, no...! The Tronium engine's going critical! Unlike other mechs, the Huckebein can still fight! I know this mech's limits...! You're good. I look forward to your next move. It's a shame we're enemies... We appear to be well-matched. Good... That's it. Is that the best you can do? ...If you wish to kill me, take your best shot. A listless attack is just a waste of effort. ...If I can just keep the power source intact... Heh. Are you trying to blow up my R-Gun as a MAP weapon? I see... I'll use this data when I make adjustments. Heh. The Huckebein can handle this. I know this mech well. The Huckebein is still OK. If that's the best you can do, go home. Well, you scratched my paint. Good job. Heh... All you can do is scratch me? Don't be shy... Let's see what you've got! At least you're accurate. *smirk* You're digging your own grave. You must be more aggressive when fighting. Good... It didn't damage the variable system. I suppose I could make some adjustments to the R-Gun. Don't underestimate this R-Gun. I can't let this mech go berserk again so easily. Don't underestimate the Huckebein. That's not good enough. Are you blind? What are you looking at? You can't hit me! Almost there. That's a simple attack pattern. Pick an easier target next time! ...Too obvious. I look forward your next attack. Move more efficiently. Evasion successful... Moving on to next action. Next time, try aiming. You've provided me with valuable data... Thanks, Radha... This baby can really move. R-Gun... Nice response time. You're underestimating the Huckebein's speed. The Huckebein can handle this. ...Too bad. Activate Jammer...! Looks like you didn't know what I was equipped with. It's no use. The defense system worked...! Should I thank you for that? I can't counterattack...? Don't be so scared... I'll take you all on! MAPW... Fire! Fire! Gotcha! You're going down! I've got you now... I just have to pull the trigger... I won't miss! I won't miss! G-Impact Cannon...! Say your prayers... Energy charged... Full power! Oxtongue Rifle, mode B... Fire! Oxtongue Rifle, mode E... Fire! Oxtongue Rifle... Double fire! Graviton Cannon... Full power! Grungust, sword mode! Darkness Slash! Grungust, semi-final mode! Doomblade! Grungust, final mode! Calamity Sword... Darkness Slash! It's over! Type 2, final mode! Smash it! Jet Magnum! Plasma Stake is set! I've got you in my sights now... Go! Slash Ripper! Rip'em apart! Go! Chakram Caster! Tear 'em up, Chakram Caster! Rifle... Double fire!! Twin Beam Cannon... Final Beam! Black Hole Gun, ready... Go, Remote Slasher! Tear 'em up, Remote Slasher! Remote Slasher! Revolver Stake... Zero fire! Time to finish this! Looks like you underestimated the Gespenst! I will take your close combat data! I'll give you a surprise. Revolver Bunker... Time to finish this! Geist Knuckle... You're cruisin' for a bruisin'! Geist Knuckle! Huckebein Boxer, final mode... Sword Module, change! Take this! G-Sword Diver! Target in sight... Ballistic Cannon! Say your prayers! G-Impact Cannon, connecting... You were destined to die here...! Full blast! Hyper Twin Launchers, fire! Say your prayers! You can't escape... Hyper Twin Launchers, full power! ...Action selected. Blade Tonfa, set! You were destined to die here! Take this... ...Cold, shimmering blade! Crusher, set! Beetle Crusher! Wildwurger, mode change... Boost! Raptor Wings! Detach the Jacket Armors! Wildwurger... Final mode! You're finished! Tear 'em up! Fang Slasher! Tear 'em up! Fang Slasher! Go! Fang Slasher! Astelion, Boost drive! Full power! Here goes! Taste some fear! Astelion, BF mode... This maneuver... ...will be last thing you ever see! Rifle, double fire! My giant claws! Boosters on! Sonic Breaker, attack! Attack! Sonic Cutter, attack! Suck it down at the speed of sound! This distance is perfect. You're my target...! Full fire! Target locked... Sword Breaker, fire! Release lock... Sword Breaker! Take this! Open the barrel... Target locked! F-Solid Bazooka! Say your prayers! Here we go, Chief! Right! Systems connecting...! Chief, I'll handle the rest. It's all yours, Aya. T-Link contact! Activating Metal Destroyer mode! Tronium engine, full-drive! Ryu, pull the trigger! Energy charge at 120! One-shot kill! Tronium Cannon! Take this! Tracer Missiles... Salvo fire!! Impact area confirmed! Firing the Tracer Missiles! Remote Missile ...Fire! I just have to pull the trigger. Split Missile, fire! Phalanx Missile... Salvo fire! --Battle Mai-- Go! You won't get away...! I've got you...! If I can focus my TK power... I can do this...! Gotcha! I must feel... the enemy's moves! I must broaden my TK Power...! ...There! I will hit...! I won't miss...! I can see... the enemy's moves! I can't let this chance escape! I'll attack swiftly! I'll hit with every shot! I will incapacitate you... For Latooni's sake! Let's go, R-Gun...! I'm not the only one depending on this mech. I must be careful! I'm here too...! I shall press on! I can't pass up this opportunity! Ryu, I can handle it from here! Ryu's given me a chance to attack...! Raidiese, I'll cover you...! Chief, I'll cover you...! Aya, I'll help you! If Aya and I can cooperate...! It is not over yet! It's my turn! I won't go down like this...! I'm only getting started. I won't give up...! Aaagh! N-No! Aagh! Wh-What is this power!? M-My TK power is disturbed! Ugh! I mustn't become a burden to Aya and the others...! Ugh! I need to focus and gather more TK Power...! I-I will endure... Ugh! A-Aya! N-Not good! I'm losing focus...! Please, R-Gun! Don't die on me now! Uuugh! I can't lose this mech...! Damn! It's a direct hit...! I... I can still fight! That attack won't break my concentration! I couldn't anticipate that... Y-You caught up with me!? I mustn't make Ryu and the others worry...! I need to concentrate on the enemy's movement! The TK Power is reversing its flow! How dare you hit our R-Gun!? I got hit...!? I'm OK... It's just a scratch. It's nothing... ...That's it? It's only a scratch. No, I can't let my guard down...! That won't work against R-Gun! The T-Link System is intact... No use... That won't work... I have to keep moving! You're so predictable! Just as I predicted with my TK Power... I can't have Aya worried about me... You won't hit me! Such a pitiful attack! What're you aiming for...? I dodged it... That was close. Extend the barrier... Did the defensive system protect me? Now that I have this, there's nothing to worry about. Activate the TK Field... I can't attack...!? I can't believe I lost the enemy...! Where did you go...? I've got the enemies' movements! This'll do it! All targets locked on! Go! Mega Blaster! Slash the enemy! TK Boomerang! There! TK Boomerang! Take my TK Power and go, TK Boomerang! I will you to fly to the enemy... TK Boomerang! Double fire! Rifle... Double fire! Double Magna Rifle, fire! Double Magna Rifle... Fire! Here I come...! Gespenst Kick! Plasma Stake, set! I'll get you with this! No target will getaway! Twin Beam Cannon, fire! Your moves... are easy to predict! No target will get away! Concentrate on when to pull the trigger... Fire! I won't hold back...! This will be your end... I'll give you my best shot...! You're finished! Oxtongue Rifle! Can you dodge my continuous attack! If you don't take me seriously, I'll make you pay! Black Hole Gun, fire! I must take responsibility for what I have done...! Black Hole Gun! G-Impact Cannon, fire! G-Impact Cannon! Slash the enemy! Fang Slasher! Go, as I will you to... Go! Fang Slasher! I command you! Fang Slasher, go! Am I good enough for this...? Calculate the enemy trajectory... There! You won't get away! Smash the enemy! Geist Knuckle! Locked on! Here I come! Activate Slash Mode! G Sword Diver! AM Gunner, energy charge! Ballistic Cannon... Fire! T-Link... Full Contact! Ballistic Cannon! I can see you...! You won't get away! Hyper Twin Launchers, fire! Concentrate TK Energy...! Blade Tonfa, set! Hiyaaaa! Take this...! Metal Sword! Crusher, set! Here I go! Beetle Crusher! I'll get you...! ...With my Beetle Crusher! Haaah! No one escapes... ...from my wings! I won't hold back! Raptor Wings! You're finished! Let's go, Wurger! Extend the wings... High Mobility Mode, set! Raptor Wings... You're finished! Oxtongue Rifle... I will try a combination attack! Calamity Sword! Let's go, Grungust! Now, Grungust... Show me what you can do. Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash!! Let's go, Type 2...! Doomblade! Let's go, Giganscudo...! Giga Unghia! Let's go...! Sonic Breaker! Charge, Calion! Sonic Cutter! Halberd Shooter, fire! I've got the hang of it...! Go, Sword Breakers! Chase my enemy! Sword Breaker! F-Solid Bazooka, ready...! Locked on to the enemy! Eat this! Let's go, everyone! Roger. Connect the systems...! Let's go, Mai! Got it, Aya! T-Link Twin Contact! Activate the Metal Destroyer Mode! Tronium Engine, Maximum power! Ryu, the trigger is all yours! Energy capacity at 120! Hear the roaring of the H! T! B! Cannon! --Battle Irm-- Sorry, but you're mine! Don't worry, I haven't lost my touch from the old days... I'm not going to cut you any slack! Let's go, buddy! Go down already! Gotcha! Let's get going! It's too late to panic! You may be skilled, but I'm better than you. It's my turn... I'll make it look cool! Sorry, but I won't miss! Eat this! There! Begone! Looks like you took notice of me way too late! You're not going anywhere...! Time for me to immobilize you! I'll take all of you down! Can you keep up with my speed? Your negligence will be your undoing! ...You've got to be sharp, man! Ryusei, let me give you a hand! You're usually better than this, Rai. Here, let me help. I've got you covered, Captain! Let's show them we aren't partners for nothing! How come we only get along on the battlefield? What goes around comes around! The ladies find my tenacity endearing... No more Mr. Nice Guy! I'm usually a nice guy... But not to my enemies! An eye for an eye! Now it's my turn! Now, we're even! Argh! Gimme a break! Winning's more fun when you come from behind! I didn't expect this, but it's getting interesting for sure! How'd you get that powerful!? Ugh! A-Are you for real!? Whoa! This is rough! I guess I'm lucky to be alive! Ugh! I should've asked my old man to make it stronger... Wha!? This mech's armor's been penetrated!? Whoa! This is definitely more dangerous than usual. Ugh! I'm just adding to the Huckebein jinx! Argh! Hang in there, Gespenst! Heh, let's not make this fight our last, Gespenst! Urgh! Not bad! Hmph. Have they seen through my tricks already? I'm just getting warmed up! Just as I had predicted. Now, it's time to get serious! Whoa! Now we're talking! I've been hurt worse than that! How'd I let that one slip by... Ugha! I'm gonna tell my dad about this! ...Just kidding! Are our mechs about equal? Then, I won't hold back! This mech is used to this kind of damage. Hey! Come on! Don't hit my engine! Whew! I'm glad I took the MkII... This isn't so bad. I've been in this position before. Damn... I don't think the Gespest can take much more. You're weak, buddy! Even a trained monkey can aim! Too weak! Ha! Just like I thought. Weak! *smirk* Is that all? Oops. Did I get hit? I guess I have to improve my skills. *smile* My old man really did work on this mech... If it wasn't for this mech, that would've been worse. I'll be fine, as long as I don't get hit in a critical spot. Wow, you hit a Huckebein. Not bad. Hey, hey. Can you shoot somebody else, please? Well, I guess you'd care less about my situation, huh? The perfect opponent for a Gespenst... Am I getting rusty? I thought I could do better. You know, superheroes are invincible! Don't underestimate me! I don't have time to waste on you. I only let the ladies get that close to me. You can't kill me, no matter how many times you try. Whoa. Close call. You better not underestimate me. I know your moves already! You're too predictable! Sorry. But you had your chance. A-ha! It's just like I thought. If I scratch this mech, my old man will have my head, you know? Hiya! You didn't expect that I'd dodge, did you? Let's just say, this mech ain't big for nothing! You did quite well against my Huckebein. Heh. You better not underestimate my Huckebein. I have my reasons not to get hit by you, savvy? Well, I've got some flight time on this mech, y'know? Heeya! Oh, man, this mech is better than ever! Just give it up, man! I prepared for something like this! No girl? No thanks. A-ha! I've got a Barrier. No more ammo? Man, this sucks. That was a narrow escape, huh? Take all these! If you're not gonna do anything, then I'll go first! Time to use the MAP weapon! Take this! Time for the Big Bang! G-Impact Cannon, fire! This is the end! G-Impact Cannon! This looks like a job for dual shots! Eat this! D-Mode, fire! Omega Cannon! Giga Blaster... Fire! This oughtta do it... Graviton Launcher! Calamity Sword! Let's end this! Two stars of calamity shine in the heavens... That is the Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! Slash! Two stars of calamity shinein the heavens... Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash!! Doomblade! Plasma Stakes, lock and load! Eat this... Jet Magnum! Time for the finishing strike! I call this the Gespenst Punch! Like it? Jet Magnum! I've always been good... ...at melee combat, y'know! Although it's rough... This will take care of you! You made a mistake coming in front of this weapon! This weapon is crazy,but its power is amazing! Spiral Attack! Go! Slash Ripper! Cut 'em up! Double Omega Laser! Chakram Caster, go! Cut 'em up! Chakram Caster! Don't try to run from me! Twin Beam Cannon, fire! Drill Attack! Missile... Fire! Final Beam! Blow 'em away! Final Beam! Take this! Boost Knuckle! Boost Knuckle! This is my favorite! Black Hole Cannon, fire! Maxiblaster... Fire!! Maxiblaster! Remote Slasher, go! Cut 'em all! Remote Slasher! Remote Slasher!! Well, since it's a simple weapon... It's simply powerful! Revolver Stake! Don't worry,I've got plenty for you! This is my ace! It's the moment of truth! This is the ace I've been holding up my sleeve! Eat this! Gespenst Kick! It's been awhile since I've had to try this hard! Time for the coup de grace! Gespenst Kick! Here I go! Revolver Bunker! Don't worry, I've got plenty for you! Fang Slasher! You can't run from this bite! Fang Slasher! Go! Cut 'em up! Fang Slasher! You can't run from this bite! Fang Slasher! I'll show you some of my flashy maneuvers! Yee-haw! RaMVs, finish 'em! A light mech is able to do something like this, y'know! Dive, Astelion! Time for the finisher! Start the arm link! Eat this! Geist Knuckle! This mech is more of a Super Robot than a PT... Which means it'll be easier for me to control it! I'll show you the true power of the Blade! Well, here I go! Yaaah! Feel the sub-zero chill of my sword! Well, the meaning is wrong,but...! This is a simple weapon, but the power is guaranteed. Now... Take this! Beetle Crusher! Detach the jacket armor! Open the wings! Prepare yourself! Raptor Wings! It's the end of the line for you! All right! Time for the double whammy! Can you dodge this? Well, let's do this! Roar like thunder! Giga Unghia! Spiral Attack...! Well, something like that! Sonic Cutter! That's right, stay right there! Long Cannons can shoot up long distances! Take that! Sonic Breaker! You won't get away! Sword Breaker, fire! Sword Breaker! If you're trying to get my attention... You got it! F-Solid Bazooka! Fire! Target locked on! Eat this! Hyper Twin Launchers! Here I go! Giga Burst! Eat this! Giga Burst! --Battle Masaki-- Too slow!! Hit 'em!! Got you! Go!! It's my turn! I'll do it! Take this!! You want some!? Not so fast!! Take that!! You piss me off! Damn you!! Just die, already! It's my turn now, Aguija!! Take this! Akashic Buster! I'll get you all at once! Zephyr Sword, the mist cutter! Taste the sting of my Zephyr Sword! You piss me off!! Shu! I won't let you do as you please this time! This is payback for earlier! Where're you looking at? You're wide open! I'm not finished yet! Here's another one for you!! Here's a little something from me! Take it! Lune, let me handle this!! Lune, I'll give you a hand! Leave the rest to me, Lune! Shu...! One false move... and I'll shoot! Now you did it!! Right back at ya!! It ain't gonna happen! Want more!? Then, take that!! I always make sure to return the favor! Now, it's time for payback! Not yet! This is just the beginning!! This is where I get serious! Now, it's my turn! Tch!! I guess I'm losing my touch!! Damn!! I'm done for if I don't do something! What!? You have that much power!? Damn!! I'm not going down yet!! Damn! I can't believe Cybuster took this much damage!! Come on, Cybuster! You can do better than that! Ugh! This doesn't look good!! C'mon, Masaki! I don't wanna die here, meow! Ugh!! Crap! This is BAD! Masaki, meow! We're finished if we don't do something!! Shu...! You won't take me down ...ever! Ugh!! Not bad!! Ugh! Don't underestimate the Cybuster!! Ugh! You can't beat me!! Grr! Not yet!! Ouch... Now, you're gonna pay, bastard!! Ouch... I let my guard down!! Let's get it together, for crying out loud, meow! Ouch! Now you'll pay!! Masaki, Hurry up and do something, meow! Tch, that Shu! He's trying to say he's playing with me!? Heh, looks like he's up to my speed! Heh, is that all you've got! Heh heh! I didn't feel a thing! Huh? You plan to come at me with that? So, is that it!? You GOTTA do better than that! ...Meow, what are you gonna do if he strikes back? Tch, nicked me! Masaki, you suck! Pay attention to the enemy, meow! What's the matter? Is that all the Granzon's got!? Your aim's off! You suck!! You can't hit me!! The Lord of the Wind is not just for show, ya know! I'm over here! Oops! You missed. Aim, idiot! Heh, you missed again! Don't underestimate me! Heh! Don't even bother trying to take me on! You think you can take me? Don't make me laugh. You won't even be able to touch the Cybuster like that! Heh! Shu, you're out of luck! If it's a speed battle, I won't lose! Heh, didn't feel a thing!! That won't do anything!! That's useless! Damn! I'm out of ammo!! Damn! I can't hit it from here!! Take this!! Cy-Flaaaash!! Gooooooo! Akashic Busterrrr!! Now, I'll finish you! Cosmo Nova! Ether Magic Sword Attack!! ...Just kidding. Go! High Familiar!! Let us handle it, meow! Kuro, Shiro, I'm counting on you two! Leave the rest to us, meow! --Battle Lune-- You're no match for me! Go down! Gotcha! I won't let you do that! Eat this! Now, I'm serious! Take this! You'd better get ready! Hey, hey! Stay focused! I won't let you escape! Too slow! Don't you dare underestimate me! Here I come! Outta my way! Shu! Get out of my way, or you'll regret it! So, you're the boss,huh? You'd better get ready! Leave the rest to me! It's not over! Here's my chance! Hey, Masaki! What are you doing!? Masaki, I'll take care of the rest! Need help, Masaki? An eye for an eye! You can't just do whatever you want without consequences! Now you did it, you bastard! I'll give you 10 times what you gave to me! You won't be going home in one piece! This is payback for earlier! Now it's my turn! Don't get cocky now! It's not over yet! Dammit... I've been beaten! Ugh! I-I can't hold out any longer... Agh! Too much damage! !! I can't go down just yet! No!? My Valsione is overpowered!? A-At this rate, even my Valsione might not hold out... Oh no! Valsione, don't die on me now! Ugh! Damn it! S-So... This is the true power of the Granzon!? Kyah!? H-How dare you!! I'm not done yet! This is nothing! Not yet! My Valsione can still fight! OUCH! H-How dare you!! Uuughh! That really hurt! Owww! But!! I'm not dead yet, you know!! OUCH! Damn you! You don't have to go easy on me, Shu! It didn't hurt at all!! This is nothing! I'm all ready to fight! That won't work against my Valsione!! You call that an attack...!? You'll never beat my Valsione like that! Hmm... Is that all you got? What? I guess Granzon's not such a big deal after all. Hey! You SUCK! Boooor-ing. Nyah, nyah! You can't hit me! Where are you aiming? C'mon, c'mon! I'm right here for ya! Tooooo bad. Heheh! I'm proud of my reflexes. Alright! Who's next? No one can outrun my Valsione! Way to go, Valsione! Where are you looking at! I see your movement! Hey! I'm over here! Try again later! No need to take it easy on me! That won't hit me! Uhh....What are you doing? Missed me! Your power is nothing if you can't hit me! I told you... It won't work! Tooooo bad! You think THAT's going to work on me? Ah, man! I can't even fight back? How can I fight back if you're that far away? Lame! Take this! Graviton Cannon! You're finished! Graviton Cannon! Cross Smasher! Time for the finisher! You're finished! Croooooooss Smasher! Take this! Psy-Blaster! Eat it! Psy-Blaster! Slash Ripper! Divine Blade! Take this! Divine Blade! Eat this! Boost Hammer! Eat it! Boost Hammer! Eat this! Remote Slasher! Try this on for size! Remote Slasher! Take this! Shishioh Blade! --Battle Shu-- *smirk* Now, here I come. Shall we begin? Are you ready now? *chuckle* Let's see if you like this. Now, shall we finish this? Can you withstand this? You will experience the true power of the Granzon... Let's finish this. Masaki, our unsavory ties end here. Are you ready, Masaki? You really are persistent... I won't let you escape... You can't escape from me... *chuckle* No need to thank me, Masaki... I'll show you how to attack. I must express my gratitude. This is retribution for your defiance. Don't forget, you're the one who started this. *chuckle* It's my turn now. Ugh! Most impressive... Ugh! You've done well...... Quite impressive, damaging me this much... Y-You're better than I expected... Ugh...! So this is your true power... I see... Dr. Bian made the right choice after all... Tch!! Ugh!? How can this be? Ugh. You know you don't stand a chance against me, Masaki. ! Very good... As expected from the Elemental Lord... Tch! ...But that's not enough to defeat me. Hmm... You'll have to do better than that if you wish to defeat me. Hmm? You're fighting me with that? ...How foolish. Very well... But, the real fight starts now. Hmm... No wonder Dr. Bian was so fascinated with you. Ugh... I see you have begun to attack me more seriously. Masaki, I'll teach you that there's always a bigger fish. I expected better from the Elemental Lord, Masaki... Surely you can do better with the power Dr. Bian sensed in you. You disappoint me. Do you really think you can defeat me with an attack like that? *chuckle* Resistance is futile... You're no match for me. I have high expectations for your next attack. You never give up, do you, Masaki? Heh. The Elemental Lord is no match for me. You can't hit me... *smirk* Foolish... Your aim is not accurate enough. What are you shooting at? I'm right here. Is that all you've got? Amateur... That was commendable, Masaki. *chuckle* I told you. Not even the Elemental Lord can stop me. *scoff* It's no use. Something is missing, don't you agree? Your weak attacks can't harm the Granzon... You should stop wasting your energy... That won't work on me... ...I can't counterattack, I see. ...Out of range. Oh, well. Graviton Gun... Fire! Gran Sword! Black Hole Cluster, fire! Wormhole Attack! --Battle Daitetsu-- Commence attack! Fire! We can't afford to miss! Aim for the Tesla Drive at its stern! All hands, rig ship for anti-sub warfare! All hands, rig ship for torpedo combat! All hands, rig ship for artillery combat! Rig ship for artillery warfare! Rig ship for anti-ship warfare! Brace yourselves, men! Give support to our friendly units! We'll pick up the fight from here! Don't give them a chance to attack! We'll resume the fight from here! Commence fire! N-No! If we go down...! U-Ugh! A hit to the keel! The tertiary bridge has been damaged! Fire control teams to the damaged sections! The stern's hit! The Tesla Drive's output is decreasing! Use the Aux rocket engine to keep the ship moving! We've been hit! Portside, blocks 4 through 6, Sir! Are you aware of what will happen if this ship blows up? C-Captain! At this rate, we're going to...! We can't give up, XO! No matter what! Ugh! Hit on the top 12 decks! Cannons 6 and 7 disabled! You must not panic! Remember your duties, men! Argh! W-We should call back the PT squad! Negative! We must hold fast on our own! Argh! So this is the Shirogane's power!? Fear not! We have the spirit to defeat them! Urgh! Aaaah! Aaaar... Damage report! Direct hit to the bow! The cannons are still operational! Ugh! Damage to the foredeck! What!? They penetrated the Hagane's armor!? Eita, where were we hit!? We're hit on the bow thrusters, but we can still maneuver! Ugh... What are you doing, Helmsman!? XO, we must not take any more hits! Tesla Drive generator got hit! Then, switch propulsion to the rocket thrusters! Ugh! W-We're losing ground...! *smirk* We've survived worse than this. Direct hit!? But, our ships are the same. We can't give up! That is correct, XO! Light damage to the bow sensors! They're focusing their firepower on us! All guns, keep them at bay! We've taken a hit on the port stabilizer! Use the Tesla Drive and the Aux Boosters to steady us! We took a hit on the upper blade, Sir, but we're OK! Keep your guard up! They're still coming! Damn it! They're concentrating on us! Don't get distracted! Steady your aim! Damn! We've taken damage! We're fine. Hard starboard! Ready to counterattack! It's no use! We can't shake them off! Then, we'll bombard them head on! Evasive maneuver! Dodge it! Evasive maneuver! Evasive maneuvers! Fire AUX thrusters! Roger! Firing thrusters! Raise the bow! Flank speed! Left full rudder! Aye, Captain! Uptrim 15 degrees! Left full rudder!! Right full rudder! Hard to starboard! Turn 90 degrees! We can't go down so easily. Extend the Energy Field! Hurry!! It won't work...! Extend the Energy Field in front of the bow! Activate the E-Field! Captain! We're unable to counterattack! Then we have no choice. Concentrate on defense! Ugh! Our cannons can't reach them...!? Captain, distance analysis completed! Fire Cannons 1 through 4! Cannons 2 and 3, fire! Firrrreeee! Portside cannons, take out the enemy! Enemy at coordinates 0-4-0! Portside cannons, fire! Very well. All cannons, commence fire on the target! Roger! Sub guns 1 and 3, fire! Bow tube No. 2 is loaded, Sir! Tube 2, fire torpedo! Sonar response confirmed! We've found the target's location! Tube 7, fire! STF Torpedoes are set, Sir! Tube 1, fire torpedo! Bow tube No. 6 is loaded, Sir! Tube 6, fire! Tube 5, fire torpedo! Anti-Air Guns! Don't let them get any closer! Barrage fire in front of the ship now! AA Gunners, commence fire! AA cannons, fire at will! Main cannons 1 and 3, ready to fire, Sir! Commence fire! Shoot them down! Fire the impact cannon! Forward main cannons, ready and aim! Cannons 3 and 4, commence fire! Distance analysis is complete, Captain! Very well! Forward Impact Cannons, fire at will! All data is in! We're ready to fire! Alright, then! Cannons 2 and 4, fire! Range Check is complete! Cannons 1 and 2 are ready, Sir! Time for the finisher! All cannons fire at will! All units, the Hagane is about to fire its main cannons! Fire at will! Main cannons, aimed and ready! Fire the forward main cannons! Prepare the VLS Homing Missiles! Open ports! Fire AA missiles on upper deck, both sides! VLS AA Missiles, fire! Range check completed! Activate the Titanic Drill! Tesla Drive max power! Ignite the Aux rocket boosters! Flank speed ahead! Kurogane... Chaaaaarge!! Energy charge at 120! T-minus 5 seconds! All hands, brace for impact! Fire the Tronium Cannon! Fail-safes disengaged! All hands, brace for impact! Impact in 3... 2... 1... Fire the Tronuim Cannon! --Battle XO Tetsuya-- ......... !?!?!? .........!!! .........!! .........? --Battle Tetsuya-- Ready, fire! Initiate attack! Fire! Do not miss! Prepare to disengage the gravity brakes! T-minus 3... 2... 1... Zero! Activate the Titanic Drill! Here I come, Lee! I will avenge Captain Daitetsu's death! Begin the attack! All hands, look alive now! Seek out the enemy! I will fulfill my duty as a Deputy Captain! Don't hesitate! Go! This is Iron 3! Commencing the attack! Aim for the Tesla Drive in the stern! All hands, rig ship for anti-sub warfare! All hands, rig ship for torpedo combat! All hands, rig ship for artillery combat! Commence artillery attack! Rig ship for anti-ship warfare! Brace yourselves, men! Lee! You'll pay for what you did to Captain Daitetsu! 5 seconds until Tronium Cannon use! Shield your eyes! Full speed ahead! Hit him before he can hit us! Give support to our friendly units! We're going to provide a second wave of attacks! Don't give them a chance to counterattack! Commece fire! Don't let up! Fire a barrage! Teach them the error of their ways! Now! Fire back at them! Ugh... If we sink...! I'm sorry, Captain Daitetsu! W-We've been hit on the bilge! Bridge No. 3's down! Calm down!! Prioritize the fire control, NOW! The stern's hit! The Tesla Drive's output is decreasing! Use the Aux rocket engine to keep the ship moving! We've been hit! Portside, blocks 4 through 6, Sir! Wh-What would Captain Daitetsu do...? Think! D-Deputy Captain! At this rate, we're going to...! Don't panic! We've been through worse than this! Ugh! Top side 12 blocks, main cannons 6 and 7 are down! Stay strong! Focus on the mission! Ugha!? L-Let's call back the PT squad, Sir! No! We must hold out by ourselves here! ! Report the damage! Direct hit to the bow! The cannons are still operational! Eita, where were we hit!? We're hit on the bow thrusters, but we can still maneuver! Aah! Helmsman, what's going on!? Argh! We can't afford to take another hit! Direct hit on the Tesla Drive generator on the stern! Switch the engine to rocket booster for now! Ugh! W-We're losing ground...! This is nothing compared to the L5 Campaign! Ugh! Damage to the foredeck! Ugh! K-Kurogane's armor couldn't stop it, huh...! Where were we hit!? Light damage to the bow sensors! They're focusing their firepower on us...! Artillery! Don't let them get any closer! We've taken a hit on the port stabilizer! Stabilize the ship with the Tesla Drive and Aux Engines! We got hit on the upper Blade Sail, but we're OK, Sir! Keep your guard up! Enemies are still coming! Did they decide to focus on us!? Don't worry about that! Keep firing! Damn! We couldn't dodge that in time...! We're still OK! Turn the ship around to return fire! This amount of damage is nothing to worry about, Sir! Stay alert, or they'll take advantage or us! The Jammer seems to be functioning well. Activate the jammer! Evasive maneuver! Dodge it! Evasive maneuver! Emergency maneuvers! Engage the auxiliary thrusters! Roger! Firing thrusters! Raise the bow! Flank speed! Left full rudder! Aye, Captain! Uptrim 15 degrees! Left full rudder!! Right full rudder! Right full rudder, 60 to 90 degrees, aye! We can't go down that easily...! Extend the Energy Field! Hurry! That won't work! Extend the Energy Field in front of the bow! Activate the E-Field! Deputy Captain! We're unable to return fire! We've got no choice! Concentrate on defensive measures! What! Our cannons won't reach the enemy!? Bow tube No. 6 is loaded, Sir! Very well. Fire now! Active Sonar has confirmed the enemy position, Sir! Tube 3, fire! STF Torpedoes are set, Sir! Very well. Fire! All right! Focus our fire on the target! Roger! Fire cannons 1 and 3! Use the portside cannons to take out the enemy! Enemy on bearing 0-4-0! Port cannons, fiiire!! Fire cannons 2 and 3! Roger! Fire! Deputy Captain! Enemy ranging checks completed! Fire sub- cannons 1-4! Anti-Air Guns! Don't let them get any closer! Barrage fire in front of the ship now! AA Gunners, commence fire! Commence anti-air attack! Main cannons 1 and 3, ready to fire, Sir! Watch your fire! Make every shot count! Range check completed! Relative speed synchronized! Impact Cannons, fire! Front cannons, lock and load! Aim! Cannons 3 and 4, open fire!! Range check is complete, Captain! Very well. Front Impact Cannons, open fire!! All data is in! We're ready to fire! Now! Fire cannons 2 and 4! Range Check is complete! Cannons 1 and 2 are ready, Sir! Let's end this! Fire! Bridge to all units! We'll fire the main cannons! Fire at will! Main cannons, aimed and ready! Fire the front main cannons! Prepare the Vertical Launcher Systems! Fire AA missiles on upper deck, both sides! VLS AA Missiles, fire! Energy charge at 120! T-minus 5 seconds! All hands, cover your eyes and brace for impact! Fire the Tronuim Cannon! Range check completed! Activate the Titanic Drill! Tesla Drive max power! Ignite the Aux rocket boosters! Flank speed ahead! Kurogane... Chaaaaarge!! --Battle Eita-- ......... !?!?!? .........!!! .........!! .........? --Battle Latooni-- ...I'm attacking... ...I have you...! ...Here I go...! ...I need to aim carefully...! Commencing attack... Relative speed confirmed! If I can get close enough... ...I have you in my sights... ...I've got you...! Target locked...! BM Select options set. Commencing attack... I won't lose... I won't let my target get away... ...There...! Confirming target...! Perfect...! Confirming the data... It's good enough...! Final confirmation of target data. Perfect...! Don't move, Seolla...! Confirming enemy coordinates. I'm good to go...! From this position, I can launch a successive assault...! Ouka... Big Sis... Listen to me...! Ouka... I want to protect you...! Ouka... Remember the truth...! Seolla... You're the one being deceived... Seolla! Arado risked his life to save you...! ...I'll back you up! Accelerating! Following through...! The target has stopped...! ...I won't let you escape...! There's still a chance to attack...! Ryusei, I've got you covered...! Princess, I'll take care of the rest... I will turn the tide here...! Commencing counterattack...! Reconfirming the target... ...I won't be shot down that easily...! Resetting BM Select... Recalculating distance, speed... Commencing attack! I have all I need to know about your weaknesses! Don't think the trick will work on me again... I'll end it here...! Ahh... I must punch out...! Ugh... I must survive for Giado and Garnet's sake...! This is nothing compared to my Schooldays...! Ahh! A-At this rate...! Ugh... Heavy damage sustained... Checking damaged areas... I can still fight...! Ugh! I-I'm not going down yet...! Ahh! A direct hit... Was I caught off guard...? Damage level is within acceptable parameters... We're even... I got your flight data in return. If I get hit again, Giado and Garnet might worry. Ugh! I couldn't make full use of the combat data...! I couldn't analyze the trajectory in time...! You're not much of a pilot... You don't need to take it easy on me. I thought I could dodge that... All combat systems are still functional... That won't hit... Evasive maneuver completed. ...Analyzing attack patterns... Just as I predicted... ...That was obvious. Where are you aiming...? ...Your movements are too predictable. Don't think I'm just a child. You have been a help in my data collecting... I was trained for this. You're not skilled enough to be my opponent... ...Is that it? ...Are you finished already? I must draw the enemy closer... Th-That attack maneuver was...!! Activating the defense measure! I have prepared this kind of equipment, too... Activating defensive measures...! Extending the Barrier... Thank you... I must limit my number of attacks... Recalculating distance from target. Unable to attack... I'm going to use the MAPW...! A preemptive attack is a very useful tactic...! Data input completed! Target locked. Connecting... G-Impact Cannon, fire...! Commencing final verification... Connecting to G-Impact Cannon... Fire...! BM Select: Oxtongue Rifle B, fire...! Data entered. B Mode, fire...! BM Select: Oxtongue Rifle E, fire...! Data entered. E Mode, fire...! BM Select: Oxtongue Rifle D, fire...! Oxtongue Rifle, rapid fire! Confirming target. Commencing attack...! Data entered. Target confirmed. BM Select: D. Oxtongue Rifle, fire...! Grungust: sword mode... Calamity Sword...! Grungust: final mode...! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash...! You're finished! Type 2: final mode... Doomblade...! BM Select: hand-to-hand combat. Commencing attack...! Plasma Stake, set. You're in range for close- quarter combat! Jet Magnum! Homing mode... Slash Ripper, fire...! Inputting target data. Locking on target... Locking on target... Chakram Caster, fire...! Homing mode... Chakram Caster, fire...! Inputting target data. Chakram Caster, fire...! Inputting data... Confirming target... Twin Beam Cannon, fire...! ...In range... In range... Connecting to Black Hole Gun... Final verification of target... Fire...! Locking on target... Remote Slasher, fire...! Homing mode... Remote Slasher, fire...! Inputting target data. Remote Slasher, fire...! Revolver Stake, set. Charge...! Alteisen: final mode... Enemy confirmed down...! Rolling Cannon! This is it...! Vostok Laser! W-I³NK System, single mode... Sonic Driver! Boost! This is... the end. Mega Blaster, fire...! I've got you...! The name of this attack reflects its power...! The ultimate Gespenst Kick! Charge! Bunker, set. It's not that I can't fight hand-to-hand... I'd be useless if I couldn't... Alteisen Riese,:final mode. ...You're done for! Confirming target... Please, Fang Slasher...! Distance adjustment... done. I'm within range...! Fang Slasher, fire...! Inputting homing data. Confirming target... Go, Fang Slasher...! BM Select... Anti-impact and anti-G defense... Attack! If I can predict your trajectory... It's over...! Switching the targeting system to manual mode...! ...I see your movements now...! I, too, can do this...! Recalculate distance, close range. If that's the case...! I'm sure you'll be able to handle it... Since that's what you said...! Calculate distance... Confirm target... This is it...! Input data... In this case... This is my best option...! Even these kinds of weapons... share the same characteristics as the other weapons! BM Select! Melee Combat Mode! Blade Tonfa, set. Here I come...! Metal Sword! I'll try Arado's moves... I can... ...Do this...! Crusher, set. BM Select: hand-to-hand combat. You won't escape... The Wurger! BM Select: close combat...! Detach the Jacket armor! Wildwurger, start accelerating...! Raptor Wings! Attack completed! Wildwurger, change mode. Here I come! Attack... completed. BM Select... Oxtongue Rifle, D Mode! ...Fire!! Oxtongue Rifle, rapid fire on standby. I should be able to handle this, at least... Or otherwise, I couldn't have survived this long...! BM Select: Giganscudo Duro... Final mode! I am already used to these kinds of mechs. Sonic... Breaker! Recalculating distance... Boosters on...! I'm charging in...! I'm OK... This strategy isn't too unreasonable... This is it! These kinds of weapons... ...share the same characteristics as other weapons! Input evasive pattern... Calculating impact time... This will do it...! Current situation analyzed. BM Select completed. Sword Breaker...! Target confirmed. Evasive patterns predicted... Target locked on...! I can do this! Disengage the barrel lock... Target in sight... Locked on! Latooni, let's do this! Yes... W-I³NK System, dual mode! I give you my control, Latooni! And I have taken your controls...! Pattern select: R, H, B...! Engage! Princess Shine! Latooni! Sync attack! Final...! Break! Latooni... Princess Shine... Here I come! I'm all yours, Latooni! I have your control system now! Princess, I'll go solo on this one! I'm leaving the rest to you, Latooni! Final sequence...! This is... ...the finale! Impact area confirmed! Tracer Missiles, fire! Remote Missile! Take this...! Inputting the final impact area for Split Missiles! The Phalanx Missile will cover awide range of effect...! Giga Burst...! --Battle Kai-- There! Too slow! You don't have the skills to survive the battlefield! Commence the attack! Eat this! I may be old, but I have a lifetime of experience! Let's go head-to-head! I won't let the kids beat me to it! I'll show you what I've got! Here I come! You're going down! Your tactical formation won't survive this battlefield! There! I got you now! Chain Attack! Here I come! C'mon, you aliens! You won't toy with us any longer, DC! The DC shall not triumph! I'm going to finish you off! As long as I'm alive, you'll never win! Good job! I'll cover you! Gilliam, I'll cover you! Let me help, Sanger! Let's do this together, Elzam! Good job, Lat! I'll follow you up! Ratsel, let's do this together! I won't let you do this anymore! Now it's my turn! Ready or not, here I come! We're not done here yet! Time to strike back! U-Ugh! I'm punching out! Kai Kitamura will not go down easily! I-I'm not ready to retire just yet! Ugh... I couldn't compete with my enemy...!? Ugh! I-I've been through much worse than this! Aagh! I'm being overwhelmed by his power...! If you're trying to kill me, you'll have to give it your all! I'm still here! Give me your best shot! A direct hit!? Damn you! Hmm... Maybe you aren't as weak as I thought. That wasn't even worth dodging! You can't kill me with pitiful attacks like that! Come on! Get serious and attack me! Fire up your fighting spirit! What're you aiming at? I'm right here! Damn amateurs! Who do you think I am!? You lack soul! I'm more spirited! What? Are you looking for me? I'll show you what an Aggressor can do! There's no way I'll let YOU hit me! That won't hit me! Feeling frustrated? Then try a better hand! Give it up! What!? Out of ammo!? Come on! Damn...! Out of range...! Take my advice: It's all about skill! I'm using the "Massive Area Preemptive Weapon"! G-Impact Cannon... Fire! This is a cool weapon... Let me show it to you! Oxtongue Rifle... Fire! This will finish it! Calamity Sword! Raaaaaahhhh! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! ZAN! Mano-a-mano! This will finish it! Doomblade! Plasma Stakes set! Try to stop my fist, if you dare! Eat this! Jet Magnum! I won't say that a single fist can destroy the world... ...But it can certainly destroy you! CHAAAARGE! Go! Slash Ripper! Twin Beam Cannon! All allied units, get out of the way! Black Hole Gun, fire! Hmm... This weapon suits me well... Eat this! Revolver Stake! I'll fire all I've got! How's this!? Eat this! Mega Blaster! Ultimate technique! Gespy Kick! I'll kick your butt to oblivion! Revolver Bunker! Fang Slasher! You're careless!! Go! Fang Slasher! You're careless! Fang Slasher! No holding back now! Try to stop my fist, if you dare! Eat this! Geist Knuckle! The quarry is a challenge... Let's start the hunt! Here goes! Blade Tonfa! I'll get the drop on you! Raaaaaahhh! Beetle Crusher! Too much armor will slow me down! The ultimate technique! Raptor Wings! Direct hit confirmed! Target locked on! I'll fire as I charge! This Gigan matches how I'm feeling...! Eat this! Giga Unghia! I need to use this weapon skillfully! Halberd Shooter! Sonic Breaker! Sword Breaker, fire! F-Solid Bazooka, ready! Lock 'n load! Hyper Twin Launchers! --Battle Shine-- There! Yaah! Please, get out of my way! Latooni, let me show you what I can do! Sir Rai, let me show you what I can do! I challenge you! I'm fighting for my country and my people! I... I will fight too! I've got you now! Try this! I'll get you! Please, Fairlion! I'm counting on you! I will show you Fairlion's power! Fairlion, please work with me...! Let's go, Fairlion! I shall assist you! Allow me! Please, leave the rest to me! Latooni, I shall assist you! Now it's my turn! Fairlion, we can still go on! I shall not let you escape! Let's fight back, Fairlion! I guess it's time to abdicate... I-I can't let it end here! How can this be!? I've taken massive damage! L-Latooni! Please come to my aid! Aaaaah! How dare you to damage my precious Fairlion! I-I misread your attack!? This sucks! ...I mean... Oh, golly-gosh! I shall not tolerate such insolence! Oh! Now, you have made me very, very angry! I won't get freaked out. ...I mean, I won't falter. I'm still OK. That wasn't very much damage. By any chance, are you going easy on me? I got hit... I must do better than this or Latooni will worry about me! Oh? Was that it? I was well prepared. You're wasting your ammo! Good job, Fairlion! That came exactly to the place where I predicted! Th-That was close... I'll have you know, I can predict your every move. That was too bad. If you want to hit me, you'll have to try harder. I'm safe, thanks to Latooni. Whew... I was able to dodge it. Don't screw-- I mean, don't trifle with my Fairlion! See? I knew it would come from over there! My defense is stronger than you think. That will not work. The Fairlion has more tricks up its sleeve! I wasted too much ammunition... Oh, no! I can't attack anymore... I've lost the enemy... Wh-Where did you go!? Rolling Cannon! Here I come! Rolling Cannon! Vostok Laser! Time to shoot the Vostok Laser! W-I³NK System, single mode... Sonic Driver! Please, prepare yourself! Yaaah! Latooni, let's go! Yes... W-I³NK System, dual mode! I give you my control, Latooni! And I have taken your controls...! Pattern select: R, H, B...! Engage! Princess Shine! Latooni! Sync attack! Final...! Break! Latooni... Princess Shine... Here I come! I'm all yours, Latooni! I have your control system now! Princess, I'll go solo on this one! I'm leaving the rest to you, Latooni! Final sequence......! This is...! ...the finale! --Battle Rio-- Are you ready? Try to withstand this! I won't miss! I won't let anybody get in my way! Hey there! Are you ready? If you want to surrender, now's a good time! Hey, you there! Are you ready for this? I've got you now! I'll take you head-on! Hey there! Let's fight fair and square! Go down! Just give up! There! I'll show you what I can do! Are you guys ready...? I'll take you all on! No one will escape me! I'll show no mercy! I can still attack from here! You'll have to deal with me, too! Ryoto, stay alert, OK? I'll help you, Ryoto! I'll back you up, Ryoto! Not yet, Kusuha! I'm joining in too! Stand back, Kusuha! I'll take care of the rest! Tasuku, don't get careless! Leona, I'll help you! Bullet, I'll be your backup! Lt. Irm, I'll cover you! TIme to turn the tide! Now it's my turn! It'll be a battle of wills from here on! I don't give up easily! I will never go down without fighting back! I'll take you on! I won't forgive you for this! Alright! I can still fight! Here's my thanks for your lack of hospitality! You can't beat my spirit! Don't underestimate me just because I'm a girl! Regret always comes later, right? Aaaargh! How could it all end here!? Ughh! There's no way I'll lose to you! Ugh! I can't let everybody down like this! I-I've taken so much damage...!! I'm hit!? Don't think this'll scare me away! Aahh! Father! N-Not yet! I'll win at any cost! Aarrggh! I won't let you end it here!! Aahh! How could my armor be damaged so easily...!? Ugh! The Grungust isn't finished yet! No! The Huckebein can't take much more... No, you will never blow this mech up! Wh-What's wrong!? Gespenst! I've got to show them what I can do with this mech...! Ughh! I-I must take a stand here...! Ugh! You're better than I thought! I usually do better than this, y'know! Ugh! I won't lose to you! No matter what!! I won't forget this! I didn't become a pilot just to get shot down! Tch... I guess I still need more experience... I'm as tough as the armor on this mech, y'know! The Grungust's tough. It's still alright. Th-This mech is hard to control after all...! Aarhg! I mustn't get a too much damage for this mech! O-Only if I had more training time with this mech...! I-I must use Gespenst's full potential...! Is that all you've got? Even if it is, I won't go easy on you! I can't believe I got hit! I'll learn from this. Hey, you there! Start being serious and attack! No! I can't believe I couldn't dodge it...! You need to try harder or you'll regret it! Hey there! There's no need to go easy on me! If that's all you've got, I won't lose! Hmmm... It's just a little scratch. That's nothing to the Grungust. I give you credit for actually hitting the Huckebein. Try harder if you want to destroy the Gespenst! Tch! Look what you did to my Gespenst...! I thought I was good at maneuvering this mech...! You can't hit me with that! You need more fighting spirit! Looks like your aim is off! You missed!? But I won't let my guard down! Hey! You're wasting your ammo and my time! I'm not an easy girl to hit on! I can't allow myself to get hit! I won't be caught off-guard! I'm ready for what's next! Hmm... Your attack is too obvious. Phew... That could have hurt. At this rate, even I can stall you for a long time. I'll do my best to keep from getting hit! I know this isn't a lot of damage to a Grungust, but still...! So you couldn't keep up with my mech's mobility, huh? I'm relying on my skills, not my mech's power! I didn't do all those simulations for nothing! Hehe. I'm familiar with this mech the best! It didn't hit!? Oh, the Jammer saved me! It's useless to attack me! Bad guys can never hit me! An attack like that won't hit me! Justice is meant to be protected! Go ahead, waste your energy! Activate the defense measure! Not so easy! TK field, extended! It worked well...! I can't believe I can't attack...! You're a coward! Now, prepare to meet your end!! Evil always perishes! I'll take the initiative! Here goes! Target locked! Gravity-Impact Cannon, fire! Cut evil to pieces! TK Boomerang! Go! TK Boomerang! Eye Laser! Oxtongue Rifle, B mode! B mode, fire! Oxtongue Rifle, E mode! E mode, fire! Get ready for this! Oxtongue Rifle, D mode! Pierce through evil! Omega Cannon! Giga Blaster! Giga Knuckle! Take this! Graviton Cannon! The sword that annihilates evil...! The name is the Calamity Sword! The sword that annihilates evil... Calamity Sword! Get ready for this! Darkness Slash! The name is the Doomblade! Stars above, Earth below... The ultimate attack! Doomblade! Here goes! Jet Magnum! Haaaa...! Ha! I won't let evil escape! Heavy Claymore! Let's get this over with! Heavy Claymore, fire! Spiral Attack! Cut evil to pieces! Slash Ripper! Go! Slash Ripper... Fire! Double Omega Laser! There! Chakram Caster! Go! Chakram Caster! Fly! Chakram Caster! Twin Beam Cannon... Now, get ready to die! Twin Beam Cannon, fire! Twin Beam Cannon, fire!! Divine Blade! Drill Attack! Missile! The ultimate attack! Final Beeeaaam! Boost Knuckle! Boost Knuckle, go! There! Boost Knuckle! Boost Hammer! Crush 'em! Black Hole Gun, fire! Take this! Maxiblaster! The ultimate attack! MAXIIIII--- BLASSSSTERRRR! Mega Blaster! Cut them to pieces! Remote Slasher! Remote Slasher! Go! Take this! Revolver Stake! This is my last resort... This will be the end! This is pretty hard on my mech, but...! The ultimate technique! Gespenst KIIIIICK! I'm gonna kick some justice into your head! Gespenst Kick! Revolving Bunker! Revolving Bunker! Take this, and this, and that, too! How's this!? Now! There's no need to hold back on me! Fang Slasher! Dodge this, if you can! Go! Fang Slasher! Cut evil to pieces! Fang Slasher! Dodge this, if you can! Fang Slasher! Eat the Boxer's giant iron fist! Geist Knuckle! Begin Armlink! Haaa! Prepare yourself! Activate Slash mode! Here goes! G-Sword Diver! I mustn't lose here...! G-Sword Diver! This will finish you off! Energy charging complete! G-Impact Cannon! Fire! I'm not letting you escape! The Super Gravity Impact Cannon, fire! Hyper Twin Launcher! Fire! You're mine! Hyper Twin Launcher! Don't underestimate this mech! Blade Tonfa, set! The centrifuge force will hurt you even more! Why the Tonfa...? It doesn't matter! I'll take you down anyway! Blade Tonfa... I kinda like it...! Here we go, Wurger! Metal Sword! I'm using the Metal Sword! Take this!! Crusher's set! Beetle Crusssherrr!! Jacket Armor, purge! Tesla Drive, full power! Let's go all-out on the enemy, Wurger! No one can beat me with this speed! These are the Raptor Wings! Fire both barrels at once! Oxtongue, consecutive fire! Here it comes! The ultimate attack! Giga Unghia!! Sonic Breaker! Charge! Sonic Breaker, set! Outta my way! I'm going with the RaMVs! I'll deal with any kind of G-forces! This is it...! Goooo! We're going for it, Astelion! Target locked! I won't let you escape! These are the RaMVs! Halberd Launcher, fire! Now, prepare to meet your end! Halberd Shooter! Sword Breaker, fire! There's no use in hiding, you know! Go! Sword Breaker! I'm going with the F-Solid Bazooka! Target confirmed! This will be a direct hit! Tracer Missile, fire! Locked on! Here goes the Tracer Missile! Here goes! Fire the missile! Remote Missile! Locked on! Here goes the Remote Missile! --Battle Ryoto-- Here I come...! I can get you...! You wouldn't like me when I'm angry...! I WILL hit you...! Sorry, but I can't let you get away...! How about... THIS!? Target is now in my sights...! I can do this! Perfect distance... This won't be too hard...! F-Fang Slasher! Take down the enemy for me! Aaaaaah! Target locked! Gooooo! Ballistic Cannon! Sorry, guys, but I'm going all-out on you! Your formation is full of holes! I won't give you any chance to get away! Focusing G Territory! We can't let him get away...! There's no time to play around! It's not over yet! Rio, let me handle the rest! I won't let it end here! Now it's my turn! Now you've made me mad! Allow me to end you with this! I can't have you stall me here! Is this all that I could do...? I won't give up! There must be something I can do! Ugh... I mustn't run away...! T-too strong! If this keeps up, I'm a goner... Argh! I-I managed to survive this time, but...! I can't die yet! I still have things to do! Were my calculations wrong!? N-No!! I can't dodge it! Argh!! I-I can't let my fight end here...! Damage check! ...Good. I can still fight. Ugh! If I can manually stabilize the mech somehow... M-My thruster unit is intact. If I can move, I can fight! Damn it! How could I get hit that badly!? You can't scare me with an attack like that! Damage is minimal. But I should run the check again... I can tolerate this much damage. Oops. I'm making more work for the maintenance crew... You don't need to take it easy on me. Ugh! I-I misread the enemy's move... What!? D-Does the enemy motion data archive need updating!? Not so easy! That was close... Yes! I dodged it! Sorry, but I've anticipated all of your moves... It looks like my calculations were correct. Thank God... It didn't hit me. An attack like that won't work. I won't get hit! I'm over here! This evasion pattern will be useful in my data. Once I get the hang of a mech, I can do something like this! Whew, I'm safe... Yes. The Jammer is working... It seems my Jammer has worked fine. That attack is too weak to harm me... This might be a cheap tactic, but... Extending the G Wall! TK-Field, activate! TK-Field, protect me! Shoot! I can't attack...! Out of range, huh...? All targets, locked on! Here I go! Sorry, but I'll use the MAPW now. You won't be able to get away from... THIS! MAP Weapon, fire! Ryoto here! Requesting delivery of the G-Impact Cannon! Connection confirmed! Target locked! Fire!! Ryoto here! I will fire the G-Impact Cannon! TK Boomerang, go! There! TK Boomerang! Eye Laser! Oxtongue Rifle, Mode B! Here it goes! Oxtongue Rifle, Mode E! Here it goes! Oxtongue Rifle, continuous fire! I'll get you for sure! Omega Cannon! Giga Blaster!! Giga Knuckle! Graviton Cannon... Fire! I summon you! Calamity Sword!! I'll slice you in a split second!! Final mode! Darkness Slash! Slash! Stars above, Earth below... Here I go! Doomblade! BM Select! Melee Mode! Jet Magnum! Heavy Claymore! ...Fire! Spiral Attack! Go! Slash Ripper! Set for... Homing Mode! Slash Ripper, fire! Double Omega Laser! Go! Chakram Caster! Yes... I can do this! Twin Beam Cannon... Fire! Yes... I can do this! Drill Attack! Missile, fire! Final Beam!! Boost Knuckle! Fly! Boost Knuckle! Go! Boost Knuckle! Speed and distance confirmed. Preparing to link! Black Hole Gun, fire! Maxiblaster! Megablaster! Cut'em up! Remote Slasher! Go! Remote Slasher!! Don't give them a chance to catch their breath...! Revolver Stake! Now's my chance! I won't mess up! Just what I expected from the Alt...! I'll use all of Alt's arsenal! I win...! Dodge it, if you think you can! Here's my kick! Revolver Bunker! Nice distance! Victory is mine! Pierce through them! I expected as much from Riese... I'll use all of Riese's arsenal! Time to end this. Fang Slasher! There! Go! Fang Slasher! There! Fang Slasher! I created this attack move! Let me demonstrate! Commencing Arm-link! This should do it! Engage Slash mode! Goooooo! This will take you out! Switching from Armored Module to Slash mode! G Sword Diver! Penetrate the enemy!! Target locked...! Focusing G-Territory! Ballistic Cannon, fire! Don't think that you can escape from my Gunner! Energy charge complete! Gravity Cannon, Fire! Hyper Twin Launchers!! If it's the R-Blade, I can do it too! Motion Select! Haaaaaaa! Perfect distance! Aaaah! Crusher, setup confirmed! Over there! Ha! Target Locked! Mode Change! Full Boost! I can still fight! Haaaa! Oxtongue Rifle, Mode Change! I'll hit you for sure! Sheath Anchor, ready! Take this... The claws of a giant! Sonic Breaker! Boosters on! Time to use the Sonic Cutter! Here I go! Sonic Cutter! I'll use the RaMVs maneuver! I'll keep the throttle open until I'm going full speed! All right! Full Boost! Go, Halberd Shooter! Sword Breaker! Go! Sword Breaker! F-Solid Bazooka is set! Goooo! Target location set! Tracer Missiles, fire! Here I go! Tracer Missiles! Fire missiles! Gooo! Directional calibration complete! Remote Missile! Target Locked! Remote Slasher, fire! Firing Missiles! Go! --Battle Radha-- ...Clear the mind... Focusing my mind...... ...Open... ...My mind's eye... ...I must calm my soul... Your movement... I can see it! ...How's this...? You can't escape now... ...Fall! ...With this shot...! ...Here I come! ...Right there! ...There's nothing to be afraid of... ...I can see... ...This attack will do...! You guys can't escape... ...May I join in...? ...They're losing their concentration... ...I will lend you my power... ...There's still a chance... ...Aya, I lend you my power... ...Major Gilliam, I have you covered... Viletta... I will cover you. I must calm my soul... Once again... ...I mustn't lose focus... ...Focus... on a single point... It's... not over yet... Now it's my turn. I can't back down just yet...! Ahhh! It can't be...! I can't die here. I need to spread yoga teachings... Ahh...! I must concentrate my mind...! Ahhhh! I can't take much more...! N-Not yet...! I can't fall now...! Ugh...! S-Stay... Calm...! Urgh...! I can't stay in this asana any longer...? Ahh! My asana was disrupted...! I can't let this disrupt my breathing...! Oh, no...! I'll have to start my asana over again... I'm still... OK... I-I cannot be shaken or I will be easy prey...! That's not enough to throw my concentration off... I still need more training... I thought that wouldn't hit me. I see... That's not enough to distract my asana. Hmm... I wonder... Is this asana not good form for dodging? Perhaps I should put my hands back on the controls. ...I should switch to a different asana. ...That won't hit me. I saw it coming with my third eye. You should consider taking up yoga. ...You cannot disturb my asana... This is where all my training makes itself useful! Your hatred shall flow past me, as I turn it aside... You are not able to catch me. You missed because your mind is clouded. You won't hit me that easily. Your aim was accurate. But... ...My thoughts won't be disrupted... You are easy to predict because of your hatred. It's useless... I can't attack...!? I see... I am not close enough to you... Yoga mudra... Concentrate on one point. I see it! ...Bandha traya... Connect the 6 chakras... There! Padma asana... I can feel the enemy's presence... Here I go! ...Bandha traya... Connect the 6 chakras... ...There! Yoga mudra... Concentrate on a single point. Vajra asana... The enemy's movements... ...I see them! Padma asana... I can feel the enemy's presence... ...I am shooting! ...Through the sushumna... Awaken, Kundalini! ...Bandha traya... Connect the 6 chakras... Bandha traya... Flow through the 6 chakras... It ends with this! ...Here I come! ...Bandha traya... Awaken, Kundalini! With this, it ends...! Vajra asana... The enemy's movements...I see them! ...There's nothing to be afraid of... --Battle Gilliam-- Here I come! You're too slow! Not a chance! There! *smirk* I have you now! Try this! There you are...! You're finished! I'll get a direct hit! You're too predictable! Just as I expected... So, take this! Go down! Eat this! *smirk* You're in position to die! I can see your every move! It's not named MKII just for the sake of appearance! Witness the true power of the Gespenst! Vindel Mauser! Die along with the XN System! I'll cover you! Missed your chance to disengage? Here I come! This will end it! It's not over yet! Elzam, I'll cover you! Ratsel, I'll cover you! I'll cover you, Sanger! Major Kai, I've got your back! I'll cover you, Irm! Masaki... leave the rest to me! It's my turn now! You've just shown me your hand! Your time is over! I'll finish you with this! Tch! Is this the end!? Ugh!! I've taken too much damage...!? Damn! I can't take much more of this...! Ugh! This isn't good... The power output is low... Damn! Whoa! Th-This isn't good... Ugh! I better keep my guard up! Nngh!! Well done, but I can still fight!! You're good! Better than I expected! It's not over! I won't go down yet! Tch, I've misread you! Hmm...... You're better than I thought. Tch, a direct hit!? Is that it? You still have a lot to learn! *smirk* Try again! What's with you? Is that it!? I felt that one... You're good, but just scratching me isn't good enough. The MKII's not just for show! What a waste! Activate the Jammer! Missiles are ineffective! I can anticipate your every move! Not good enough! Don't underestimate the skill of an Aggressor! That won't hit me! *smirk* What's wrong? I'm right here! Your tactics are too obvious! Just as I thought! Don't think this Gespenst is an ordinary PT! Ha... This mech is far superior to the the mass-produced ones! That won't work! Damn! Ammo's out! Can't do much at this range... Ally units, stay back! I'm going to fire a MAPW! All targets locked... Here goes! All targets locked... Preparing to fire! Target locked! G-Impact Cannon, fire!! Target locked. Mode set! Oxtongue Rifle, fire!! Come, Calamity Sword! Slash!! This is the Grungust's second-best attack! Calamity Sword! Grungust, final attack! Calamity Sword, Darkness Slash! SLASH!! Type 2, final attack! Doomblade!! *smirk* I have you! Shatter!! Giganscudo, final attack! Go! Slash Ripper! Tear the enemy apart! Homing mode initiated! Slash Ripper, fire!! Twin Beam Cannons, fire!! Blackhole Gun, fire!! Revolver Stake!! You're finished...! I'm used to this weapon... Feel the power of the Gespenst! Try taking this! Fang Slasher! Fly! I'll get a direct hit! Fang Slasher! Go, Fang Slasher! Fly, Fang Slasher! Astelion, final attack! Your attacks are predictable! Let's finish this, Astelion! Geist Knuckle!! Blade Tonfa! Are you ready for me!? I've got you in my range! Endure my strike! This weapon isn't just for show. And, be obliterated! Mode change! Extend wings! And for the finishing blow...! Selecting mode D! Commencing the attack! The Sheath's anchor is set! Feel the wrath of this claw! Halberd Shooter! Target locked... Halbard Shooter, fire! Hi-Twin Launcher! Homing mode, set! Go, Sword Breaker! Target locked on! Sword Breakers, fire! Solid Cannon set! Take this!! --Battle Ratsel-- Let's go, Trombe! It's time to gallop, Trombe! Time to strike! You're going down! Show me your true power, Trombe! You cannot escape! Prepare yourself! Rend my enemies asunder! Fang Slasher! Now is the time to storm the battlefield, my friend! Indeed! Together, we are the sword! Roar, Dygenguard! Roar like a war god! Gallop, Trombe! Reflect your namesake! Colossal Blade's ultimate formation! Zankantou...! Ikki Tousen! Smite our foe! *smirk* There is nothing... ...that can stand in our way...! Just once more... I will pull the trigger with my bloodstained hands... Archibald Grims! I am your end! Trombe! It's time to break through the enemy lines! There is no escape...! Archibald Grims...! So you've come, Archibald Grims! Don't think that was the end of our attack! Your carelessness will cost you your life! Let me add an attack of my own! Raidiese, leave the rest to me. I will assist you, my friend. I'll aid you, Major Kai. Gilliam, let me lend you a hand. Archibald...! Allow me to counterattacK! Please, allow me to return the favor! Trombe, this is where the true battle begins! Let us gallop the battlefield, Trombe! *smirk* You're a worthy opponent! Do you think you have what it takes to stop my Trombe? You should stop being so confident! Urgh... How could Trombe be defeated...!? Whoa! Trombe, don't falter! Interesting. You've managed to push me this far... Argh! My final resting place... shall not be here...! Urgh! I won't go down until I fulfill my mission...! *smirk* It's not yet time for me to join my wife. Arrrgh! Not bad, but you'll need more than that to defeat Trombe. Tch, I misread your power... I still have a lot to learn. *smirk* You're quite good. I advise you not to hold back on me. It seems that I have to be serious now too... *smirk* Looks like neither of us has a way out. What's wrong? You don't need to hold back. I praise your effort to actually hit my Trombe, but... Your efforts aren't good enough to take me down! Such little damage won't affect my movement in battle. Not bad. But not good enough, either. That will not hit me! You won't be able to catch Trombe with your skill. *smirk* Too bad... You shouldn't underestimate me. Where were you aiming at? Here's my advice to you... Go home. Hmm... So you're aiming at me and my Trombe, huh? I don't even have to try to dodge your attack. You're skilled, but you're not using your head. I only need a second to read your move! My Trombe won't fall for such a miserable attack! You're way out of your league. A meteor can't predict my Trombe's moves! *smirk* Sorry, but that was useless. Activating defense mechanism! I have to thank you for that. Low on energy... So, I'm unable to counterattack... You attacked that far... So you do know how to fight. Trombe, fire! Confirming launch of the G-Impact Cannon! Synchronize velocities! Prepare to engage... Now... Choose between life and death...! Your fate was sealed when you met me! G-Impact Cannon, fire! Trombe, fire Oxtongue Rifle B! Target in sight! Give it to them! Feel Trombe's might! Destroy all the foes in sight! Trombe, fire Oxtongue Rifle E! Oxtongue Rifle D Mode! Allow me to end you with this! Trombe, Oxtongue Rifle D Mode, fire! Giga-Blaster, fire! Trombe, fire Graviton Cannon! Calamity Sword! Trombe, slash my opponents to oblivion! Your fate has been sealed...! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! Curse your own misfortune in running into me...! Take this! Doomblade! Show me the radiance of the evil star, Trombe! This distance... I'll use it against you! Target in sight! Let me begin! Nothing can stop me! I'll fire all rounds of the Heavy Claymore! Slice my opponents like a mighty tornado! Slash Ripper! Life or death... It is your choice! Curse your own misfortune! Go, Chakram! Chakram Caster, fire! You're mine! Twin Beam Cannon, fire! Boost Knuckle, fire! Boost Knuckle, go! Boost Knuckle, crush my foes! Black Hole Gun, launch confirmed! Go! Remote Slasher! Rend my enemies asunder! Remote Slasher! Remote Slasher, fire! Pierce through, Trombe! Revolver Stake! Target in sight... Allow me to show you my ace! Let us storm the battlefield... ...like a stallion! Revolving Bunker! Allow me to show you my trump card! Tear my enemies to shreds! Rip my enemy apart! Fang Slasher, fire! Fang Slasher, rip my enemy apart! I'll use the "shining star" lit by my friend! Dance, Astelion! Perish... Near the morning star! Astelion... Shine brighter than the Venus! Let us rise above Ishtar! Try and withstand my attack! Shatter...in the dark of night! The awesome power of Trombe... It will reap your soul! Dance like a tornado! Blade Tonfa! Your fate was sealed when you challenged me! If you'd like to blame someone... ...Blame your own misfortune! Trombe! Slash my enemies!! A fine meal requires the proper ingredients... You are not worthy of being cooked! Your fate has been sealed...! Beetle Crusher! Shatter... Within my blades! Choose whichever you like! Time to fly, Trombe! Live up to your name, Trombe, and become a mighty tornado! Oxtongue Rifle, D Mode! Oxtongue Rifle, D Mode... Fire! To prevent another tragedy from happening... The gigantic shield has been reborn! Behold its power! Fly through the skies! Sturm Messer! I'll show you the hound's fangs! Halberd Shooter, defeat my enemy! Feel the power... ...Of Trombe's familiars! Sword Breakers! Destroy all foes in my sight! Trombe, fire! F-Solid Bazooka, fire! Trombe, become an elegant tornado, as your name suggests! Sturmangriff, go! Sturmangriff, chaaaarge! Hyper Twin Launchers! Assault the enemy! Target in sight!! Let's wreak havoc, Ratsel! Right! Target locked! Ha! Heyaaah! Rrrrraaaah! I'll fire every single round of my Avalanche Claymore! Allow me to use the Giga Burst! --Battle Sanger-- Rrrrrraaaah! Here I come! Take this! There! Get ready, Wodan Ymir! I'll bet it all on my sword! Haaaaa! Rrrraaaah! Sanger Zonvolt! I am the sword of Sophia! Arggghhh! Haaaaaaaaar! There is nothing my Colossal Blade cannot cut! Let 'em hear your roar! Type 3 Colossal Blade!! Final technique! Zankantou! Shippu Dotou! There is nothing I cannot cut! En garde! Focus! Fight me head-on! I will defeat all who stand in my way! I stake my pride and honor on defeating you! Take this! My coup de grace! Anyone standing in my way will be destroyed! Taste the power of Type 3! Grungust Type 3, at your service! Taste the power of Dygenguard! Dygenguard at your service! *growl* This guy is good... Wodan Ymir! Let's fight like honorable men! Fight me head-on, Wodan Ymir! Taste my blade, Wodan Ymir! I am Sanger! I will assist you! I won't let this opportunity escape! Touche! You called for me, Kyosuke Nanbu! Kyosuke! I'll finish it off! Excellen! You must get closer to your enemy! Stand aside, Excellen! That was a good strike, Brooklyn! Leave the rest to me, Brooklyn. This timing... You haven't changed, my friend! Leave the rest to me, Gilliam. Major Kai! Allow me to help! Very well! I accept your challenge! I shall return your blow! I assume you were prepared to risk your life! I gave you a chance; now it's my turn! That's the spirit! There is nothing more to discuss! Now... Take my coup de grace! You cannot stop Type 3! Ugh... Hmm! This is it...! Damn...! Ugh! I, Sanger Zonvolt, will not be killed by that! What does not kill me makes me stronger! If I die as a warrior, then I have no regrets! ...If I can get in one more swing, that's enough for me...! I won't die alone! I'll take you to Hell with me! Not yet...! Type 3 has yet to fall!! Ugh! My Colossal Blade!! That's it... You cannot defeat me if you lack spirit! Make your attacks count! I'm still alive! There are no 2nd chances! All your blows must be fatal! You want to pass me? You must try harder! A direct hit...!? I lowered my guard...! Hm! You've done well to damage my Type 3! Not bad... But still not enough for Type 3! So you managed to hit me...! Don't hesitate to attack me with all your strength! Do you think you can beat me with that weak attack!? I don't need your mercy! Challenge me, if you are prepared for death! There is no reason to hold back! That attack is nothing to Type 3! I can see your attack! You are not a worthy opponent. The weak should leave! You need more training! Come back when you learn how to fight! Weak! That was too weak! Shabby... Try harder to indulge me! You're no match for me! Don't underestimate Type 3's mobility! That has no effect on me! Hrmm! Hm...!? There's nothing that can be done now, huh? Tch...! So you've figured out my range. Not bad. I'll never be defeated by such cheap tactics. I am Sanger Zonvolt! The sword that smites evil! There is nothing I cannot cut! I am Sanger Zonvolt! The sword that smites evil!! I'll cut you in two!! Omega Blaster! Omega Blaster, fire! Drill Boost Knuckle! Go! Drill Boost Knuckle! Nothing can withstand this fist! There is nothing that can stand against my fist! I am the sword that smites evil! Roar! Dygenguard! Arrggh! My sword will reach ungodly speeds! Behold! The power of my sword! This sword will slice you into two!! Show your lethal dance to the enemy, Colossal Blade! Colossal Spinner! Colossal Blade...! Colossal Burst!! Race to my enemy! Fear me! Colossal Thunder! My sword dances like lightning! Zankantou! Shippu Jinrai! There is nothing I cannot cut!! Now is the time to storm the battlefield, my friend! Indeed!! Together, we are the sword! Prepare yourself!! Roar, Dygenguard! Like a god of war! Gallop, Trombe! Reflect your namesake! Colossal Blade--ultimate strike!! Zankantou...! Ikki Tousen!! Smite our foe!! *smirk* There is nothing... ...that can stand in our way...! My friend! Now is the time to show our strengths! Let's wreak havoc, Ratsel! Right! Target locked! Ha! Heyahhh!! --Battle Ratsel-- Let's go, Trombe! It's time to gallop, Trombe! Time to strike! You're going down! Show me your true power, Trombe! You cannot escape! Prepare yourself! Rend my enemies asunder! Fang Slasher! Now is the time to storm the battlefield, my friend! Indeed! Together, we are the sword! Roar, Dygenguard! Roar like a war god! Gallop, Trombe! Reflect your namesake! Colossal Blade's ultimate formation! Zankantou...! Ikki Tousen! Smite our foe! *smirk* There is nothing... ...that can stand in our way...! Just once more... I will pull the trigger with my bloodstained hands... Archibald Grims! I am your end! Trombe! It's time to break through the enemy lines! There is no escape...! Archibald Grims...! So you've come, Archibald Grims! Don't think that was the end of our attack! Your carelessness will cost you your life! Let me add an attack of my own! Raidiese, leave the rest to me. I will assist you, my friend. I'll aid you, Major Kai. Gilliam, let me lend you a hand. Archibald...! Allow me to counterattacK! Please, allow me to return the favor! Trombe, this is where the true battle begins! Let us gallop the battlefield, Trombe! *smirk* You're a worthy opponent! Do you think you have what it takes to stop my Trombe? You should stop being so confident! Urgh... How could Trombe be defeated...!? Whoa! Trombe, don't falter! Interesting. You've managed to push me this far... Argh! My final resting place... shall not be here...! Urgh! I won't go down until I fulfill my mission...! *smirk* It's not yet time for me to join my wife. Arrrgh! Not bad, but you'll need more than that to defeat Trombe. Tch, I misread your power... I still have a lot to learn. *smirk* You're quite good. I advise you not to hold back on me. It seems that I have to be serious now too... *smirk* Looks like neither of us has a way out. What's wrong? You don't need to hold back. I praise your effort to actually hit my Trombe, but... Your efforts aren't good enough to take me down! Such little damage won't affect my movement in battle. Not bad. But not good enough, either. That will not hit me! You won't be able to catch Trombe with your skill. *smirk* Too bad... You shouldn't underestimate me. Where were you aiming at? Here's my advice to you... Go home. Hmm... So you're aiming at me and my Trombe, huh? I don't even have to try to dodge your attack. You're skilled, but you're not using your head. I only need a second to read your move! My Trombe won't fall for such a miserable attack! You're way out of your league. A meteor can't predict my Trombe's moves! *smirk* Sorry, but that was useless. Activating defense mechanism! I have to thank you for that. Low on energy... So, I'm unable to counterattack... You attacked that far... So you do know how to fight. Trombe, fire! Confirming launch of the G-Impact Cannon! Synchronize velocities! Prepare to engage... Now... Choose between life and death...! Your fate was sealed when you met me! G-Impact Cannon, fire! Trombe, fire Oxtongue Rifle B! Target in sight! Give it to them! Feel Trombe's might! Destroy all the foes in sight! Trombe, fire Oxtongue Rifle E! Oxtongue Rifle D Mode! Allow me to end you with this! Trombe, Oxtongue Rifle D Mode, fire! Giga-Blaster, fire! Trombe, fire Graviton Cannon! Calamity Sword! Trombe, slash my opponents to oblivion! Your fate has been sealed...! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! Curse your own misfortune in running into me...! Take this! Doomblade! Show me the radiance of the evil star, Trombe! This distance... I'll use it against you! Target in sight! Let me begin! Nothing can stop me! I'll fire all rounds of the Heavy Claymore! Slice my opponents like a mighty tornado! Slash Ripper! Life or death... It is your choice! Curse your own misfortune! Go, Chakram! Chakram Caster, fire! You're mine! Twin Beam Cannon, fire! Boost Knuckle, fire! Boost Knuckle, go! Boost Knuckle, crush my foes! Black Hole Gun, launch confirmed! Go! Remote Slasher! Rend my enemies asunder! Remote Slasher! Remote Slasher, fire! Pierce through, Trombe! Revolver Stake! Target in sight... Allow me to show you my ace! Let us storm the battlefield... ...like a stallion! Revolving Bunker! Allow me to show you my trump card! Tear my enemies to shreds! Rip my enemy apart! Fang Slasher, fire! Fang Slasher, rip my enemy apart! I'll use the "shining star" lit by my friend! Dance, Astelion! Perish... Near the morning star! Astelion... Shine brighter than the Venus! Let us rise above Ishtar! Try and withstand my attack! Shatter...in the dark of night! The awesome power of Trombe... It will reap your soul! Dance like a tornado! Blade Tonfa! Your fate was sealed when you challenged me! If you'd like to blame someone... ...Blame your own misfortune! Trombe! Slash my enemies!! A fine meal requires the proper ingredients... You are not worthy of being cooked! Your fate has been sealed...! Beetle Crusher! Shatter... Within my blades! Choose whichever you like! Time to fly, Trombe! Live up to your name, Trombe, and become a mighty tornado! Oxtongue Rifle, D Mode! Oxtongue Rifle, D Mode... Fire! To prevent another tragedy from happening... The gigantic shield has been reborn! Behold its power! Fly through the skies! Sturm Messer! I'll show you the hound's fangs! Halberd Shooter, defeat my enemy! Feel the power... ...Of Trombe's familiars! Sword Breakers! Destroy all foes in my sight! Trombe, fire! F-Solid Bazooka, fire! Trombe, become an elegant tornado, as your name suggests! Sturmangriff, go! Sturmangriff, chaaaarge! Hyper Twin Launchers! Assault the enemy! Target in sight!! Let's wreak havoc, Ratsel! Right! Target locked! Ha! Heyaaah! Rrrrraaaah! I'll fire every single round of my Avalanche Claymore! Allow me to use the Giga Burst! --Battle Sanger-- Rrrrrraaaah! Here I come! Take this! There! Get ready, Wodan Ymir! I'll bet it all on my sword! Haaaaa! Rrrraaaah! Sanger Zonvolt! I am the sword of Sophia! Arggghhh! Haaaaaaaaar! There is nothing my Colossal Blade cannot cut! Let 'em hear your roar! Type 3 Colossal Blade!! Final technique! Zankantou! Shippu Dotou! There is nothing I cannot cut! En garde! Focus! Fight me head-on! I will defeat all who stand in my way! I stake my pride and honor on defeating you! Take this! My coup de grace! Anyone standing in my way will be destroyed! Taste the power of Type 3! Grungust Type 3, at your service! Taste the power of Dygenguard! Dygenguard at your service! *growl* This guy is good... Wodan Ymir! Let's fight like honorable men! Fight me head-on, Wodan Ymir! Taste my blade, Wodan Ymir! I am Sanger! I will assist you! I won't let this opportunity escape! Touche! You called for me, Kyosuke Nanbu! Kyosuke! I'll finish it off! Excellen! You must get closer to your enemy! Stand aside, Excellen! That was a good strike, Brooklyn! Leave the rest to me, Brooklyn. This timing... You haven't changed, my friend! Leave the rest to me, Gilliam. Major Kai! Allow me to help! Very well! I accept your challenge! I shall return your blow! I assume you were prepared to risk your life! I gave you a chance; now it's my turn! That's the spirit! There is nothing more to discuss! Now... Take my coup de grace! You cannot stop Type 3! Ugh... Hmm! This is it...! Damn...! Ugh! I, Sanger Zonvolt, will not be killed by that! What does not kill me makes me stronger! If I die as a warrior, then I have no regrets! ...If I can get in one more swing, that's enough for me...! I won't die alone! I'll take you to Hell with me! Not yet...! Type 3 has yet to fall!! Ugh! My Colossal Blade!! That's it... You cannot defeat me if you lack spirit! Make your attacks count! I'm still alive! There are no 2nd chances! All your blows must be fatal! You want to pass me? You must try harder! A direct hit...!? I lowered my guard...! Hm! You've done well to damage my Type 3! Not bad... But still not enough for Type 3! So you managed to hit me...! Don't hesitate to attack me with all your strength! Do you think you can beat me with that weak attack!? I don't need your mercy! Challenge me, if you are prepared for death! There is no reason to hold back! That attack is nothing to Type 3! I can see your attack! You are not a worthy opponent. The weak should leave! You need more training! Come back when you learn how to fight! Weak! That was too weak! Shabby... Try harder to indulge me! You're no match for me! Don't underestimate Type 3's mobility! That has no effect on me! Hrmm! Hm...!? There's nothing that can be done now, huh? Tch...! So you've figured out my range. Not bad. I'll never be defeated by such cheap tactics. I am Sanger Zonvolt! The sword that smites evil! There is nothing I cannot cut! I am Sanger Zonvolt! The sword that smites evil!! I'll cut you in two!! Omega Blaster! Omega Blaster, fire! Drill Boost Knuckle! Go! Drill Boost Knuckle! Nothing can withstand this fist! There is nothing that can stand against my fist! I am the sword that smites evil! Roar! Dygenguard! Arrggh! My sword will reach ungodly speeds! Behold! The power of my sword! This sword will slice you into two!! Show your lethal dance to the enemy, Colossal Blade! Colossal Spinner! Colossal Blade...! Colossal Burst!! Race to my enemy! Fear me! Colossal Thunder! My sword dances like lightning! Zankantou! Shippu Jinrai! There is nothing I cannot cut!! Now is the time to storm the battlefield, my friend! Indeed!! Together, we are the sword! Prepare yourself!! Roar, Dygenguard! Like a god of war! Gallop, Trombe! Reflect your namesake! Colossal Blade--ultimate strike!! Zankantou...! Ikki Tousen!! Smite our foe!! *smirk* There is nothing... ...that can stand in our way...! My friend! Now is the time to show our strengths! Let's wreak havoc, Ratsel! Right! Target locked! Ha! Heyahhh!! --Battle AI-- ......... !?!?!? .........!!! .........!! .........? --Battle Ring-- Here I go... I got you! Try and take this. Understand the situation now? You're out of luck. It looks to me like you've chosen a poor formation. I'll end this! Just like old times, huh, Irm? OK! Here we go! It looks like neither of us have lost our touch, huh? You'll pay dearly for that...! Don't think you can leave alive. What!? I lost...!? Tch! I didn't think you were this strong...! Hmmm! Was that a direct hit!? Ahh! Shoot, I'm losing power! Tch! Looks like I'm a little rusty! Don't get cocky! Tch! You're not just any pilot, if you can hit me... Are you trying to piss me off? Tch! I haven't gotten the hang of it yet... How pathetic... That's it...? Pathetic. You think you can handle me with those skills? Amusing. I guess you've underestimated me. Ha! Too bad. That might've hit Irm, but... I see your attack pattern. Alright... My reflexes are back. *smirk* How useless. That won't work... But, you don't get it, do you? Missiles, huh? Try a different weapon next time. *smirk* Thank you. Are you making a donation to my company? How can I be out of ammo right now...? Tch. Such cheap tactics... You should be ashamed! With this weapon, I don't risk being counterattacked! It ends here! *smirk* Calamity Sword! This will finish you!! Calamity Sword... Darkness Slash! Slash! Spiral Attack! Drill Attack! I'll finish you with this! Final Beam! Boost Knuckle! Black Hole Gun, fire! Tear into the enemy! Remote Slasher! G-Impact Cannon, fire!! I'll pay you back... whether you remember it or not. Sonic... Breaker! It's nice to use brute force for a change. I'll force my way through! Pierce through the heart! Revolver Bunker!! I will show you what Hell looks like...! This mech's an old buddy of mine. Here goes... Gespenst Kick! If you want the ultimate kick, this would be it!! Take this! I'm familiar with this mech. It ends here! Gespenst Kick!! Heh... Those were the good ol' days... *smirk* I'll get sentimental after I defeat you! I'm in a bad mood right now. You're out of luck! Fang Slasher! Slice my enemy in half! Fang Slasher!! Don't underestimate me because I'm a girl. Fang Slasher, fire!! The power of an original Huckebein pilot... I'll show you! Slice my enemy in half! Fang Slasher! This is the maneuver... You can watch closely. But I can't guarantee your life! Let me show you my skills! If I use the Astelion's full maneuverability... This is a piece of cake! Too slow! I'll obliterate you! Prepare for death. Geist Knuckle! I'll see for myself... ...How powerful this punch can be! Since I developed the MKIII... I'll handle any complaints you might have! What the boss can't use shouldn't be sold, right? So, I'll give it to you for free! I'm not familiar with this weapon, but... There's no such thing as a weapon I can't use...! You can help me gather combat data for my mech! Here goes nothin'! Blade Tonfa! This blade can really cut...! Get outta my way! My blade...! Stag Beetle Crusher! I'll show you what I can do. You won't feel any regret... because... you won't even have a chance to! By leaving yourself open, you've already lost. Wings open! Its acceleration isn't bad, but... Its power makes up for it! That's the best part of the Raptor Wings! Take this. Rifle, rapid fire! I see your move! D Mode! I'm going all out! Giga Ungia!! Here! Take it! You can admire my mech, but I gotta tell you, it's lethal! This will do! I'm going with the Sword Breaker...! There, gotcha! Although this is not my company's mech, it's quite powerful. Solid Cannon, fire!! In a way, this weapon is from the black market, but... It's perfect for you. Go!! --Battle Ibis-- Target locked! Go! Hit it! C'mon, hit it! I can do this! Too slow! You won't get away! C'mon, c'mon... C'MON! It's not much of an attack, but it'll slow you down for sure! Range: 1500! I can take a medium-ranged shot! Range: 2300... I should get closer! I can do this! I'll prove it! Strike like lightning! I won't let you do this anymore! Recalculate the hit ratio! I can do this!! I'll beat you in a high speed dogfight! I am a combat pilot too! Let's do this! She who hesitates is lost! I'm not gonna die here! I have to show Sleigh that I can do this too!! Sorry! Focus the Energy Field! Gooooo! Waaaaa! Rapid Acceleration Mobility Break! Here comes the Volley Shoot! Figure out the enemy's path, and intercept! RaMVs on! Here I come, Sleigh! Astelion can handle this! We have to face Sleigh! Figure out the enemy's path, and charge in!! I can handle your speed! Fight and flight at the speed of lightning! Let's race! Can you outrun this? I can do this, too! Rev it up! I can do it if I use the Boost Drive! I can't let the Series 77 mech be damaged! If I can bring forth the power of this mech! Astelion, I'll show them that I deserve to pilot you! I can't lose... And with this mech, I won't! Let's go, Astelion! With the speed the Tesla Drive gives me, I can do this! I've had plenty of training with AMs! As long as it's a Lion type, I can fight too! PTs are pretty much the same as AMs... Ugh! Why are PTs so hard to control...!? I'm not a power fighter, but I've got no choice now! Oh, well...! I'll just overpower you! Are you gonna trash our... Filio's dream!? I have to stop you, no matter what! Sleigh! Why are we fighting!? Sleigh, have you lost your pride in being No.01!? Lieutenant! This isn't like you! Really! Lt. Excellen! I will stop you! Bian Zoldark would never approve of this! No one can outrun me. Not even aliens! Who can outrun the other? Let's find out! I won't abandon my dream for your selfish ambition! Don't plunge our world into war out of some misguided honor! We'll defeat you and I'll explore the galaxy! I will fight for everyone's dreams... And for my own! Sleigh... If you insist! Hit! I'll do it! I gotta make it happen! Sleigh! I'm not the same old Ibis any more! I'll take it from here! Leave the rest to me! I'll be the rear guard! Sleigh! I'm taking over! I'll back you up, Sleigh! I can provide cover fire! I won't let you get the best of me! I won't go down without a fight! I'll fight until... Until I can't! I'm not afraid... I'm NOT afraid! I won't die in a place like this! I have a speed advantage! It's never too fast for me! Don't be frightened! Fear will kill you! Ah... Aah...! N-No...! I'm going down...! Not yet! I can't die yet! Ugh... It's just a matter of time now... A-At this rate, I'll be finished soon for sure...!! N-No...! Wasn't I good enough...!? I-I don't wanna die... I don't wanna DIE! Sorry, Filio... I just wasn't bgood enough... C-Calion! Please hold together! Please Calion! Give me strength! I-I won't let you shoot down Astelion! N-No! I'm not good enough for Astelion! N-No... I'm not strong enough to fight Sleigh...! Sleigh Presty... No.01 of the Project TD... Sleigh... Sleigh...! Sleeeeigh! N-No...! Not good... ...NOT good! N-No...! I can't catch up with Sleigh! Ugh...! I couldn't dodge it! The damage rate is in the yellow! That's not good...!! I can fly! I still can fly! If I keep getting hit, I'll lose this mech... My training isn't helping me in real combat! Strike again before I get shot down! Calion couldn't dodge it!? I-I can't lose them even with the Boost!? They've anticipated Astelion's... I-I mean MY move...!? No way! How can you keep up with Astelion!? Ugh... I can't lose Sleigh! I-Is this the difference between No.01 and No.04!? Argh! I'm a sitting duck to Sleigh! I can still fight! It's just a scratch! I can still fly!! That won't stop me! Why...!? Why couldn't I dodge it!? A little higher and that would have been fatal... I avoided a direct hit! ...Somehow... Ugh! Sorry,Calion! I'd be dead if it wasn't for my Astelion... Ugh...! Are you toying with me, Sleigh? No! Sleigh's just playing with me! Jammer! Please hold! I've got this kind of equipment too! The Jammer has saved me...! Yee-haw! I dodged it! Yes! Even I could dodge it! I managed to avoid it... If I can see it coming, I can get out of the way! I did it! I can do this! Good! Lookin' good! I shouldn't get cocky over this. This was in the simulation too! I'm faster than you! Evasion successful! What's next? I see it! ...I guess. Oh, I'm better than that! Good job, Calion! We can do this! You're fast, Calion! We can fight! Calion can fight! The Astelion's too fast for you! I-I can really pilot the Astelion! Let's go, Astelion! We can do this! Sleigh! I can't let you beat me! I won't... I won't be beaten by you!! I guess you're not that much better than me...right? Oh. The barrier has protected me... My barrier will protect me! Ughaaaa! ...Wait, I had a Barrier. What...!? I miscalculated...!? Damn! I can't fight back! What the...!? I'm too far away! I can't reach the enemy!? No way! I'll finish this now! I'll deal with all of you at once! Target's locked! I won't miss! Mega Blaster, fiiiiire! I can handle melee combat too! I'll do this! I don't mind crashing into you! I can do this too! Never lose your nerve when you have to melee fight!! Ultimate... ...Gespy Kick! Goooo! Gooo! Geist Knuckle! Take this! Metal Sword! Calamity Sword! Goooo! I'll do this!! I can do this too! Never lose your nerve when going to head-to-head! Doomblade! Goooo! Gooo! Giga Unghia! Plasma Stake set! Gooo! Goooo!!! Jet Magnum! Gooooo! Target locked! Input variables...! Damn it! HIT! Range 3000! Locked on target! Maximum shot! Ugh...! The enemy's faster than I expected...! Hit! HIT! I can go melee with my enemy too! Stakes! Gooo! With this mech's acceleration ability, I can do this! I can do this! Bunker! Gooo! Alt and I will do our very best! How's this!? Riese and I will do our very best! If I shoot enough, I'm bound to hit at least once! Therrrre! A steady stream of bullets and beams! I WILL hit! Black Hole Gun, standing by! Setting G-Impact Cannon! If I can get close enough, I can do this! Slash the enemy! Fang Slasher! This is no time to wimp out! Tonfas set!! Prepare the Beetle Crusher! Let's go, Wurger! You're finished! Shift to high-speed maneuver mode! Ignite the boost! Gotta get closer! Wurger, Gooo!! This will finish you off! Breakdown! I'll show you the power of Grungust! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! I can handle any high-speed fight! Sonic Breaker is set! Gooo! Rapid acceleration! Gooo! Target locked! HIT! Full boost! I'll get you! Astelion! BF mode! Hit! Hit! HIT! RaMVs on! Full speed! I can do this! No! I MUST do this! Use RaMVs to slip past the enemy's defenses! Move to intercept! I'm gonna hit you with everything! I'll finish you off up close! Full boost! Boost Drive! Gooo! Sonic Cutter! Goooo! Target in sight! Sword Breaker! Gooo! Target in sight and locked on! My F-Solid Bazooka will blast you away! Boosters on! You're finished! Hit!! Target locked! Stay on target... --Battle AI-- ......... !?!?!? .........!!! .........!! .........? --Battle Sleigh-- Target locked! Go down! ...Eat this! Your guard is down! Do you want to get blown away? I saw through your tricks long ago! I've locked on to you! I've got you now! I'll make you regret going against me! I can take you down all by myself, weakling! No variable adjustments necessary! I'm going in! You think you can catch me with your speed? Don't worry. I'll put you out of your misery...! This is Sleigh Presty, engaging the enemy! I'll show you why I'm called Number 01! Range at 2000, huh? Then I'll move in closer! Bring it on, if you dare! I'll take on anyone! I'll show you how different we really are! I'll take you down in one swift attack! Too fast for you to dodge!! Even RaMVs won't make a difference!! I'll force my way through! You're going down! That's it? I won't let you get away...! I'll show you who's the real master of the Astelion! All I want is for my brother to recognize my skill...! This mech will be painted scarlet! I'll prove it with my power! When I'm in my Calion, you're just a sitting duck! Boost Drive! Bow down to my speed! Are you ready to challenge my mech and my skill? I'll make full use of the unit my brother designed! I'll show you how to really use the Tesla Drive! Even if it's a PT, I can handle it! Tch! The AM maneuvers totally differently! Be very scared, Ibis. Realize how powerless you are! I'll show you how scary it is to be in the pilot's seat! I wish... I wish you'd never existed! I'll make you recognize my true power! Show me the skill of a former Troye pilot!! Today is the last day you'll be known as a genius. Good move, former Aggressor. But your legend ends here! I have to keep fighting, even if I'm against you! Out of the mech, pilot! It doesn't belong to you! That mech is for one who shares my brother's ideals! It's too late for regret! Your mech belongs to me! Take this, Ibis! Leave it to me. Move over! I'll take care of this! You're off guard! Step aside, Ibis! It's too much for you to handle! What are you doing!? Look alive on the front line! You're good. Now, leave the rest to me. Leona Garstein, leave the rest to me! I'll repay you tenfold for the damage you've done! You'll suffer the consequences for attacking me! Now, it's my turn! Hmph. Did you think I'd back down from your weak attack? I'll show you a real attack! I've already seen through your tricks! Ugh! I-Impossible! This is not happening! Inconceivable! There must be some kind of mistake! Preposterous! How could I be chased down like this!? Ugh! No. 01 mustn't go down here! YOU... Don't act as if you've already won! Not good! Damage has reached critical! Failure is not an option for No. 01! That's the rule! F-Filio...! Don't worry, I can still fight! Impossible! How can my Calion be damaged this badly!? I can't let you defeat my brother's creation...! Damn...! Damn you, Ibis! Impossible! She CAN'T be this good! Not bad, Leona Garstein... You are a Troye Pilot, indeed! Ugh! I guess age hasn't slowed you down a bit! I was afraid of this... I'm not good enough to defeat him... Ugh! I-I managed to avoid a direct hit! Not bad, but it's the end of the line for you now! So little damage won't slow me down! It seems that you'll make a worthy opponent! Thanks for amusing me, but now you've gone too far! I'll show you what it means to be Number 01! Very good! You're actually keeping up with the Calion! Tch! If I had the Boost Drive, that wouldn't have hit me! Tch! There's a reason they let you pass the TD training! It seems I've totally underestimated you, Ibis! Fine! Let's end this here and now! That was close! So, this is the power of the Aggressors! Ugh! He's anticipates my moves... Like he reads my mind...! Argh! It's just a scratch, but it still counts as a hit...! Well done! You actually hit me! Hm... This tension... So this is what war's really like, huh? Tch! My mech isn't fast enough to respond to my reactions! That's it? You call that as an attack!? Don't get so excited over a lucky hit! Tch! I came in too fast! I lost my balance! The Calion has other strengths besides speed, you know. Hm... No. 04, congratulations on a lucky shot. Don't you get it, Ibis? This'll end as the simulation did. It seems our former rivalry is already history. That's it? And you call yourself an Aggressor? I couldn't dodge it! He's at a totally different level! I'm also equipped with this kind of equipment! Hmph. This is how it should be. You're way too slow. It's like you're in slow-motion. Are you really aiming at me? I don't even have to use an evasive maneuver. What's wrong? I'm over here! So, is this pretty much what I can expect in a real war? What makes you think you're qualified to challenge me? Fighting a drone would be more challenging than you. You should know your limitations. This is nothing for me and my Calion. It seems you can't keep up with my Calion. What's wrong, Ibis? Was that supposed to be an attack? Unbelievable. How can she be the pilot of the Astelion? The gap between us has widened in just a few years... I guess a former Aggressor is nothing to fear. That was close... Can he be...? What a lame attack! Don't underestimate me! That's it!? I can't believe I'm actully relying on the barrier... This can be useful sometimes. Tch! I've wasted too much ammo! Ugh, I wasted too much aammo firing wildly! Tch! Out of range!? Relative speed difference is too much...! Target in sight. Mega Blaster, fire! Set mode for melee combat! This'll crush you! Then, I'll fight you in a melee combat! *smirk* ...Dead on! You wanna go melee on me? ...Interesting! I'll break you! Plasma Stakes, set! I've got you now! Gotcha! Target locked! I've got you now! Fiiire! You're bit far... But...! I'll shoot you down! One shot, one kill! This shot will take you down! It's a primitive weapon, but I have no choice! I will show you how powerful my attacks are! I'll penetrate the core of the enemy mech! Therrre!! I'll use this unit to its fullest! Direct hits confirmed! I'm breaking away! Opening missile hatches! Rapid fire! Try dodging this!! Switching weapon control to full-auto mode! I'll get you no matter where you try to run!! Black Hole Gun on standby! Maximum power! G-Impact Cannon set! Will you be able to dodge my phantom blade? Fly! Fang Slasher!! This'll break you! Increasing the throttle! Here I come! Deploying the outer armors! Attack mode: Sword! This'll break you!! You seem to want to be my target! Calculating relative speed! Reducing error ratio to 0.1! Maximum power! Begone! Time for some close-range combat! Tonfa set! Can you dodge this barrage attack? This weapon is not my style, but it packs a punch! Take this shot! You're through...! Detaching jacket armor! Hmph, this should be fast enough! Allow me to show you this mech's true power! Time to finish you off! Shrike attack... Feel the pain!! Grungust, maximum power! Calamity Sword! Doomblade!! I doubt you can withstand my great power! Breaker Mode, set! Activating the boost! I've got you now! Sonic Breaker ready! Eat this! Activating Boost Drive! Attaaack! Can you match my speed!? Target locked! Go! Sword Breakers!! Target in sight! Locked and centered! Now, you can't escape! Firing F-Solid Bazooka! --Battle Ouka-- You shall fall! I will not allow you to interfere! There! Prepare yourself! Take this! Don't try to resist me... I will take care of you, OK...? I'm only trying to disable your mech... Do not worry... I won't kill you. Mother ordered me not to...! I'll teach you a lesson you won't soon forget! ...So you won't defy me ever again! My enemy...! The enemy I have to defeat is...! Lat... You must come back to me. Lat... You must listen to what I tell you... You're being tricked by the EFA. We must return to Mother together, Lat. Arado Balanga... The enemy who kidnapped Latooni! I'll never forgive you, Arado Balanga! Now... Give me back my Lat... I won't allow you to continue confusing Latooni... I won't let you people have my Lat! You'll pay for using my sister with your lives! Enemy......! Hmhmhm... Running won't do you any good... I won't let you escape... Now it's my turn! I shall put this battle to an end! I will not back down like this... You're not being reasonable, Lat. Ahh... Lat... Ugh...! H-How can this happen to me...!? No... At this rate...! This is nothing compared to my School training! Ugh! Th-That was more than I expected...! Y-You're good... to be able to push me this far...! Hmhmhm... Just as your combat data says... Do not interfere! It seems you don't value your life much... Ugh! Y-You gave me a direct hit...? Not bad...! Only a scratch. How pathetic... Just a scratch... It seems barely grazing me is the best you can do. What are you trying to do? *scoff* It's useless... Where are you aiming? I don't even have to pay attention to you. A desperate attack like that won't hurt me... Your attack is too sloppy. I have no choice. I'll let you go this time. From all the way over there...! All targets locked! Fire! Split Missile, go! There's no place for you to run! O. O. Launcher, B-Mode! Continue into E-Mode! I won't let you escape! Magnum Beak, set! Extending the wings! I'll cut you to pieces! Rapiecage... U.U.N. Mode! Now, you will... ...get what is coming to you! --Battle GEIM Ouka-- Destroy... everything. ...... Target locked... Commencing... attack... Obliterate... everything. Bronzo 28... Bronzo 27... Latooni 11... Commencing... counterattack... Commencing... pursuit... ......! ... System check... ...Condition... Critical... Damage at over 70. Reconfirming data... Evasion patterns reconfiguring... Direct hit... Bronzo2 7... Analyzing... action patterns... Damages minimal... Evasion... success... Unable to counterattack... Target... lost... All targets... locked... O.O. Launcher... B Mode... E-Mode... Magnum Beak... Set... Attack... Full burst... --Battle Arado-- Damn you! Eat this! I gotta strike first! Don't you dare dodge this at the last moment! Shoot first, ask questions later! I WILL hit you!! I'll show you my fighting spirit! I won't let you get away!! Locked on! Fire! C'mon! Hit 'em! If I miss... Oh, well, whatever happens, happens! Let us fight with all our strength! Here I come, Archibald!! Grrraaaaaaahh! Beetle! Crusheeeer! Damn yoooou! I'll swat you down! I'll swat you all down at once! Charge! Charge! Just charge!! I'll fry you like a potato! I'll show you the power of the Lion! The Lion's awesome, if you know how to use it! Don't you think this is some mass-produced mech! Let's go, Falken! Let's go, MkIII! Let's go, Wurger! I can pilot an Alt too! I'll cross my... Uh... Hucke's fingers! Seolla! I-I will save you...! Listen to me, Seolla! Seolla! Is this the only way!? I can't hit her cockpit...! Ouka! You're being deceived! Please! Regain your former self, Sister! Agilla! I won't forgive you! Never! Dr. Cero! What are you after!? I have no choice... I need to take on the big boss! "Might makes right?" Is that your philosophy!? I'll crush the pseudo-Alt! Archibald! Your time's up! I'm not acting as your pawn any more, Archibald! "Defect, defect!" Is that all you can say!? New species!? Don't make me laugh! Who the hell do you think you are!? I won't just shut up and listen to your crap! Time to get even with you! Damn it! I won't miss my turn and my marks! I came. I saw. I kicked your butt! I'm in trouble! No, wait... YOU'RE in trouble! I hope I don't accidentally hit a friendly... I'll show you the charging power that comes from Alt! ATX project duo, here we come! Seolla, you're right on target! Formation 1, Seolla! The odds are against us... But I'm still in, Kyosuke! I'll cover you, Ouka! Lat, let me take care of the rest! I'll deal with 'em! It ain't over 'til it's over! Only one of us will survive... And it won't be you! No time to play mustard! ...I mean, catch-up! Time to get serious! Totally serious! I'll overpower you! Counter-attack can also be the best defense!! I'd better hit you before you hit me... Ow! Too late. What the hell's wrong with everyone!? Damn it! Not here! I-I'm punching out... Ugh! You've penetrated my armor!? I already know what Hell's like! Damn... I WILL survive! W-Wait... Is my turn over already!? Time out! Wait! Time out! I'm not dying here... I still have a promise to keep!! What!? There's damage to my frames too!? Damn! I guess my Lion can't take anymore! Don't you mess with my mass-produced mech!! I can do better! I'm not Lion about that! Y-You've pierced Alt's armor!? Waaah! Falken, please hold! I may have bad luck, but I won't let it ruin my life! N-No choice... I have to purge my armor to stay alive! Wurger... You go, we go! It's not you who I must fight! I'm not just gonna die with the big boss in front of me! Agilla! There's no way you can beat me! Ugh! I-I know I can't beat Ouka...! D-Damn...! Am I finished!? Doctor!! Ooooof! Oooooow! W-What!? That wasn't so bad... Ugh! Even a dropout has pride, damn it! Ugh... Have I fallen into the enemy's trap...!? T-This was to be my moment...!! What was that spell again...? Balanga-Balanga... Whoa! It's just another one of those days... Dammit. I came this far! I won't be beaten now! I'm not done yet! I'm still a-rockin' Arado! Ugh! Lion's armor is too thin... This is bad! Lt. Kyosuke will have my head for this! Damn! The Falken is too fragile! I crossed Hucke's fingers... Didn't it work!? No! The outer armor's gone! You're not holding back, huh, Seolla? Seolla! I won't give up on you! I won't lose the biggest game of the world! This is nothing compared to what you put us through! If you doubt yourself... Then don't do this! N-Nice shot, Ouka... But I'm not dead yet! I dodged it! Ow! ...Never mind. *sigh* I thought I dodged that... Well, you're not as scary as Seolla... Don't underestimate my durability! The wisest man speaks his mind... Wait, what'd I say? C-Cut! This ain't what I had in mind! Ow! Hmm... Let's call that a learning experience. Who cares! It's just a scratch! Argh! Have I screwed up again!? I don't need any holding back or sympathy! Don't rush... If you rush, you lose! Don't underestimate a Lion! Holy cats! I'd better stop joking around. I mean it! Way to go, Alt! What a tough mech! If you wanna shoot down my Falken, keep trying! Phew! Wurger's pretty awesome! Your stubborness will never change, Seolla!! Ouka! Can't you tell it's me!? I ain't your test subject anymore! If you're feeling guilty, then stop this, Doc! I can't chicken out in front of the enemy boss! I'm always prepared for anything! You see? I'm good! Your missiles won't hit me! Whoa! The power of the Jammer compels you! I won't be hit! Even I can do this much! Good! It worked! If you can't predict my moves, I'm safe! I won't fall for that!! Heh! I knew you'd do that! Too slow! ...I always wanted to say that. Heh heh! Are you looking for me? Keep trying! I wasn't expecting that, but I dodged it anyway! I'll throw 'em off! I dodged it at the last minute...! Great! This maneuver works! The more you shoot, the more you miss... Huh? I'm not gonna stand around and let you hit me! Phew! You almost got me... Ha! Don't underestimate the Alt's maneuverability! Great! Falken's programmed with some good evasive moves! You just saved my life, Huckebein! A good mech helps an unskilled pilot. Wait a sec... Seolla! I won't go down so easily! I gotta find some way to catch the Falken...! Ouka! Listen to me! Agilla! I'm right here! I'm not the same Arado as before, Agilla Setme! You're not cut out to be a pilot, Doc! You know that! After all that talk... Is this the best you can do!? You're all talk and no skill! What's wrong Archibald? I'm right here! I won't fall for that, Archibald! So you guys wanna kill me at all cost, huh!? And you think you're big-time, huh!? I don't care if it's a Guarlion or what! Please hold! D-Dang it! I forgot to do the ammo check! Am I out of luck...? Or out of ammo...? Hmm...? Whoa-whoa! Wait a sec!! More I shoot, more I miss...wait, forget I said that! Hit 'em all at once! OK. Who asked for extra large? Gotcha! Mega Blaster, fire! Charge! The ultimate technique! Gespy Kick! Stakes, set! Gespenst Knuckle! My aim's right on! Here I come! Twin Beam Cannon! This'll even hit enemies off in the distance! I've got you now! This is a good weapon for this range! Got you now! Fire! Gooo! Alteisen! Revolver Staaake! Revolver Stake! Choke on this! This is my kind of weapon! Eat this! Revolver Stake! Time to gamble! Yee-Haw! I'll fire everything I have! D-Do I still have some ammo left? Lt. Kyosuke! Check this out! Here comes my Trump Card, Sir! Gooo! Alt!! Revolver Bunnnnnkerrrr! This is my kind of weapon too! Eat this! Revolver Bunker! Revolver Stake! Oops! Revolver Bunker! Damn. I really did fire everything! Awright! Lt. Kyosuke! Check this out!! Huh? This isn't the trump card? I can pull some tricks, too! Oxtongue Rifle, fire! Black Hole Gun, shot confirmed! Goooo! I gotta catch it right...! Here comes! G-Impact Cannon! G-Impact Cannon! Tear the enemy away! Fang Slasher! Fiiiire! Fang Slasher! Fire! Go! Fang Slasher! Rip away! Fang Slasher! If I can predict your moves, I can charge into you! And if I can't predict them... Well, it's all over! Graaaaaaaah! Geist Knuckle, set! C'mon! C'mon! C'monc'monc'mon! Let's go! Boxer! Tell my wife I love her... Wait, I'm not married! Woahhh! Geist Knuckle! Let's go, R-Gun! Hyper Twin Launchers! Set up the Tonfa! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! Let's go! R-Blade! Get out of my waaay! Metal Sword! Metal...! Swoooord! Crusher, set! Wooooahhh! Ghaaaa! I'll crush you with this! Beetle... Crusheeeer! I got you! Eaaat this! Beetle Crusheeeer! Outer Armor, purged! Fly! Wurger! Woooo! Raptor... Wiiings! This is my only choice! Extend the wings! Goooo!! I'll finish with this! Raptor Wings! I'll show you the Wurger's true form! Feed on the enemy! Wurger! Gooooo! Finishing move! Eins! Zwei! Drei! Mode Select: Set to, uh... "The way I like it"-mode! I don't care if it's a Falken! I always go melee!! Let's charge, Falken!! Woohhhhh! Bring it on! Calamity Sword! Let's go, Grungust! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! Slaaash! Type 2, ultimate attack! Doomblade! Set the anchoring units! Ultimate Gan-Duro attack! Giga Unghiaaa! Here I go! Sonic Breaker! Let's close in! Sonic Cutter! Time for some hit-and-run tactics! This'll nail the enemy from a distance! I'll take you right out! All right... Looking good! Shoot and attaaaack! This cannon will do the job! OK... I gotcha now! Let's go, Seolla! You got it! Purge the outer armor! Boost on! Eins! Zwei! Drei! Let's get 'em, Arado! Right! Twin! Bird! Striiiike! Here I come! Tracer Missiles, fire! I'm counting on you, MkIII! Make every missile count! Remote Missile! Goooo! A good offense is the best defense! Split Missiles, fire! --Battle Enemy Arado-- Damn you! Eat this! I gotta strike first! Don't you dare dodge this at the last moment! Shoot first, ask questions later! I WILL hit you!! If I miss... Oh, well, whatever happens, happens! Let us fight with all our strength! Grrraaaaaaahh! I'll take you all on! Battle plans are for eggheads! CHARGE! I'll show you the power of the Lion! The Lion's awesome, if you know how to use it! Don't you think this is some mass-produced mech! Even your conventional soldiers and mechs got pride! I won't miss my turn and my marks! I'm in trouble! No, wait... YOU'RE in trouble! I hope I don't accidentally hit a friendly... It ain't over 'til it's over! Only one of us will survive... And it won't be you! OK... Time to get serious! Counter-attack can also be the best defense!! I'd better hit you before you hit me... Ow! Too late. Damn it! Not here! Maybe I really am a dropout... Ugh! You've penetrated my armor!? I already know what Hell's like! Damn! I WILL survive! I'm not dying here... I still have a promise to keep!! What!? There's damage to my frames too!? Damn! I guess my Lion can't take any more! Don't you mess with my mass-produced mech!! I can do better! I'm not Lion about that! I'll protect Seolla! Ugh! I'm not going down! Seolla, I'll save you!! Ugh! Ughaaa!! Wh-What!? That wasn't so bad... Ugh! Even a dropout has pride, damn it! Ugh... Have I fallen into the enemy's trap...!? I've made this far! I won't die now! Not yet! I won't die like this! Ugh! Lion's armor is too thin... I dodged it! Ow! ...Never mind. *sigh* I thought I dodged that... Damn! I couldn't dodge that! Who cares! It's just a scratch! Argh! Have I screwed up again!? Don't underestimate a Lion! Holy cats! I'd better stop joking around. I mean it! I'm always prepared for anything! You see? I'm good! Your missiles won't hit me! The power of Jammer compels you! I won't be hit! Even I can do this much! If you can't predict my moves, I'm safe! I won't fall for that! You almost got me, but I dodged it! Any objections? I somehow managed to dodge it at the last minute! The more you shoot, the more you miss... Huh? Phew! You almost got me... Bury her! Uh... I mean, barrier! D-Dang it! I forgot to do the ammo check! Am I out of luck...? Or out of ammo...? Hmm...? Whoa! This isn't fair! Time out! Time out! The more I shoot, the more I miss... So don't dodge! --Battle Seolla-- There! Here I come! If you want to win, you have to act first! Stay out of my way! I'll go all-out on you! Oh, I'm mad now! I've been training for this! Are you ready!? Gotcha! I'm not gonna miss! Now, get ready! Let me provide a second attack! I'll beat you in a split second! This is what happens if you line up like fools! Ouka! Please, listen to us! Don't become a killing machine, Ouka! I won't lose to you guys! Dr. Setme! I won't forgive you for this! Stay out of our way, Doctor! Stay away from Earth! People like you rob others of their happiness! Let's go, Wildfalken! I'll show you what my Falken can do! Game time, Falken! Let's go, Wildwurger! Game time, Wurger! The basis should be the same! I can handle this mech! I can control the Weiss as well, you know! I can still fight! This will be the end of you! This won't go like you planned! I'll make sure of that! Arado! You've got the timing down, right? Geez! Why do always I have to pick up after you!? Lat, I'll handle the rest! Ouka, please don't overdo it! Lamia, I'll give you a hand! I'll cover you, Lt. Excellen! I'm not giving up yet! Let's start this over! Let the games begin! That's it! I'm really mad now! I'm not going down without a fight! Now it's my turn! You're going to regret not finishing me off! Payback time! I-I won't give up! Aghhh! I-I've gotta punch out! You'll regret making me mad!! Aghhh! I-I can't believe this! Y-You ARE strong...! Ughhh! I won't let you do that anymore! I-I won't lose... Never! I can't die... I can't leave Arado alone here... One more hit... And I'm a goner... I-I won't be beaten... No way! The F-Falken's not good enough...!? The Falken's wings can still fly! Aghhh! Ouka, please stop! Ugh...! I won't go down before you do! Please! Nooooo! How dare you! You'll pay for this! Wha!? What was THAT!? Argh! Y-You hit my mech's weak spot! No! Gotta use G Mode in this kind of situation! I won't be a rookie forever, you know! Don't get cocky! It's MY turn now! I won't forget this disgrace...! O-Ouch!! H-How DARE you!? Ugh... I can't believe you outran my Falken! I won't let you beat my Falken! I-I can't see Ouka's attack!? Ugh! I-I'll never let you guys prevail! I won't let you ruin my life anymore! You're not this skilled, Doctor! What's going on!? You don't have to hold back on me. Darn! I knew this was coming! I never asked you to hold back on me! Now, just give me your best shot! C'mon! Ugh! The stabilizer's damaged! I'm not being a good role model for Arado like this... I have to calm down and deal with things... Darn it! Why couldn't I dodge that!? You can't shoot my Falken down like that! You hit my Falken... You're pretty good! The Machinery Children can predict my attack!? Doctor...! Please, stop! Activating the Jammer! The Jammer is a lifesaver...! Your attack won't reach me! Don't you underestimate me! C'mon! Give me everything you got! I'm confident in my skills in high-speed combat! When you dodge, do it with style! I hate persistant people! Oh please! I'm too good for that! You'll have to do better than that, got it? Are you finished now? Your aim isn't good enough! Piece of cake! Good job, Falken! Lookin' good, Falken! Let's see how you like this! Always be ready for anything! Extending the G Wall!! I've got the G Territory, y'know! I can't believe there's nothing I can do...! I'm not done yet! You'll see! No! I lost the enemy!! Attacking from out of my range!? Not bad... That's it! You're really gonna get it! Fireee!! You're all history now! Go down! Enemy units confirmed! Commencing the attack! Say your prayers! Mega Blaster! Fire! Here I come! This is the Gespenst's secret technique! Ultimate attack! Gespenst Kick! Close range... Time for this...! Take this! Jet Magnum! Inputting the relative distance! Got you in my sight! Go! Running won't help you! Twin Beam Cannon, ready! I will hit you at all costs! This big mech's got power! Go right through 'em! Gooooo!! This mech's pretty tough to pilot, but I'll do my best! Revolver Stake! I got ya! Now's my chance to get close! Activate the boosters! I won't miss you at this range! Time to gamble... I will use my favorite card! My gamble paid off! This is the card you picked! Too bad! You picked the Joker! Time to gamble! This is my hand!! Too bad! You picked the joker! Let's try something a little trickier! Oxtongue! Dual Fire! Oxtongue Rifle, Dual Fire Mode! The Oxtongue can be used like this, too! I'm not gonna miss! B and E... Let's mix 'em together...! Oxtongue! Dual fire! I'll show you the true power of the Huckebein! Obliterate the enemy! Black Hole Gun! Black Hole Gun set! Get swallowed by the Black Hole! Do you think you can survive this impact? Firing the G-Impact Cannon! With the G-Impact Cannon's power... You're finished! Can you keep up with me!? Slash the enemy! Fang Slasher! Fang Slasher, ready! Fang Slasher, ready! Goooo!! I'll knock you out! Take this! Geist Knuckle! This fist is gonna hurt! Take this! And this! And this! Ready the Hyper Twin Launchers! Raise the output of the Tronium Engine!! This beam will hurt you bad!! Shooting is my thing! My Hyper Twin Launchers will get you! This'll take care of you! Firing Hyper Twin Launchers! This is an unusual weapon, but it's got power! Blade Tonfa set! Attaaaack! This is no ordinary test model, y'know! I'm not familiar with this, but I don't have a choice now! Eat this! I'm better with guns... but I don't have any choice! Prepare yourself! Metal Sword! Beetle Crusher set! I'll just CRUSH you now...! Detaching jacket armor! Extending the wings! Now, take this! Raptor Wings! You're done for! High Speed Mode! Activate the boosters! This mech's a lot like the Falken! I can do this! I won't give you a chance to fight back! Slaaash! Oxtongue Rifle Dual Fire Mode! Oxtongue Rifle firing mode set! I'll hit you, whatever it takes! This'll get you! C'mon! Hit! Behold the power of the Grungust! Take this! Calamity Sword! Grungust, ultimate attack! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! I'll put you into an eternal sleep! I'll show you the power of the Type 2! The ultimate attack! Doomblade! I will finish you off in a split second!! Doomblade! With this much power, I CAN do this! You're done for! Giga Unghia! With this mech's speed...! Sonic Breaker, ready! I'm goin' in! Sonic Breaker, set! Nothing can beat me in a high-speed battle! Halberd Shooter, set! Please, hit! Target, locked on! Firing Halberd Shooter! It doesn't matter how far away you are! Halberd Shooter! You're done for! With a wide-range weapon, I can do this! This will be the end of you! Don't think you can escape from this! Go! Sword Breakers! Let's get this over with, Astelion! I can predict your moves! There! Focus on the energy field! Activate the booster! I'll nail you with the RaMVs!! Nobody can survive this many shots! This is sure to finish you off! F-Solid Bazooka, set! Target acquired... Making final adjustments... A weapon this big is sure to kill you! Locked on target! C'mon, Arado! Keep up with me! Hey! That's my line! Extend the wings! Full throttle! Falken! Engaging TBS mode! I've got the enemy! Seolla, fire!! I'll blast 'em too! Spiral turn! This'll take you out! Twin! Bird! Striiiike! I can see every move you're trying! Giga Burst! No one can dodge this many Tracer Missiles! Tracer Missiles, ready! You're done for! Firing Remote Missiles! The enemy's in range! Remote Missiles, fire! Let's blast 'em! Firing Split Missile+! I'll get you, no matter what! Fire Split Missiles! Firing Split Missiles! --Battle Enemy Seolla-- There! Here I come! If you want to win, you have to act first! Stay out of my way! I'll go all-out on you! Oh, I'm mad now! I've been training for this! Are you ready!? Gotcha! Say your prayers! I'm not gonna miss! You're mine now, Wildfalken! I'll beat you in a split second! Arado Balanga! You're my enemy! I'm taking Lat back with me, Arado Balanga! How dare you kidnap Lat! You! I'll never forgive you! This is Seolla! I'll cover you! This will be the end of you! This won't go like you planned! I'll make sure of that! Ouka, I'll cover you! I'm not giving up yet! Let's start this over! Let the games begin! That's it! I'm really mad now! I'm not going down without a fight! Now it's my turn! You're going to regret not finishing me off! Payback time! I-I won't give up! Aghhh! I-I've gotta punch out! You'll regret making me mad!! Aghhh! I-I can't believe this! Y-You ARE strong...! Ughhh! I won't let you do that anymore! I-I won't lose... Never! I can't die... I can't leave Arado alone here... One more hit... And I'm a goner... I-I won't be beaten... No way! The F-Falken's not good enough...!? The Falken's wings can still fly! Ugh... I'm not dying until I've killed you! Ugh! Arado Balanga is better than I expected...! How dare you! You'll pay for this! Wha!? What was THAT!? Argh! Y-You hit my mech's weak spot! No! Gotta use G Mode in this kind of situation! I won't be a rookie forever, you know! Don't get cocky! It's MY turn now! I must remember my training and do this right! I won't forget this disgrace...! O-Ouch!! H-How DARE you!! Ugh... I can't believe you outran my Falken! I won't let you beat my Falken! I won't go down until I rescue Lat!! You're not bad, Arado Balanga! You don't have to hold back on me. Darn! I knew this was coming! I never asked you to hold back on me! Now, just give me your best shot! C'mon! Ugh! The stabilizer's damaged! I'm not being a good role model for Arado like this...! I have to calm down and deal with things... Darn it! Why couldn't I dodge that!? You can't shoot my Falken down like that! You hit my Falken. You're pretty good! What's wrong!? Stop holding back! How did you manage to kidnap Lat with those skills!? Activating the Jammer! The Jammer is a lifesaver...! Don't you underestimate me! C'mon! Give me everything you got! I'm confident in my skills in high-speed combat! When you dodge, do it with style! I hate persistant people! Oh please! I'm too good for that! You'll have to do better than that, got it? Are you finished now? Your aim isn't good enough! Piece of cake! Good job, Falken! Lookin' good, Falken! Is this the best you can do? That's pathetic! What's wrong? You're not holding back, are you? Let's see how you like this! Always be ready for anything! I can't believe there's nothing I can do...! I'm not done yet! You'll see! No! I lost the enemy!! Attacking from out of my range!? Not bad... That's it! You're really gonna get it! Fireee!! You're all history now! Go down! Enemy units confirmed! Commencing the attack! Oxtongue Rifle Dual Fire Mode! Fire! Oxtongue Rifle firing mode set! I'll hit you, whatever it takes! This'll get you! C'mon! Hit! The Oxtongue can be used like this, too! I'm not gonna miss! B and E... Let's mix 'em together...! Oxtongue! Dual fire! --Battle Yuuki-- I'll take it! Commencing attack! You won't escape my aim! It's useless to resist. I'll score a direct hit on you. Prepare yourself. Target confirmed...! At this distance, I'll score a direct hit on you! Sorry, but this is the truth. You're out of luck. I'll take out all who oppose me! I'll take all of you out! Good position! I can do it! I will give you a fitting end, Berserk Trooper! This mech and I are quite compatible. I can handle air combat! No problem! You are an insidious man. Show me your true power. Interesting strategy... Quite unorthodox. What's this I feel...? This feeling... It defies common sense. Valsione... You're Lune Zoldark, aren't you? *smirk* Air combat is right up my alley...! You'll pay double for betraying our ideals! I'll take Dr. Bian's ideals back from you! Witness our devotion to our ideals! Feel the pain of our comrades who've fallen into your traps! I won't let the DC's ideals die in vain! I won't let you judge us...! I won't let the DC's ideals be forgotten! Even if our enemies are gods, we'll secure our own future! An angelic mech, huh? What bad taste. You maneuver that outdated mech well... Impressive. It doesn't matter if you have long-range if I can jump closer! You let your guard down! I provide perfect support! Couldn't avoid it! Carla, leave the rest to me! Well done, Carla. You stalled them long enough. I will not let Carla's efforts be wasted! Bullet, let me handle the rest...! Ryoto, I'll go with you! Tasuku, step aside. I'll take care of the rest. Don't get cocky! I won't let this chance slip through my fingers! Now it's my turn! That was a careless attack. Offense and defense are one and the same. My turn next! There's no way you can stop me with an attack like that. Too bad. I can still move. You already threw your luck away when you attacked me. Ugh! N-Not here... Not like this! Tch! I'm punching out! I-I can't believe you have this much power...! Ugh! I can still fight if I stay calm and assess the situation... Ughhhh! I-I must remain calm...! Argh! I-I have no choice but to deal with it for now! Damage is at 70. If this keeps up, my end is near...! I must remain calm to deal with this situation... Calm down, Yuuki! If not, I'll be defeated! You're pretty good, but I can't go down just yet! Damn! I can't let this mech get blown up! N-Not yet! I haven't used the full power of this mech! Ugh! Just as I expected from Kyosuke Nanbu! Tch! You live up to your reputation...! M-My control has been disrupted by that mech...!? Black Tornado, huh? I wonder If I can ever surpass him...! Y-Your skills improved in such a short time...! Sh-She can be a pain in the ass as an opponent! Ugh! Of all enemies, I can't afford to lose to him! Ugh! I understand your motives, but I won't back down! That was good. But it's impossible for you to defeat me! Hmph. That wasn't even enough to make me flinch. If you plan on defeating me, come at me seriously. This is nothing... Tch. My control system has been damaged... I won't be distracted by such pitiful damage. Ugh! I was careless... I must calm down. Otherwise my judgement will be impaired. I was careless... But, I learned my lesson with this. How did you keep up with my mech's mobility...!? Don't think you can stop my mech with that attack...! The hero of the L5 Campaign... Not bad...! This feeling... It's like I'm being tied down...! Ugh! H-How can he anticipate my moves so accurately!? Sergeant Arado, I see you've improved. Sergeant Seolla, I must hand it to you. But...! Archibald! I'll never surrender to you! Impressive! You're worthy of being the DC Commander! Did you think you had the skills to defeat me? ! ...I underestimated you. Let me remind you: stay out of my way. I mean it. *smirk* Your attacks are flashy, but that's all! Damage was minimal. All systems are functional. I give you credit for hitting me, but...! Well done. You managed to keep up with me... Don't get too confident now. We've just begun. *smirk* I guess I still have a lot to learn. I can't afford to take a direct hit with such thin armor. Don't think speed is this mech's only asset. Not bad. A little more and it would have been a direct hit. Not bad. A little bit more and it would've been a direct hit. Tch! What's this headache all of a sudden? Not bad. A alittle bit more and it would've been a direct hit. Heh... Even the Black Tornado can't score a direct hit. Sergeant, I've always told you to stay consistent! Sergeant, I've always told you to finish off your enemy! What's wrong, Major? Is that the best you can do? What's wrong, Commander? Show me the strength of your ideals! *smirk* Too bad. Too bad. My Jammer seems to be functioning perfectly. What's wrong? Where are you aiming? Sorry, but I'm at a much higher level than you. *smirk* I look forward to seeing your next attack. I already know your combat maneuvers! What a useless attack! Come back in 10 years when you learn how to aim! Your tactics are way too obvious. I already know how you move! I don't need an automated evade program for my mech! Too bad that doesn't work on me. This battle's outcome was decided when you attacked me. It comes easy if you're calm, cool and collected. It seems you've underestimated this craft's mobility. Such mobility...! This mech deserves to be called a masterpiece. I guess you're overrated after all. What's this strange feeling? Just what I'd expect from an Aggressor... Almost! Even though he is the Black Tornado, I mustn't get hit...! As always, you can't just runsh in to your enemy. As always, you'll lose if you rely on the manual. What's wrong, Major? I'm over here...! I also have my own ideals. I can't be defeated by you! Meaningless... I'm well prepared for this occasion. Activate G-Wall! Activate G-Territory! Activate TK-Field! Of all things! Out of ammo...!? I lost my cool, and this is the result... It seems you're using your brain to fight. Not bad! Back-to-basics is always a wise choice! I'll shatter all of you to pieces! Don't think badly of me. This is also a good tactic! MAP Weapon set! Eat this! Target in sight! Mega Blaster, fire! Good distance. You're mine! Taste the ultimate damage! Gespy Kick! Plasma Stakes set! Eat my Magnum! Don't think you can escape my aim! Target locked! Fire! Relative distance: 2700! Calculating speed! This will end you! Target locked! Open fire! Don't think you can dodge this! Readjusting the aim! Fixing the variables! I'll tear you apart! Twin Beam Cannon! Don't think you can escape my aim! It's the end of the line for you!! I'll shoot you down! Hyper Twin Launchers!! I'll shoot you down! Halberd Shooter! This came with a heavy damage guarantee! Feel the pain of my Stake! Alteisen! Slip through their pursuit attacks! Close range! You're mine! I guarantee that this will be heavy damage! Bunker! Feel the pain with your body! Riese! Slip through their pursuit attacks! Close Range! You're mine! Take this! Combination Attack! You're finished!! Feel the true power of my mech! It's over... Rapid fire! You won't escape! Oxtongue Rifle, fire! Let's see you dodge it two times in a row! Oxtongue! Double firepower! Bring it on! Black Hole Gun! Max power! Fire! I'll show you the true power of this weapon! Get swallowed by the darkness! Black Hole Gun, fire! G-Impact Cannon,set! Max Power! Fire! I'll show you this mech's trump card! Taste the darkness! G-Impact Cannon! Charge, Mk-III!! Slash into pieces! Fang Slasher!! Fang Slasher, set! You won't even see my fangs take your life! Will you be able to dodge my fangs? Close Range! Now you're mine! Eat this! Geist Knuckle! Melee fighting is what this mech does best! Break into pieces! Geist Knuckle! Increasing Boost! Let's go, Boxer! Engaging Slash mode! Eat this! G-Sword Diver!! I'll risk my life to get you! Let's go, Boxer! Gravity Sword Diver!! Boosters on! Jump in closer! Aim adjustment! Fix the variables to 0.3! G-Impact Cannon! Full blast!! Ballistic Cannon, fire! Time to move to close range! Tonfa Set! Taste the pain! Take my sword! Beetle Crusher, set! Wurger, charge! Just what I wanted!! Detaching Jacket Armor!! Can you catch up at this speed!? Fly with the wind, Wurger! This should put an end to you! Break down! Time for combo fire! I won't let you dodge this! Oxtongue Rifle, Fire! Oxtongue! Double fire! Let's go, Grungust!! Calamity Sword! Grungust, max power! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash!! Disappear into the darkness! Type 2, grant me your true power! Doomblade! The ultimate attack! Doomblade!! I'll cut you in half with one slice!! I'll overwhelm you with the Gigan's power! Here I go! Giga Unghia! I'm a pro at high speed combat! Deploy the Breakers! Boosters on! Eat this! Sonic Breaker! Boost 'em up! Go! Sonic Cutter! Converging the field! Rip the enemy away! Aim is set! I've got you now! Destroy the enemy, Sword Breakers! I'll take you out with this shot! Target locked! Aim adjustment, complete! Don't think you can escape from my aim! I've got the hang of this weapon already... At this distance, I won't miss! F-Solid Bazooka, fire! End of the line for you!! Target locked! Disengage safety! Readjusting aim! Locking on to the target! --Battle Carla-- I won't let you get in my way! Take this! I don't have the time to hold back! You left yourself open! I got you now! I WILL get you! Hehe! It's no use running, you know! You're mine, sunshine! I never lose a target, in love or in war! I got your rhythm! 8 beats to 16 beats! One new kill mark, coming up! 1, 2, 3! Perfect timing! I'll take care of you all at once! Hey, hey! You're a sitting duck right there, y'know! You want me to go berserk on you!? Let's go, Huckebein! We can do it! Just as the rumors said, this guy's good...! Let's see how powerful the heroes of the L5 Campaign are! Urrrgh! What the heck's up with your funky maneuvers!? There's something mysterious about this... Are our thoughts linked together...? That coloring is too consipicuous! I won't go easy on you just because you were an Aggressor! Perfect timing. I always wanted to fight with you, lady! Lune Zoldark, we'll carry out the will of our commander! Cybuster! You will pay for the commander's death! I'll defeat you for those who died believing in you! I'll defeat you for the sake of the DC and for the Earth! If you want a fight that badly, I'll give you one! You shouldn't exist in this world! We'll take care of our world! That's why I must win!! You speak of noble causes, but your methods are evil! I don't care what you are, I won't submit to you! That looks cool, but I'll show no mercy! Angel or devil, we won't lose to you! You outdated red beetle junk! Dang it! Stop moving around!! OK,OK! Let me be the chorus! You thought it was over already? Think again! Just when you thought it was over, you get ME!! Yuu! I'll take care of the rest! Awesome, Yuu! Now, here I come! I'll back you up, Yuu! Kusuha! Leave the rest to me! Rio! Thanks for giving me a chance to shine! Leave the rest to me,Leona! How dare you you attack me! If you don't pay attention, you're gonna get hurt!! Well, then! It's my turn now! Stop pressing your luck, pal! I'll pay you back for that! Hey! Stop hitting me! My answer is "No thanks." I always make sure I give after I receive, you know? Now it's your turn to defend! Aahh... Looks like I've finally been defeated... Wh-What!? How could I be defeated...!? I-I won't be defeated here!! I-I can handle this somehow! I-Is this what you call a "cliffhanger moment!?" Ouch!! How dare you treat a girl like that! If you kill me, my ghost will haunt you! W-Wait!! This doesn't look good at all!! Ugh! I-I need a grand slam to turn the tide here... Whoa! This isn't funny any more! N-No way! Don't you go berserk on me, Hucky!! Don't lose, me! Don't lose, Huckebein! Kyosuke Nanbu, well done... This's no time to be impressed! Hey! Who said Excellen's the comic relief!? What the... I feel the enemy's aura pressing me...!? Nice attack! N-No! Why do I have to praise the Aggressors? I heard rumors about you... But, you ARE strong! N-Not bad...! I thought you were supposed to suck, Arado...! How can you be so tough with the cute face you got...!? I won't be defeated by you! I have too much to lose! I won't lose! For the sake of the DC and for our future! Uh-oh. This doesn't look good... Whoa! Hey, go easy on me! A direct hit!? But I can still fight! Argh! I have to hang in there!! W-What!? Did my handling mess up...? T-Time out!! C'mon! You listening!? Oops!! I missed again!? It's OK! I can make up for this easy! Ow! Don't be such a brute! Girls hate that, you know! I'm sorry, Huckebein! I messed up a little! Don't mess with the Huckbein! It's the PT masterpiece!! Wow! It's no fluke that you're a L5 war hero! H-Hey! How can you hit me with your funky movement!? A-Am I feeling the enemy's mind pressure? What's this? Y-You're worthy to be called as an Aggressor after all! Black Tornado!? I didn't want to fight him...! Wow, you've improved a little, Arado! No good, Seolla! Try harder if you want to defeat me! What!? You're not just a wisecracking bastard!? I knew you'd be tough, but I won't back down, Sir! Ugh! I hit my head! What? Is that it? Ahahaha! You're not serious, are you? You don't have to hold back on me so much! This is nothing! My mech and I are both OK! Oops. I missed my footwork a bit. It doesn't even count as a hit! What? You just wanna sit back and observe me? Haha! You're cool, Huckebein! Not bad! You actually hit my Huckebein! That wasn't cute! I almost took a direct hit! What? The enemy mech is synching up with my movement...? I'd say that was a "black whirlwind," eh? Try harder, Arado! You must beat your enemy quickly! Try harder, Seolla! You've got to pack some more punch! Did you think that would work, Mr. Major? Bring it on, Commander! No need to hold back! Time to mess up your attacks! I've got a Jammer here! Lucky me! I've got a Jammer! Ahahaha! You can't hit me! Close, but no prize for ya! Th-That was close. You almost had me. My agility is tons better than yours! See! I can dodge your attack easily! Next time, aim more carefully! Your rhythm is far too simple! You're too slow! You're off the beat! Dodging is a lot like dancing. Rhythm is everything! Woohoo! I'm so lucky today! Huckebein, you rock! No good! My Huckebein isn't even scratched! Surely an L5 hero can hit me... or was it alla fluke? Hmm? The enemy is synchronizing movement with me... Are the legendary Aggressors a bunch of tall tales? If the tornado misses, then it's just a stray breeze! Do you need some glasses, Arado? You missed! You can never hit me with a textbook tactic, girl! Ha! You ARE all talk, Major! Colonel! I've got a reason not to go down too! That attack won't work! Heheh! That's not enough to work on me! Extend G Wall! Activate G Territory! TK Field on! Huh!? Could I be... out of ammo!? What? I ran out of ammo already!? What? All the way from there...!? You've gotta move! N-No... I mean, don't move! If you stick together, you'll be sitting ducks! Hey, hey! I'll take care of you all now! Ready to fire the MAPW! Fire! Let's do this, Gespenst!! I'll blow you away with... Mega Blaster! I'll show you Gespenst's secret ability! Time to show off your sexy legs! Gespy Kiiiiick!! Plasma Stakes are set! Ready, go!! This will get you for sure! Jet Magnum!! I've got you in my sights! You won't escape me!! Game time! Maximum fiiiire!! With this caliber, even a scratch can kill! Twin Beam Cannon... Fiiire! Target locked! I WILL hit you! I got you! It'll be a direct hit! Target locked! Fix the variables! Tear'em apart! Twin Beam Cannon! You're not gonna escape my sight! You're not gonna escape my sights! Hyper Twin Launchers, fire!! Tear'em apart! Hyper Twin Launchers! Halbert Shooter, fire!! Blast 'em! Halberd Shooter! Aim smack-dab for the heart! Stakes set! Goooo!! This weapon is pretty addictive once you get used to it! Penetrate the enemy, Stake! Go! Bunker! Pierce through! Bunker! Take it all, bastard! Consider it a special gift from me! It comes with a side of bleeding! No extra charge! You'll regret forcing me to pull my trump card! Hmm... I wonder if I overdid it...? Shooting's a lot like dancing! They both take rhythm! Go with the beat! Oxtongue Rifle! This rhythm... it's not a waltz. I think it's a samba. Here I come! Oxtongue, double fire!! Let gravity crush you! Black Hole Gun! Destroy 'em! Huckebein! Go with max power! Smash the enemy! Black Hole Gun! I'll show you my ace-in-the-hole! Go! G-Impact Cannon! Steady! G-Impact Cannon! Adjustment set! Full Blast! Quick step! Lock on with beat! Get shredded! Fang Slasher! Set it on! The rhythm's 8 beats! Eat this! Fang Slasher! Feel the pain! Fang Slasher! I'll beat you up!! Blast the enemy! Geist Knuckle! I'll show you this mech's power! Eat this! Geist Knuckle! Get ready to stab, Boxer! Slash Mode, engage! Go! G-Sword Diver! Love and supers both require guts! Boxer! Pierce my opponents with your blade! Straight to the heart of the enemy! Go, G-Sword Diver!! Dash, Gunner! Close the gap! The more I shoot, the more chances I can hit! G-Impact! Take'em all! The Gunner can catch up! Target locked! I won't let you get away! Blow 'em away! Ballistic Cannon! Use the dance step to get closer to the enemy! Tonfa! Here I go! Dash and Slash! I'll get you gracefully! I'm using the Metal Sword for this gig! Nothing stands in front of my blade! Did you know that beetles used to be bred for strength? Time to end this! Wurger's final... ...Crusher!! You're finished! It's time to take out my trump card! Exercise time, Wurger! The speed is 1.2 times faster! My scale, though...! It builds to a crescendo... A crescendo of pain! Raptor Wings! Let's go, Oxtongue! Double Fire! Grungust! Show 'em your true power! I'll end this! Calamity Sword! Grungust! Let's show them we mean business!! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! Grungust Type 2's ultimate sword! I'll send you to hell in a blink of the eye! Doomblade! Answer to my cry, Type 2!! Slice 'em in two! Doomblade!! Let's go, Gigan! Your eyes gleam with power! The ultimate technique! Giga Unghia! Explode!! Gooo! Sonic Breaker! The key to love and war, iss to keep attacking! Boost! Sonic Breaker! Dash! Sonic Cutter! Slice 'em and dice 'em! Sonic Cutter! Target locked! You can't escape! Chase 'em down! Sword Breaker! With this mech's power, I can kill you with one hit! 1, 2, 3! 1, 2, 3! Perfect timing! My Solid Bazooka's locked and loaded! Fire! This wasn't equipped on the Randgrith... But they should have the same knack! Go! F-Solid Bazooka! --Battle Yuuki again-- I'll take it! Commencing attack! You won't escape my aim! It's useless to resist. I'll score a direct hit on you. Prepare yourself. Target confirmed...! At this distance, I'll score a direct hit on you! Sorry, but this is the truth. You're out of luck. I'll take out all who oppose me! I'll take all of you out! Good position! I can do it! I will give you a fitting end, Berserk Trooper! This mech and I are quite compatible. I can handle air combat! No problem! You are an insidious man. Show me your true power. Interesting strategy... Quite unorthodox. What's this I feel...? This feeling... It defies common sense. Valsione... You're Lune Zoldark, aren't you? *smirk* Air combat is right up my alley...! You'll pay double for betraying our ideals! I'll take Dr. Bian's ideals back from you! Witness our devotion to our ideals! Feel the pain of our comrades who've fallen into your traps! I won't let the DC's ideals die in vain! I won't let you judge us...! I won't let the DC's ideals be forgotten! Even if our enemies are gods, we'll secure our own future! An angelic mech, huh? What bad taste. You maneuver that outdated mech well... Impressive. It doesn't matter if you have long-range if I can jump closer! You let your guard down! I provide perfect support! Couldn't avoid it! Carla, leave the rest to me! Well done, Carla. You stalled them long enough. I will not let Carla's efforts be wasted! Bullet, let me handle the rest...! Ryoto, I'll go with you! Tasuku, step aside. I'll take care of the rest. Don't get cocky! I won't let this chance slip through my fingers! Now it's my turn! That was a careless attack. Offense and defense are one and the same. My turn next! There's no way you can stop me with an attack like that. Too bad. I can still move. You already threw your luck away when you attacked me. Ugh! N-Not here... Not like this! Tch! I'm punching out! I-I can't believe you have this much power...! Ugh! I can still fight if I stay calm and assess the situation... Ughhhh! I-I must remain calm...! Argh! I-I have no choice but to deal with it for now! Damage is at 70. If this keeps up, my end is near...! I must remain calm to deal with this situation... Calm down, Yuuki! If not, I'll be defeated! You're pretty good, but I can't go down just yet! Damn! I can't let this mech get blown up! N-Not yet! I haven't used the full power of this mech! Ugh! Just as I expected from Kyosuke Nanbu! Tch! You live up to your reputation...! M-My control has been disrupted by that mech...!? Black Tornado, huh? I wonder If I can ever surpass him...! Y-Your skills improved in such a short time...! Sh-She can be a pain in the ass as an opponent! Ugh! Of all enemies, I can't afford to lose to him! Ugh! I understand your motives, but I won't back down! That was good. But it's impossible for you to defeat me! Hmph. That wasn't even enough to make me flinch. If you plan on defeating me, come at me seriously. This is nothing... Tch. My control system has been damaged... I won't be distracted by such pitiful damage. Ugh! I was careless... I must calm down. Otherwise my judgement will be impaired. I was careless... But, I learned my lesson with this. How did you keep up with my mech's mobility...!? Don't think you can stop my mech with that attack...! The hero of the L5 Campaign... Not bad...! This feeling... It's like I'm being tied down...! Ugh! H-How can he anticipate my moves so accurately!? Sergeant Arado, I see you've improved. Sergeant Seolla, I must hand it to you. But...! Archibald! I'll never surrender to you! Impressive! You're worthy of being the DC Commander! Did you think you had the skills to defeat me? ! ...I underestimated you. Let me remind you: stay out of my way. I mean it. *smirk* Your attacks are flashy, but that's all! Damage was minimal. All systems are functional. I give you credit for hitting me, but...! Well done. You managed to keep up with me... Don't get too confident now. We've just begun. *smirk* I guess I still have a lot to learn. I can't afford to take a direct hit with such thin armor. Don't think speed is this mech's only asset. Not bad. A little more and it would have been a direct hit. Not bad. A little bit more and it would've been a direct hit. Tch! What's this headache all of a sudden? Not bad. A alittle bit more and it would've been a direct hit. Heh... Even the Black Tornado can't score a direct hit. Sergeant, I've always told you to stay consistent! Sergeant, I've always told you to finish off your enemy! What's wrong, Major? Is that the best you can do? What's wrong, Commander? Show me the strength of your ideals! *smirk* Too bad. Too bad. My Jammer seems to be functioning perfectly. What's wrong? Where are you aiming? Sorry, but I'm at a much higher level than you. *smirk* I look forward to seeing your next attack. I already know your combat maneuvers! What a useless attack! Come back in 10 years when you learn how to aim! Your tactics are way too obvious. I already know how you move! I don't need an automated evade program for my mech! Too bad that doesn't work on me. This battle's outcome was decided when you attacked me. It comes easy if you're calm, cool and collected. It seems you've underestimated this craft's mobility. Such mobility...! This mech deserves to be called a masterpiece. I guess you're overrated after all. What's this strange feeling? Just what I'd expect from an Aggressor... Almost! Even though he is the Black Tornado, I mustn't get hit...! As always, you can't just runsh in to your enemy. As always, you'll lose if you rely on the manual. What's wrong, Major? I'm over here...! I also have my own ideals. I can't be defeated by you! Meaningless... I'm well prepared for this occasion. Activate G-Wall! Activate G-Territory! Activate TK-Field! Of all things! Out of ammo...!? I lost my cool, and this is the result... It seems you're using your brain to fight. Not bad! Back-to-basics is always a wise choice! I'll shatter all of you to pieces! Don't think badly of me. This is also a good tactic! MAP Weapon set! Eat this! Target in sight! Mega Blaster, fire! Good distance. You're mine! Taste the ultimate damage! Gespy Kick! Plasma Stakes set! Eat my Magnum! Don't think you can escape my aim! Target locked! Fire! Relative distance: 2700! Calculating speed! This will end you! Target locked! Open fire! Don't think you can dodge this! Readjusting the aim! Fixing the variables! I'll tear you apart! Twin Beam Cannon! Don't think you can escape my aim! It's the end of the line for you!! I'll shoot you down! Hyper Twin Launchers!! I'll shoot you down! Halberd Shooter! This came with a heavy damage guarantee! Feel the pain of my Stake! Alteisen! Slip through their pursuit attacks! Close range! You're mine! I guarantee that this will be heavy damage! Bunker! Feel the pain with your body! Riese! Slip through their pursuit attacks! Close Range! You're mine! Take this! Combination Attack! You're finished!! Feel the true power of my mech! It's over... Rapid fire! You won't escape! Oxtongue Rifle, fire! Let's see you dodge it two times in a row! Oxtongue! Double firepower! Bring it on! Black Hole Gun! Max power! Fire! I'll show you the true power of this weapon! Get swallowed by the darkness! Black Hole Gun, fire! G-Impact Cannon,set! Max Power! Fire! I'll show you this mech's trump card! Taste the darkness! G-Impact Cannon! Charge, Mk-III!! Slash into pieces! Fang Slasher!! Fang Slasher, set! You won't even see my fangs take your life! Will you be able to dodge my fangs? Close Range! Now you're mine! Eat this! Geist Knuckle! Melee fighting is what this mech does best! Break into pieces! Geist Knuckle! Increasing Boost! Let's go, Boxer! Engaging Slash mode! Eat this! G-Sword Diver!! I'll risk my life to get you! Let's go, Boxer! Gravity Sword Diver!! Boosters on! Jump in closer! Aim adjustment! Fix the variables to 0.3! G-Impact Cannon! Full blast!! Ballistic Cannon, fire! Time to move to close range! Tonfa Set! Taste the pain! Take my sword! Beetle Crusher, set! Wurger, charge! Just what I wanted!! Detaching Jacket Armor!! Can you catch up at this speed!? Fly with the wind, Wurger! This should put an end to you! Break down! Time for combo fire! I won't let you dodge this! Oxtongue Rifle, Fire! Oxtongue! Double fire! Let's go, Grungust!! Calamity Sword! Grungust, max power! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash!! Disappear into the darkness! Type 2, grant me your true power! Doomblade! The ultimate attack! Doomblade!! I'll cut you in half with one slice!! I'll overwhelm you with the Gigan's power! Here I go! Giga Unghia! I'm a pro at high speed combat! Deploy the Breakers! Boosters on! Eat this! Sonic Breaker! Boost 'em up! Go! Sonic Cutter! Converging the field! Rip the enemy away! Aim is set! I've got you now! Destroy the enemy, Sword Breakers! I'll take you out with this shot! Target locked! Aim adjustment, complete! Don't think you can escape from my aim! I've got the hang of this weapon already... At this distance, I won't miss! F-Solid Bazooka, fire! End of the line for you!! Target locked! Disengage safety! Readjusting aim! Locking on to the target! --Battle Carla again-- I won't let you get in my way! Take this! I don't have the time to hold back! You left yourself open! I got you now! I WILL get you! Hehe! It's no use running, you know! You're mine, sunshine! I never lose a target, in love or in war! I got your rhythm! 8 beats to 16 beats! One new kill mark, coming up! 1, 2, 3! Perfect timing! I'll take care of you all at once! Hey, hey! You're a sitting duck right there, y'know! You want me to go berserk on you!? Let's go, Huckebein! We can do it! Just as the rumors said, this guy's good...! Let's see how powerful the heroes of the L5 Campaign are! Urrrgh! What the heck's up with your funky maneuvers!? There's something mysterious about this... Are our thoughts linked together...? That coloring is too consipicuous! I won't go easy on you just because you were an Aggressor! Perfect timing. I always wanted to fight with you, lady! Lune Zoldark, we'll carry out the will of our commander! Cybuster! You will pay for the commander's death! I'll defeat you for those who died believing in you! I'll defeat you for the sake of the DC and for the Earth! If you want a fight that badly, I'll give you one! You shouldn't exist in this world! We'll take care of our world! That's why I must win!! You speak of noble causes, but your methods are evil! I don't care what you are, I won't submit to you! That looks cool, but I'll show no mercy! Angel or devil, we won't lose to you! You outdated red beetle junk! Dang it! Stop moving around!! OK,OK! Let me be the chorus! You thought it was over already? Think again! Just when you thought it was over, you get ME!! Yuu! I'll take care of the rest! Awesome, Yuu! Now, here I come! I'll back you up, Yuu! Kusuha! Leave the rest to me! Rio! Thanks for giving me a chance to shine! Leave the rest to me,Leona! How dare you you attack me! If you don't pay attention, you're gonna get hurt!! Well, then! It's my turn now! Stop pressing your luck, pal! I'll pay you back for that! Hey! Stop hitting me! My answer is "No thanks." I always make sure I give after I receive, you know? Now it's your turn to defend! Aahh... Looks like I've finally been defeated... Wh-What!? How could I be defeated...!? I-I won't be defeated here!! I-I can handle this somehow! I-Is this what you call a "cliffhanger moment!?" Ouch!! How dare you treat a girl like that! If you kill me, my ghost will haunt you! W-Wait!! This doesn't look good at all!! Ugh! I-I need a grand slam to turn the tide here... Whoa! This isn't funny any more! N-No way! Don't you go berserk on me, Hucky!! Don't lose, me! Don't lose, Huckebein! Kyosuke Nanbu, well done... This's no time to be impressed! Hey! Who said Excellen's the comic relief!? What the... I feel the enemy's aura pressing me...!? Nice attack! N-No! Why do I have to praise the Aggressors? I heard rumors about you... But, you ARE strong! N-Not bad...! I thought you were supposed to suck, Arado...! How can you be so tough with the cute face you got...!? I won't be defeated by you! I have too much to lose! I won't lose! For the sake of the DC and for our future! Uh-oh. This doesn't look good... Whoa! Hey, go easy on me! A direct hit!? But I can still fight! Argh! I have to hang in there!! W-What!? Did my handling mess up...? T-Time out!! C'mon! You listening!? Oops!! I missed again!? It's OK! I can make up for this easy! Ow! Don't be such a brute! Girls hate that, you know! I'm sorry, Huckebein! I messed up a little! Don't mess with the Huckbein! It's the PT masterpiece!! Wow! It's no fluke that you're a L5 war hero! H-Hey! How can you hit me with your funky movement!? A-Am I feeling the enemy's mind pressure? What's this? Y-You're worthy to be called as an Aggressor after all! Black Tornado!? I didn't want to fight him...! Wow, you've improved a little, Arado! No good, Seolla! Try harder if you want to defeat me! What!? You're not just a wisecracking bastard!? I knew you'd be tough, but I won't back down, Sir! Ugh! I hit my head! What? Is that it? Ahahaha! You're not serious, are you? You don't have to hold back on me so much! This is nothing! My mech and I are both OK! Oops. I missed my footwork a bit. It doesn't even count as a hit! What? You just wanna sit back and observe me? Haha! You're cool, Huckebein! Not bad! You actually hit my Huckebein! That wasn't cute! I almost took a direct hit! What? The enemy mech is synching up with my movement...? I'd say that was a "black whirlwind," eh? Try harder, Arado! You must beat your enemy quickly! Try harder, Seolla! You've got to pack some more punch! Did you think that would work, Mr. Major? Bring it on, Commander! No need to hold back! Time to mess up your attacks! I've got a Jammer here! Lucky me! I've got a Jammer! Ahahaha! You can't hit me! Close, but no prize for ya! Th-That was close. You almost had me. My agility is tons better than yours! See! I can dodge your attack easily! Next time, aim more carefully! Your rhythm is far too simple! You're too slow! You're off the beat! Dodging is a lot like dancing. Rhythm is everything! Woohoo! I'm so lucky today! Huckebein, you rock! No good! My Huckebein isn't even scratched! Surely an L5 hero can hit me... or was it alla fluke? Hmm? The enemy is synchronizing movement with me... Are the legendary Aggressors a bunch of tall tales? If the tornado misses, then it's just a stray breeze! Do you need some glasses, Arado? You missed! You can never hit me with a textbook tactic, girl! Ha! You ARE all talk, Major! Colonel! I've got a reason not to go down too! That attack won't work! Heheh! That's not enough to work on me! Extend G Wall! Activate G Territory! TK Field on! Huh!? Could I be... out of ammo!? What? I ran out of ammo already!? What? All the way from there...!? You've gotta move! N-No... I mean, don't move! If you stick together, you'll be sitting ducks! Hey, hey! I'll take care of you all now! Ready to fire the MAPW! Fire! Let's do this, Gespenst!! I'll blow you away with... Mega Blaster! I'll show you Gespenst's secret ability! Time to show off your sexy legs! Gespy Kiiiiick!! Plasma Stakes are set! Ready, go!! This will get you for sure! Jet Magnum!! I've got you in my sights! You won't escape me!! Game time! Maximum fiiiire!! With this caliber, even a scratch can kill! Twin Beam Cannon... Fiiire! Target locked! I WILL hit you! I got you! It'll be a direct hit! Target locked! Fix the variables! Tear'em apart! Twin Beam Cannon! You're not gonna escape my sight! You're not gonna escape my sights! Hyper Twin Launchers, fire!! Tear'em apart! Hyper Twin Launchers! Halbert Shooter, fire!! Blast 'em! Halberd Shooter! Aim smack-dab for the heart! Stakes set! Goooo!! This weapon is pretty addictive once you get used to it! Penetrate the enemy, Stake! Go! Bunker! Pierce through! Bunker! Take it all, bastard! Consider it a special gift from me! It comes with a side of bleeding! No extra charge! You'll regret forcing me to pull my trump card! Hmm... I wonder if I overdid it...? Shooting's a lot like dancing! They both take rhythm! Go with the beat! Oxtongue Rifle! This rhythm... it's not a waltz. I think it's a samba. Here I come! Oxtongue, double fire!! Let gravity crush you! Black Hole Gun! Destroy 'em! Huckebein! Go with max power! Smash the enemy! Black Hole Gun! I'll show you my ace-in-the-hole! Go! G-Impact Cannon! Steady! G-Impact Cannon! Adjustment set! Full Blast! Quick step! Lock on with beat! Get shredded! Fang Slasher! Set it on! The rhythm's 8 beats! Eat this! Fang Slasher! Feel the pain! Fang Slasher! I'll beat you up!! Blast the enemy! Geist Knuckle! I'll show you this mech's power! Eat this! Geist Knuckle! Get ready to stab, Boxer! Slash Mode, engage! Go! G-Sword Diver! Love and supers both require guts! Boxer! Pierce my opponents with your blade! Straight to the heart of the enemy! Go, G-Sword Diver!! Dash, Gunner! Close the gap! The more I shoot, the more chances I can hit! G-Impact! Take'em all! The Gunner can catch up! Target locked! I won't let you get away! Blow 'em away! Ballistic Cannon! Use the dance step to get closer to the enemy! Tonfa! Here I go! Dash and Slash! I'll get you gracefully! I'm using the Metal Sword for this gig! Nothing stands in front of my blade! Did you know that beetles used to be bred for strength? Time to end this! Wurger's final... ...Crusher!! You're finished! It's time to take out my trump card! Exercise time, Wurger! The speed is 1.2 times faster! My scale, though...! It builds to a crescendo... A crescendo of pain! Raptor Wings! Let's go, Oxtongue! Double Fire! Grungust! Show 'em your true power! I'll end this! Calamity Sword! Grungust! Let's show them we mean business!! Calamity Sword! Darkness Slash! Grungust Type 2's ultimate sword! I'll send you to hell in a blink of the eye! Doomblade! Answer to my cry, Type 2!! Slice 'em in two! Doomblade!! Let's go, Gigan! Your eyes gleam with power! The ultimate technique! Giga Unghia! Explode!! Gooo! Sonic Breaker! The key to love and war, iss to keep attacking! Boost! Sonic Breaker! Dash! Sonic Cutter! Slice 'em and dice 'em! Sonic Cutter! Target locked! You can't escape! Chase 'em down! Sword Breaker! With this mech's power, I can kill you with one hit! 1, 2, 3! 1, 2, 3! Perfect timing! My Solid Bazooka's locked and loaded! Fire! This wasn't equipped on the Randgrith... But they should have the same knack! Go! F-Solid Bazooka! --Battle Vindel-- ...Feel my power! Your life ends here. Are you prepared to die? Show me your strength! You shall be obliterated. I'll send you to Hades! I will destroy you! I won't let you interfere, for the sake of my ideals... You've committed a grave sin, rejecting us! This will be your end! Your fate has just been sealed! You are a hindrance to my dream! I will destroy you all! Ignorant fool...! Now... Take this!! How valiant, yet foolish, to confront me! I will show you my strength! Are you trembling in fear? Why do you not understand our ideals!? I will deal with you...! Here's another!! We're not through with you, yet! I will defeat you without fail! Why don't you understand...? You fool...! If you stand in my way... I will destroy you! I'll blow you to pieces! Now, it's my turn! I will show you what power is! There is no tomorrow for you! You will regret baring your teeth against us! How careless of you to give me a chance to strike back! Our resolve is far greater than yours! This power... My dream... This... is the power that will change... the world...? ...Hahahahaha! Now, THAT is power! So, this is your true strength! For the sake of my ideals... I cannot die here! That was clearly beyond our expectations... We cannot lose a second time! They possess this much power...!? Wh-What is this power...!? Zweizergain sustained that much damage...!? Not yet...! I will not fall...! This world does not approve of us either...!? Don't you see!? Peace is the first step toward corruption! Yes... That's it...! Don't get overconfident...! Do you realize what your power implies!? This power... exceeds our data! What...!? You've pierced my armor!? I will not lose to you! Yes! That's the spirit! Don't disappoint me! Your will to fight... That is exactly what the world needs! That was a good one...! See? Your strength proves the necessity of conflict. Ugh! This battle will be meaningless, unless I win! Hm... Not bad. Don't tell me that was your best shot. That was disappointing. Is that all you can do? Come with all your might! Or else... die! ...Did I think too highly of you? It's not worth dodging such a pathetic attack. You want to end the war? Then, you'll have to try harder. You managed to hit me... I commend you. I have this at my disposal as well. *smirk* Don't waste your ammo. You don't seem to understand what battle is all about! I've already analyzed your attack pattern! Where are you aiming? There's no point in fighting if you cannot hit me. You're nothing like your counterparts in the other world! Power isn't the only thing that Zweizergain boasts! I'm surprised you managed to survive with your skills! And you expect to defeat me!? You make me laugh! What's the matter!? Show me your true strength! Do you not see that such an attempt is worthless? That was a bit weak to break through my force field. Such a cowardly attack... Damn... I wasted too much ammo...! How could I let this happen...!? Insufficient energy...!? I cannot counterattack...! I must admit, that was a skillful move. Out of my range? ...Well planned. I see that you fear Zweizergain. Attacking from a distance...!? You will all be annihilated! Feel the mighty blade of the Zweizergain!! Shadow Slicer!! I will shred you into pieces... Fall to the blade of darkness!! I will send you to hell with my Shadow Slicer! This is the power to wage war against the world! Disengage the Power Limiter! Code: Kirin Ne Plus Ultra! Feel the pain of purgatory! Farewell!! I will strike you full force!! Kirin Ne Plus Ultra! Die! ...So my ideals will live!! Zweizergain, maximum drive!! Prepare yourself! Witness my Kirin Ne Plus Ultra!! This is what happens when you act recklessly... Jaryurin! Zweizergain has this kind of weapon too... Jaryurin!! I will blast you all!! Jaryurin!! --Battle Lemon-- How's this? Hey, there. Pay more attention. Let's see how you like this. I'll teach you the basics of combat. Please, don't bore me. Shall I play with you? Do you think you can dodge this? I hate to do this, but I've got no choice here, OK? Can you handle this? I guess you need a beating. I'll take you all on. What a an ideal formation. Take this combination attack! What will you do now? Let's see... Where should I start? I won't let you escape. Mind if I attack you? I found you. War can be pretty intense, you know. I'll be you opponent now. That's it for the hors d'oeuvres. Time for the main course. If you haven't noticed me by now, it's too late. I hope you didn't think we were done with you. Now the fun begins. OK. Let's get serious now, shall we? You can't hide from me. Goodbye. It's been fun. I've seen a pattern in your movements. Let us end this. Shall we? You will regret that you couldn't defeat me. Now it's my turn. Oh? I didn't know you were there. I can't always take care of you all by myself. Time to jet. I got caught up in the fun... This power... Will change the world? Hmm... It looks like I'm in serious trouble. You wanna beat me? Then, you'll have to push yourself harder. This isn't so funny anymore... My mech is reaching its limits. If I get hit again, I'll really be in trouble. Theoretically, I should be able to fight a bit more... Yes... The world needs your power... That's pretty good, but not good enough. Hey, you're not that bad. You've damaged me this much. So... this is the power... It seems you possess the same power as on the other side... I'll use this data to my advantage. You pierced my armor!? I underestimated you. I can see that you're skilled enough to have gotten here. You still have a lot to learn. Is that all you can do? You must be joking. That barely tickles. How disappointing. You call that an attack? Well, at least you hit me. Nice job. If this is all you've got... Using a Jammer is kind of cowardly. Don't you think so? Almost... You almost got me. I can't let you hit me like that. Oops, that's too bad. This is your power? I'm sorry, but it's disappointing. Here, try to aim more carefully. Close, but no cigar. I can't allow you hit me, you know? That's not what I expected. It's the same attack pattern as in the data. You better not underestimate the speed of the Ashsaber. That won't get to me. Alright, who's next? Wow, Barriers are convenient. No way! I'm out of ammo!? I'll have to bring more next time. I wasted my ammunition. You've chosen a good place to be. I can't hit you. You're out of my reach. Out of range... There's nothing I can do about that. It seems that I can't hit you with my current weaponry. I'll be your opponent. I'll take you all down in one fell swoop. Perhaps you'll feel better if you die with all your friends. Well, let's begin. Halberd and spear... Can you avoid my attacks? I wonder if you can endure the power of this attack... Halberd Shooter, go! I'll show you the power of my Halbert Shooter. Goodbye. I'm going to use my Sword Breaker. Off you go. You can run, but you can't hide! Let's end this. Sword Breaker! The Ashsaber's also equipped with a weapon like this. Off you go, Sword Breaker. --Battle Axel-- I've got you now! I won't miss the target. There...! Gotta be smart about things... Whatever happens, happens. You're done for! Don't hate me. Hate your fate. Say your prayers! Go! Take this! How careless... You're in my range. Give it up! Don't you go anywhere. Well... You can go to Hell! Inputting the code: Kirin! I'll grind you into dust! Gespenst MkIII! Let's get this over with. Deeeeeyaahhh!! Rip 'em apart!! I'll smash you all! I'll take advantage of your flaws. I'll send both of you to hell! Let's end this, Beowulf! Beowulf... I challenge you! Beowulf, I'll finish you off...MYSELF! This girl... She's Lemon's...... A puppet wants to fight me, huh? You sad, broken doll... Pathetic. W17, I'll destroy you-- completely. Lemon's toy, huh? Here I come, puppet...! I challenge you, W17...! This is the end, Beowulf! Here I come, Beowolf! Take this too! Don't blame me for your lack of skill. I'll cover you whether you like it or not! You're so persistent...! Get away from me! The fight's not over yet! Get out of my way! I won't let you stand in my way anymore! Are you ready to die now? I know your hand already. Let's end this...! I'm not the kind of guy who forgives and forgets! Argh! Did I mess up!? I let my guard down...!? I thought I could have lasted a little longer...! Impossible! Am I finished here!? Damn it! Not yet! I'm just beginning! I guess my mech is almost finished...! I'm surprised my mech's still holding together... You best watch for my payback from now on! I won't make the same mistake here as I did on the other side! It's not over yet... I'll fight until the bitter end! I won't lose... Ever! Don't get cocky! I'm not done just yet! Argh! What's going on? I can still move... Too bad for you. Hmph... Good. You're as good as I expected... Argh! Was that a clean hit!? If the world is different, your skill is different too, huh? Right... Show me your fighting spirit... This will cost you big!! Hmph... Not bad. That's what I expect out of you. No matter. It didn't pierce my armor. You just scratched my armor. I can still fight! Not good enough! Try again later! Flashy, but not very effective. No damage, but at least you hit me. It seems it is different on this side... These guys are gonna be our obstacles here? You're nowhere near that side's level yet. My Jammer will deflect the attack! I've got a Jammer equipped. Don't think it will have an effect on my jammer! Hm!? That could've been close. Dodged it...! Evasive program is enabled! You won't hit me. I won't let you hit me! Hmph. Don't get cocky. I know how you move already. Your attack is too simple. It won't be that easy, buddy. You've got to try harder to destroy my Barrier! Your attacks have no effect! Too bad. My weapon is out of energy!? I overdid it. Damn! I should've known better... Attacking me from outside my range!? Not bad... From outside my range... I was careless... Ugh, I can't counter-attack...! Take all these! This will blow all of you away! Don't worry. I'll send all of you to hell together! Dragon Scale... Go! You're going down! Dragon Scale! Take this! Tiger Bite! Go! Tiger Bite! Blast through! ...Black Warrior! You won't stand a chance against this FIST! This range... I've got you now! Eat it! Phoenix Flyer! The tip of this sword...! The slightest touch will carve you like a turkey! I will get you with this hit! Deactivate the limiter! Code: Kirin! Go! Code: Kirin...! I'll tear you apart!! --Battle Echidna-- Go down. Commencing attack now. I will not miss. I won't let you dodge this...! ...... That's enough. Locked on target. You got too close to me. You're in my range...! Confirming data. Proceeding just as training taught me... Analyzing target movement patterns...! Here I come...! I've got you now...! Loading Battle Pattern J. Commencing mission. Now is a good time to do a continuous attack. Multiple enemies sighted. Commence to attack. Computing relative distance... Target acquired... Allow me to take your data sample. I won't let you escape... Within range... Combat mode enabled... Commencing attack. Destroy. Let's begin! Out of my way. So slow... Target confirmed. It's the Beowulf... Target confirmed. It's Helios. It's W17... You let your guard down...! Commence back up maneuvers. This is a war... I'm in position to attack...! Now, take one more shot from me... I'll cover you. Applying previous data... Target locked on. Commencing counter-attack...! Now it's my turn... You should not let your guard down during battle... You shouldn't let your guard down... This will finish you...! You should have run while you had the chance. It's not over yet... My unit is destroyed. Did I make a miscalculation? All systems down... confirmed. I have no execuse for this... Have I relied too much on data analysis...!? I'm close to my damage tolerances... E-Energy output is low... My armor has been penetrated... It seems my enemy data is outdated. Updating required... I won't take any more shots from you... I... Mis...judged...? I won't go down... Damage is reaching dangerous levels... I held out... This is... ...my...! Too bad. That wasn't a direct hit. You can't defeat me with that. I have gained data from that attack. Thank you. I received more damage than I had expected... Initiating defensive protocols. Assessing damages... Not bad... You're better than I thought... It will take more than that to defeat me. I am still able to fight. How dare you... Minimal damage... Proceeding with mission. I failed to dodge in time...? Checking all systems... No problems detected. Damage to armor: minimal. No need to gather data. Just a scratch. Evasion failed. Are you showing me mercy? That is not enough to defeat me. That cannot even be counted as a hit... I miscalculated...! Activate Jammer...! That was a pointless attack. I did not need to evade. Such a simple attack. Taking evasive maneuvers. It won't hit. Just as I predicted... Pattern analysis complete... Applying data... Sustaining damage will affect my mission status. Just as like the combat manual... Evade! Line of fire determined... Evasion successful. Your aim is worthless...! Engaging barrier. Can't you tell that your attacks are worthless? A barrier will be more than enough to handle you. Remaining ammunition: Zero. Unable to counterattack. Out of range... Unable to attack... I can't reach you from here, huh? Enemy group sighted. Preparing to open fire. Large group of enemies spotted. Preparing MAP weapon. Formations may be good, but they have their drawbacks. F-Solid Bazooka, fire! Data loaded. Fire. I will get you for sure... Analyzing target positions... Firing F-Solid Bazooka! --Battle AI-- ... !! --Battle Neo DC Ship Captain-- Brace yourselves! Our fate depends on this battle! Show them the Neo DC's guts and honor! Commence attack! Drop the hammer of justice on the aliens! Commence attaaaack! Follow meeee!! M-May glory shine upon the Neo DC!! Not yet! We can't afford to be sunk yet! Don't give up! We'll emerge victorious!! Don't think that we can be stopped so easily...! I don't care! Don't hesistate and fire a barrage! Don't even flinch! That was nothing! Our ideals will not be destroyed by sucha pitiful attack! A commander must consider every possible scenario... Change patterns whenever performing evasive maneuvers! Good job, helmsman! That won't work! We'll retreat, for now, to resupply! W-We've comsumed this much ammunition...!? They attacked from outside of our reach...! Get us into optimum range...! Commence attaaaack!! --Battle Archibald-- Here I come. Let me hear you scream. Try to put up a little fight, OK? I will be your opponent. Now... The hunt begins. I've caught you. I'm just killing time until my tea's ready. Let me have a good time. *chuckle* Would you care to dance with me for a while? There you are! Don't worry. You won't suffer for long. How do you scream? Let me hear it. Run if you want. ...But you won't escape me. Hahahahaha! I'll send you to your precious girl!! *chuckle* There's a limit to recklessness. *chuckle* ...Here I come, Raidiese. *smirk* ...Is this fate? Fine. I'll provide support. I'll finish you off. Hey, if you don't run, you'll be killed. As long as I'm having fun, I will be fine. Very well, I shall kill you. Hey, you should start running. You're a sloppy one. You didn't finish me off. *chuckle* It's my turn now... Well, shall we continue? Now, show me some resistance. You should be more careful when you confront me. Farewell, now. Th-This is impossible! I-I can't be defeated in such a place!! I'll never die! Never! Hahaha! A-hahahaha! N-Not bad! This is supposed to happen to you, not me...! Argh...! I've played around for too long...! It's no fun if I'm the one being defeated! I can't believe you backed me into a corner. If you'd accept your death now, it'd help me a lot. If you choose to get in my way, I'll kill you. Argh! Not bad, Arado! Th-There's no way I'll die in here! No way! Not bad. I'll remember you for this. So you chose to rely on brute force... How typical. Well, I'd say that was a fluke shot. If this continues, I'll be late for teatime. Hehehe... Your death is approaching. Yes... Humans fight out of hatred. No need to rush... I'll take my time with you. You are an unpleasant fellow... That's a good attack. But I've seen enough already. Oh? You actually hit me? That's all you got, huh? You should be commended for actually hitting me. Hmm... I was expecting better from you. Good, good. That's what I'm talking about. That wasn't your best, was it? Well, it seems the EFA lacks talented pilots. All you could do was just scratch me? Someone will be screaming, but it's not me. I'm prepared for this. It won't work. My jamming device will keep me safe. Sorry, but you won't hit me. You should use your head a little more. My, my... I'd rather be sipping tea instead of this. Can we spend our time more meaningfully? Is that it? I'm disappointed. Where are you aiming? You've got to give me more fun. *smirk* You won't get me with your rage-filled fist. Haven't I said that it won't work? Now... Do you see how helpless you are? Yes! I love the look on your face, despair and futility! Don't you understand that it's useless to try? Hmm... This doesn't look good... Hmm? Well, I'll let you go this time. The fun was just about to start... Huh? I guess I miscalculated. Hm... It seems you have some grasp of tactics. It feels bad to be outdone. Oh... You know my blind spot, don't you? My, my... Shooting from a distance, huh? I'll take care of all of you at once. You people are such a nuisance to me. Have you all said your prayers? Here comes the impact blow at the speed of sound. Take this! Sonic Breaker...! *chuckle* ...I won't let you escape. I'll wax you good with my Sonic Breaker! I've got a lock on you. Well, so long. You've chosen to stand in my way... Good. It looks like you're all prepared. --Battle Lee-- Commence the attack! Fire cannons! Fire at will! Make the firing angle 5 degrees to port! Fire! Focus on the enemies ahead of us! You must shoot the enemy down!! Don't let your aim stray! Shoot the ones in front of the ship! Gunners! Elevate your pitch to hit the top of the enemy! Fire! Cover our allied units! We'll join in and provide support! Don't miss this opportunity! We'll teach the enemy not to mess with us! Gunners! Fire at will! It seems that they aren't aware of this ship's firepower. Shoot them all down! Leave no enemy mechs intact! Intercept them! Don't let the enemy escape! I-Impossible! M-My ship is going down!? All hands, abandon ship. Immediately! Hey! Helmsman, what are you doing!? Fire! Return fire or we'll be destroyed...! Damn! Send in the fire control team to put out the fire! I'm the Captain! You are to obey my orders! Got it!? What a worthless crew! What's going on, radar!? Gunner!? I-Impossible! This is not what I had planned! What are you doing!? Shoot down the enemy! Wh-What went wrong...!? Damage report! Extinguish all flames! What are you doing? Damage report! Arrrgh! This is not what I had planned! Don't panic! Deal with it in an organized manner! I should've known how incompetent my crew is...! Don't look at me! Look at your radar screen! Do your job! Helmsman! Look alive, now! Gunners! Don't let the enemy near us! Hmph. Is that your best counterattack? I'm in command, and I won't let this ship go down so easily! Steady as you go, men! It's just a scratch! Is that it? The enemy commander must be incompetent. The damage is as we had predicted in the simulation. I've got a Jammer on board. Good job, Helmsman. This is just as I had planned. Hmph! This is a basic technique of anti-ship warfare. Fool...! Don't underestimate my ship. Don't let your guard down! Make the next shot count! Engage the force field! Hurry up! My ship has a force field! Gunners! What's going on!? What!? A miscalculation? Impossible! Engine room! Give me full speed ahead! Damn... I'll get you for this...! --Battle Enemy Lee-- Commence the attack! Fire cannons! Fire at will! Make the firing angle 5 degrees to port! Fire! Focus on the enemies ahead of us! You must shoot the enemy down!! Don't let your aim stray! Shoot the ones in front of the ship! Gunners! Elevate your pitch to hit the top of the enemy! Fire! Main cannons 1-4, fire! Don't think that you can defeat me, Tetsuya Onodera. Don't aim for the bow! Aim for the bridge and the stern! Provide support to all allied units! We'll join in and provide support! Don't miss this opportunity! We'll teach the enemy not to mess with us! Gunners! Fire at will! It seems that they aren't aware of this ship's firepower. Shoot them all down! Leave no enemy mechs intact! Intercept them! Don't let the enemy escape! I-Impossible! M-My ship is going down!? All hands, abandon ship. Immediately! Aaaaaah!! Hey! Helmsman, what are you doing!? Fire! Return fire or we'll be destroyed...! Damn! Send in the fire control team to put out the fire! I'm the Captain! You are to obey my orders! Got it!? What a worthless crew! What's going on, radar!? Gunner!? I-Impossible! This is not what I had planned! What are you doing!? Shoot down the enemy! Wh-What went wrong...!? Damage report! Extinguish all flames! What are you doing? Damage report! Arrrgh! This is not what I had planned! Don't panic! Deal with it in an organized manner! I should've known how incompetent my crew is...! Don't look at me! Look at your radar screen! Do your job! Helmsman! Look alive, now! Cannons! Don't allow the enemy to close in on us! Hmph. Is that your best counterattack? I'm in command, and I won't let this ship go down so easily! Steady as you go, men! It's just a scratch! Is that it? The enemy commander must be incompetent. The damage is as we had predicted in the simulation. Good job, Helmsman. This is just as I had planned. Hmph! This is a basic technique of anti-ship warfare. Fool...! Don't underestimate my ship. Don't let your guard down! Make the next shot count! Engage the force field! Hurry up! My ship has a force field! Gunners! What's going on!? What!? A miscalculation? Impossible! Engine room! Give me full speed ahead! Damn... I'll get you for this...! --Battle Agilla-- Dialogue Shoot! Shoot! Attack! Time to attack! Kill them! Kill them now! Do it! Do it NOW! Time to attack! Wahaha! Random fire! Annihilate them! Don't let them do as they want! You're no longer of use! Die along with Aurum 1! Aurum 1! You good-for-nothing doll! The failures of the ICS! How dare you get in my way! Come! Assist me! Hold still... Prepare to counter-attack now!! Wh-Whaaat!? Wh-What are you doing? Finish them immediately! I'll never die! I must continue researching! You fool! Are you trying to kill me? Intercept them! I'm being pushed back! Do something! Damn! You cursed puppets! Wh-What the!? Urgh...! Head-strong little runts! Don't let them get any closer! Captain! Give out orders correctly! W-Wasn't that a direct hit!? Aurum 1! You forgot the adjustments I did for you!? Bronzo 28! You inferior failure! Bronzo 27! You inferior failure! Damn! Bronzo 27! I should've erased your personality already! How dare you, Latooni 11! So this is the power of a failed specimen, huh!? Hmph, that's it? Have I overestimated them? I'm amazed you made it here in that condition. Hmph, you make me laugh. Aurum 1, you ungrateful puppet! Bronzo 28, as I expected, a failed specimen. You're a failed specimen, just like Number 27. The scrapped Latooni class... Is that your best? "Thrown away" the past? Ha! You make me laugh. Useless... Hehehe! What a useless cannon! Wow! I was actually able to evade with this big craft! You might have been a better pilot if I adjusted you. I'm fully equipped with defensive shields. No effect. Why didn't you resupply our ammunition!? The range is more than the Rhino class can handle!? What!? I can't reach you!? I'll take it. --Battle Cuervo-- This is the path that I chose. I feel sorry... But... If you're going to get in my way. Hope this works...! Radha... I'm sorry... This just might do the trick. I have no choice but to return fire...! I have no choice but to fight back now... Ugh! The Time to expiate my sin has come...! I was selfish... I'm sorry... Ugh...! This doesn't look good...! I've been forcing the kids to go through this!? I understand why you can't forgive me... I see... So, this is karma... As a scientist, I should be proud of this result, but...! "I have no regrets. I can end my life by your hands..." Ever since we parted, I always knew this day would come... Argh...! I still have things to do With this much damage...! With this mech and my skill... Is this all I can do!? I know you guys can do much better than this! I can see that my projects were successful... Ugh! I guess this is my final farewell, Radha... Radha, I still have things to do...! Don't try to stop me! As I expected... This mech IS tough... My mech saved me... It seems my armor is still intact... U-Ugh! I-Is it just a scratch...!? Are all the School children bound to their mechs...? Don't hold back, Radha. I'm serious today. I didn't know this mech was equipped with a Jammer... Homing Missile!? ...Th-The Jammer saved me... They missed me on purpose...? How pathetic I am! The enemy has showed me mercy! I was able to dodge... Somehow... I don't need your sympathy... I'm your enemy now. I know you can do better than that! C'mon! Hit me! Radha... I will live on and continue my research! I can sense your hesitation, Radha Byraban! The barrier has saved me... I-I forgot that I had a Barrier... I-I've used all of my ammo!? S-So you're not holding back on me, huh...? --Battle Wodan-- Death to all who oppose Magus! I will destroy all my enemies! My attack knows no failure! I will destroy you, as ordered! Your life is in my hands! Anyone who opposes me will be destroyed! Behold my strength! I am Wodan Ymir! The Sword of Magus! Uarrrggghhh! Zankantou! Ichimonji-giri! There is nothing I cannot cut! The advantage is mine! Haaaaa! You're done for, Kyosuke Nanbu! I will crush all who stand in my way! Drill Knuckle, pierce through everything! I will tear through all of you at once! Here I come! Prepare yourself! Fight me head-on! Focus your mind to attack! Sanger Zonvolt! Let us fight like honorable men! Fight me head-on, Sanger Zonvolt! Taste my blade, Sanger Zonvolt! W17! I will eradicate you along with Beowulf! Beowulf! I will crush you! You will become a spot of rust on my blade, Kyosuke Nanbu! Too slow! This battle is mine! Very well! I accept your challenge! You cannot stop me! You are a worthy opponent! My response!! Damn...! Ugh! I, Wodan Ymir, will not go down with that! Ugh! But, crises like this only rouse my spirit! The damage is more than the Machine Cell can repair... The Sword of Magus is not so easily broken! That was an impressive attack! Well done! Arghh...! Guuuaahh...! Ugh! That's it... You cannot defeat me if you lack spirit! It seems that I must fight with all my strength too... A direct hit...!? I lowered my guard...! An attack must take me down in one hit, or it is useless! *smirk* A worthy opponent, indeed. So, it hit me...! Don't hesitate! Attack me with all your strength! Do you think you can beat me with that weak attack!? Hit me harder! Give me your best shot! You are no match for me... Damn amateur...! Easy... You're too easy!! I see it! You lack determination! An attack like that cannot even touch me! Hmph... You were lucky. Hmm... I misread the range... You can't defeat me with your weak techniques! I'll cleave you in twain! There is nothing my Colossal Blade cannot cut! Nothing can withstand this fist! This blow will be the end of you! There is nothing that can stand against my fist! Drill Knuckle, pierce through my foe! Drill Knuckle, grind my foe to dust! --Battle AI-- ......... !?!?!? .........!!! .........!! .........? --Battle Wodan again-- Death to all who oppose Magus! I will destroy all my enemies! My attack knows no failure! I will destroy you, as ordered! Your life is in my hands! Anyone who opposes me will be destroyed! Behold my strength! I am Wodan Ymir! The Sword of Magus! Uarrrggghhh! Zankantou! Ichimonji-giri! There is nothing I cannot cut! The advantage is mine! Haaaaa! You're done for, Kyosuke Nanbu! I will crush all who stand in my way! Drill Knuckle, pierce through everything! I will tear through all of you at once! Here I come! Prepare yourself! Fight me head-on! Focus your mind to attack! Sanger Zonvolt! Let us fight like honorable men! Fight me head-on, Sanger Zonvolt! Taste my blade, Sanger Zonvolt! W17! I will eradicate you along with Beowulf! Beowulf! I will crush you! You will become a spot of rust on my blade, Kyosuke Nanbu! Too slow! This battle is mine! Very well! I accept your challenge! You cannot stop me! You are a worthy opponent! My response!! Damn...! Ugh! I, Wodan Ymir, will not go down with that! Ugh! But, crises like this only rouse my spirit! The damage is more than the Machine Cell can repair... The Sword of Magus is not so easily broken! That was an impressive attack! Well done! Arghh...! Guuuaahh...! Ugh! That's it... You cannot defeat me if you lack spirit! It seems that I must fight with all my strength too... A direct hit...!? I lowered my guard...! An attack must take me down in one hit, or it is useless! *smirk* A worthy opponent, indeed. So, it hit me...! Don't hesitate! Attack me with all your strength! Do you think you can beat me with that weak attack!? Hit me harder! Give me your best shot! You are no match for me... Damn amateur...! Easy... You're too easy!! I see it! You lack determination! An attack like that cannot even touch me! Hmph... You were lucky. Hmm... I misread the range... You can't defeat me with your weak techniques! I'll cleave you in twain! There is nothing my Colossal Blade cannot cut! Nothing can withstand this fist! This blow will be the end of you! There is nothing that can stand against my fist! Drill Knuckle, pierce through my foe! Drill Knuckle, grind my foe to dust! --Battle AI-- ......... !?!?!? .........!!! .........!! .........? --Battle Someone with a very short lifespan-- This isn't possible! I-I can't... Nooooo!! --Battle Ansuz?-- *chuckle* Let's play a game. Do you think you're a match for me!? You seem strong... Just how strong, I wonder? Let's see you counterattack... If you can, that is. Let's see how long you can endure this. Foolish human. Your extinction is at hand. Let's see... How should I kill you...? Let the test begin! See if you can survive it... *chuckle* It doesn't matter how many of you there are. W17... You broken puppet. As Thurisuz said, we must expunge our stain... Unfortunately, this is the end for you. I'll show you our teamwork skills. Now it's my turn. You guys can never beat me. I'll show you the differences between us. The more you resist, the more you'll suffer. Get it? You can't escape... Let's see... Time to say goodbye. Im-Impossible! I'm one of the Machinery Children! Th-This can't be happening! What!? The damage is more than the Machine Cell can handle!? Ugh...! Th-They have this much power!? Impossible! You'll regret not killing me when you had the chance! I-Impossible! This shouldn't happen to Machinery Children! I will eliminate you... I promise! How dare you, you archaic human! OK, how about this: I'll smash you into bits! Arado Balanga! I can't believe a failure like you... Hmm. Not bad. You just signed your own death warrant. *smirk* You guys won't live to see another day. Now, you see? Resistance is futile. This is finally starting to get interesting. As I thought, I should not lower my guard against them... I can see why you're considered the best of the W series. You're nothing but lower animal to us, Arado Balanga. Do you really think you can defeat Bergelmir? Nice try, but my Machine Cell will repair this in no time. Is that all you've got? I guess this is as strong as humans can get. The Earth cannot be left in your hands, fools. You scratched me? I'll have to punish you later. What's wrong, W17? Is that all you can do? You can't defeat me, Arado Balanga! Useless. It's useless. Pitiful. What's wrong? I'm right here. My, my. You really want to fight the Bergelmir, huh? That's the most you pathetic archaic humans are capable of. Rejoice! I'll kill you with my own hands next! This is it!? How boring... Fools. You don't even realize how weak you are. Have your strings been cut, puppet? Your lack of skill disappoints me, Arado Balanga. *smirk* Now do you understand how powerful we are? Have you learned your lesson yet? Why aren't you happy that you're still alive? At least you're wise enough to stay away from me. Your screams will echo around the Earth! *chuckle* I'll send you all to hell... Six Plagues... Bring ruination upon my enemies! *chuckle* It's too late to run! Take this! Six Plagues! Well, this is the end... Six Plagues will send you straight to Hell! --Battle Thurisuz-- Hahaha! I'll take care of you! You think you can defeat me!? All of you, die! I won't give you time to counterattack! Don't worry! This'll be over soon! You foolish humans are destined to die! Ahahahaha! Get out of my sight!! I'll obliterate you! Ahahahahaha! Let the test begin... Will you survive...? *chuckle* Numbers don't mean anything... I'll destroy you completely! Arado Balanga! I'll erase your existence! Hahahahaha! Now, it's my turn! Don't think you can defeat us! Feel the difference in our power! Suffer until you die! Hahahahaha! You're not getting away! Now, farewell! No! This isn't possible!! You...! How could I let this happen!? The damage is too heavy for the Machine Cells to fix!? Ugh! Th-They have this much power!? I'll make you regret that you didn't finish me off! H-How could this happen to us Machine Children!? I'll terminate you myself! I promise! How dare you! Inferior old human! W17... How dare you, puppet!! I WILL destroy you, Arado Balanga! W-What!? Tch, how could I allow this...!? Don't resist! You'll only suffer more! Hahaha! Now, you won't leave here alive! Huh? You still haven't given up? It's finally getting interesting... Don't get carried away, you worthless human! The masterpiece of the W Series? What a joke... Don't get cocky, Arado Balanga! ...You think you can defeat Bergelmir like that? Sorry, but Machine Cells can easily repair that. Is that all you've got...? That's as far as the old human race can go! Pathetic... We can't entrust Earth to you! Insolent old human race! I guess I shouldn't expect much from a broken puppet. I'll forgive this insolence, Arado Balanga. Your effort is vain. Oh, too bad. Hey, what's the matter? I'm over here. You want to fight the Bergelmir that badly? Is that the best that you tired old humans can do? You'll die by my hands next... So, get ready. What an incompetent fool... Just as I expected. Fools. You don't know what you're capable of. What's wrong, W17? Is that the best you can do? A defect is a defect... Nothing more, Arado Balanga. *chuckle* Now do you see our power? Learn from your mistakes. Be thankful. You've escaped death. Wow... You old humans aren't so stupid after all. Now, let's hear your scream! Let's hear it now! *chuckle* I'll send you all to hell. My six servants! Crush my foolish opponent! Hahaha... There's no escaping. Go, Six Plagues! Ahahahaha! Die! Die! DIE!! --Battle AI-- ......... !?!?!? .........!!! .........!! .........? --Battle Enemy Alfimi-- There... I have you. I'm going to hit you... You're in a bad position... ......... Keep the change... Here I come... I have you... Here... Forever...... I'll put you to sleep. This will be the farewell to you all. Goodbye... I'll take all of you... You're in an extremely bad position... I'll penetrate through all of you... For you all... With this... Yes... I'll provide you cover... ...... Good position. I must... pay back. Women must be loyal... Lo...yal...? There will be no second chance... ...Do you want to bet...? See...? You're in my range. I must give you a thank you gift. I can't keep HIM out of my mind... Kyosuke... Kyosuke...? I want you... to be gentle with me... Not yet... Have you... cheated...? A direct hit? I can still move... That power you have... is dangerous. ......!! !! !!! That was... ...quite effective. Float like a butterfly and sting like a--I'm hit... How daring. That's the power to disrupt the peace of the galaxy... It didn't go as I planned... You startled me a little... I am still OK. How rude. I hate... flamboyance. Use... more effort please. That won't hit me... Now, farewell. I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. If you've moved early... That was too bad... Dazzling... ... Not enough... power? I can't do... anything? Well, here I go... So bright... Disappear. I can see you... ...And your fate... You're like a sitting duck in that formation... This...will be the end. Let's look alive and finish this quickly... Are you... ready now? I will do it gently... Very... gently... Farewell... For your body... and your soul... --Battle Alfimi-- There... I have you. I'm going to hit you... You're in a bad position... ......... Keep the change... Here I come... I have you... I'll take all of you... You're in an extremely bad position... I'll penetrate through all of you... Yes... I'll provide you cover... ...... Good position. Kyosuke... Excellen... I've decided to help. That power... continues. I must... pay back. Women must be loyal... Lo...yal...? There will be no second chance... ...Do you want to bet...? See...? You're in my range. I must give you a thank you gift. I can't keep HIM out of my mind... Kyosuke... Kyosuke...? I want you... to be gentle with me... Not yet... Have you... cheated...? A direct hit? I can still move... That power you have... is dangerous. Argh! Aaaah! That was... ...quite effective. Float like a butterfly and sting like a... I'm hit...! How daring. That's the power to disrupt the peace of the galaxy... It didn't go as I planned... You startled me a little. I am still OK. How rude. I hate... flamboyance. Goodbye... Use more effort. That won't hit me... Now, farewell. I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. If you've moved early... That was too bad... Dazzling... ... Not enough... power? I can't do... anything? Well, Here I go... So bright... With this... Disappear. I can see you... ...And your fate... You're like a sitting duck in that formation... This...will be the end. Let's look alive and finish this quickly... Are you... ready now? I will do it gently... Very... gently... Farewell... For your body... and your soul... --Battle AI-- ......... !?!?!? .........!!! .........!! .........? --Battle Stern Regisseur-- Take this... Your own attacks... Why can't you wait for a new universe...? From the land of the beginning... A defect. You must be cleared for the new universe. Begone! For the sake of a new universe! The time has come to rebuild all that is... I do this for the sake of rebirth... Your existence must be expunged... You must accept your fate... What foolish beings you are... I will fix all that has gone wrong... From the land of the beginning... New life. It must all be destroyed... The limit has been reached... You must understand... Mistaken... shape... You... Must wait... You never understood... I do this for the universe to come... Everything is for... the new universe. I will call upon you... Atonement... Yes, this is my atonement. Fools... This universe must be destroyed. Let's end this meaningless conflict. No use... We will make our final judgement. The seed was defective... No more... If there is fate, then this is also fate. Why did you not evolve into perfection? You know nothing... And will never learn... Your power is undesired... Do you understand what you are doing? This matter cannot be put aside! You would deny the new universe's birth? Give up... You were never chosen... Accept your fate...! Why do you defy us? Impossible... Do not deny the fate of the cosmos... To have that much power... Interesting. You cannot stop your world's destruction. Do not struggle... unchosen ones. Your end will be a new beginning... Why do you resist? This time has been forseen. You still do not give up... It is too late for this universe... A meager effort... Your struggle is futile. You are unable to understand... I forsaw this event long ago... Your efforts will be in vain... Cease your resistance. This is the truth. It's no use. Weak... Everything about you is weak. Weak...everything about you is weak. The land of beginning has produced failures. Your power cannot affect me. Am I...losing power...? Can it be...? So you're just going to keep resisting me, huh. You continue to resist... Your numbers are meaningless. Submit. My life... It fades... I need no sympathy. I accept my fate. --Battle AI-- ......... !?!?!? .........!!! .........!! .........? --Battle Stern again-- Take this... Your own attacks... Why can't you wait for a new universe...? From the land of the beginning... A defect. You must be cleared for the new universe. Begone! For the sake of a new universe! The time has come to rebuild all that is... I do this for the sake of rebirth... Your existence must be expunged... You must accept your fate... What foolish beings you are... I will fix all that has gone wrong... From the land of the beginning... New life. It must all be destroyed... The limit has been reached... You must understand... Mistaken... shape... You... Must wait... You never understood... I do this for the universe to come... Everything is for... the new universe. I will call upon you... Atonement... Yes, this is my atonement. Fools... This universe must be destroyed. Let's end this meaningless conflict. No use... We will make our final judgement. The seed was defective... No more... If there is fate, then this is also fate. Why did you not evolve into perfection? You know nothing... And will never learn... Your power is undesired... Do you understand what you are doing? This matter cannot be put aside! You would deny the new universe's birth? Give up... You were never chosen... Accept your fate...! Why do you defy us? Impossible... Do not deny the fate of the cosmos... To have that much power... Interesting. You cannot stop your world's destruction. Do not struggle... unchosen ones. Your end will be a new beginning... Why do you resist? This time has been forseen. You still do not give up... It is too late for this universe... A meager effort... Your struggle is futile. You are unable to understand... I forsaw this event long ago... Your efforts will be in vain... Cease your resistance. This is the truth. It's no use. Weak... Everything about you is weak. Weak...everything about you is weak. The land of beginning has produced failures. Your power cannot affect me. Am I...losing power...? Can it be...? So you're just going to keep resisting me, huh. You continue to resist... Your numbers are meaningless. Submit. My life... It fades... I need no sympathy. I accept my fate. --Battle AI-- ......... !?!?!? .........!!! .........!! .........? --Battle Stern again-- Take this... Your own attacks... Why can't you wait for a new universe...? From the land of the beginning... A defect. You must be cleared for the new universe. Begone! For the sake of a new universe! The time has come to rebuild all that is... I do this for the sake of rebirth... Your existence must be expunged... You must accept your fate... What foolish beings you are... I will fix all that has gone wrong... From the land of the beginning... New life. It must all be destroyed... The limit has been reached... You must understand... Mistaken... shape... You... Must wait... You never understood... I do this for the universe to come... Everything is for... the new universe. I will call upon you... Atonement... Yes, this is my atonement. Fools... This universe must be destroyed. Let's end this meaningless conflict. No use... We will make our final judgement. The seed was defective... No more... If there is fate, then this is also fate. Why did you not evolve into perfection? You know nothing... And will never learn... Your power is undesired... Do you understand what you are doing? This matter cannot be put aside! You would deny the new universe's birth? Give up... You were never chosen... Accept your fate...! Why do you defy us? Impossible... Do not deny the fate of the cosmos... To have that much power... Interesting. You cannot stop your world's destruction. Do not struggle... unchosen ones. Your end will be a new beginning... Why do you resist? This time has been forseen. You still do not give up... It is too late for this universe... A meager effort... Your struggle is futile. You are unable to understand... I forsaw this event long ago... Your efforts will be in vain... Cease your resistance. This is the truth. It's no use. Weak... Everything about you is weak. Weak...everything about you is weak. The land of beginning has produced failures. Your power cannot affect me. Am I...losing power...? Can it be...? So you're just going to keep resisting me, huh. You continue to resist... Your numbers are meaningless. Submit. My life... It fades... I need no sympathy. I accept my fate. --Battle Stern again-- Take this... Your own attacks... Why can't you wait for a new universe...? From the land of the beginning... A defect. You must be cleared for the new universe. Begone! For the sake of a new universe! The time has come to rebuild all that is... I do this for the sake of rebirth... Your existence must be expunged... ...... You must accept your fate... What foolish beings you are... I will fix all that has gone wrong... From the land of the beginning... New life. It must all be destroyed... The limit has been reached... You must understand... Mistaken... shape... You... Must wait... You never understood... I do this for the universe to come... Everything is for... the new universe. I will call upon you... Atonement... Yes, this is my atonement. Fools... This universe must be destroyed. Your history of evil will be erased. No use... We will make our final judgement. The seed was defective... No more... If there is fate, then this is also fate. Why did you not evolve into perfection? You know nothing... And will never learn... Your power is undesired... Do you understand what you are doing? This matter cannot be put aside! You would deny the new universe's birth? Give up... You were never chosen... Accept your fate...! Why do you defy us? Impossible... Do not deny the fate of the cosmos... To have that much power... Interesting. You cannot stop your world's destruction. Do not struggle... unchosen ones. Your end will be a new beginning... Why do you resist? This time has been foreseen. You still do not give up... It is too late for this universe... A meager effort... Your struggle is futile. You are unable to understand... I forsaw this event long ago... Your efforts will be in vain... Cease your resistance. This is the truth. It is useless. Weak... Everything about you is weak. The land of beginning has produced failures. Your power cannot affect me. Am I... Losing power...? Can it be...? You continue to resist... You have invaded my own domain... Your numbers are meaningless. Submit. The new universe must be tranquil... --Battle Wendolo-- Come on, go down. Give up! You! Let's finish this, alright? Check this out! You're done for... You can never win... I told you before. *chuckle* Don't blame me. This is all your fault. *chuckle* Don't hold a grudge. I will be your judge. You're so childish. I must exterminate you before you infect the galaxy. Oh, you want to die? I want you out of the picture... for good. Earthlings must submit to our control. *chuckle* You're mine, Cybuster! That mech is too much for you to handle. I didn't expect you to last this long. I'll finish you off myself. You want to die that badly? Alright, then! You attack, knowing it's useless...? So, you want to play? There's no need to demonstrate your foolishness... I'm taking away your toy. Isn't it time you gave up? It's my turn now. *chuckle* So predictable. Th-This power...! It's a threat to the galaxy!! No!! I can't lose to Earthlings! Dikastis is losing!? This can't be! Wha!? How can this be...!? Ugh!! N-No way...! You've shown your true nature, barbarians! This is exactly why I consider you dangerous...! M-My Dikastis is inferior to your toys...!? I'm... I'm not wrong!! Damn you, Cybuster...! How dare you hurt me with that toy of yours...! Hm... Not bad. Haven't you had enough? It's not mere strength. My mind is superior to yours. Your power is dangerous... as I suspected. If you make me mad, you'll all die. ...It's time to get serious, I suppose. Well done. But, you'll need to do better than that. That's the best Cybuster can do? I'm disappointed. Mechanoid is almost as good as Diskastis? Impressive. You're weaker than I thought. Or, do I intimidate you? Don't be afraid... Come closer. Is that it? I shouldn't have bother to deploy if that's your best. Aguija lost to this rabble? How disappointing. Don't disappoint me. Odd... You're better than the intel we have suggests. It's no use. You attack without analyzing your enemy...? How foolish. That was pitiful. An attack is worthless if it doesn't hit. Not even close. Where are you aiming? This is boring. You expected that to hurt me? That did nothing. Let's stop wasting our time. This is based on your force field technology. You're lucky... I'm unable to attack. I'll let you live a little longer. Well... I guess I'll take a break. Target lost... Oh well. Aw, you won't let me attack? Hm... You hit me from that distance? Impressive. You're all going down. OK, here goes. I'll split you in half. This weapon's design was inspired by your mechs. You must be crazy if you don't fear this sword. It's time to end your miserable lives. I'll punish you... with my Big Bang Strike. *chuckle* You're not going to like this one... Mega Flasher! Here goes... Mega Flasher! This is the light of judgment. Stop resisting. You will submit to me. I'll make good use of your power. Stop being unreasonable and shut up for a moment! Shut up for a moment. I'd like you to stop your desperate struggle. Do you think you can fight your way out of this situation? --Battle Mekibos-- Take this! Don't underestimate the power of my Graterkin! Time to get serious! You're done for! How about this? You will not triumph! Here! Take this! Let me help you along with this death wish of yours. Alright, I accept your challenge. Sorry, but you're mine! I'll show you the power of my Graterkin! Here I come! This is payback for earlier! Sorry, but you're mine! Efficiency is vital, right? I'll kill you one by one...! Get ready, Cybuster! Speed isn't everything, you know? Ha! You're pretty good! Are there other earthlings like you? Wendolo! I'll finish you off with my own hands! You have time to slack off? Then you have time for this! Wait. I've got some more for ya! Vigagi! Don't make the leader clean up after you! I'm tellin' ya! You're careless! Hey Sikalog, this one's mine! Sorry! What's wrong, Ms. Leader? You've got some nerve to attack me! Now it's my turn! Alrighty then! You wanna play with me, huh? If you can't kill me, stay away! Shall I show you how it's done? This is what they call "karma"! It's your own fault for not killing me sooner! Let me try taking a shot at you! It's not in my nature to be beaten all the time. I-I can't believe I was beaten like this...! Damn! I messed up! Uagh! I should've pulled out earlier...! Aaaaah! Argh! Did I receive too much damage? What the? My power's dropping!? N-Nooo! I'm not going down yet! Argh! Th-This mech... What power!! The Graterkin has been overpowered!? Tch! No wonder you guys are considered dangerous! Let's wrap this up. It's time for me to leave... At this rate, I'll have to disengage soon. Such power... You're quite interesting, Cybuster! It seems like you weren't just all talk...! What's that mech...!? Argh! What the!? Uargh! Ugh! So you're not that bad after all. Hmph! You're not that bad...! Not bad...! But not good enough! Ugh... How dare you...! Not yet! I won't go down! Not bad... but don't get cocky! Surely you can come up with a better tactic than this! Not bad, Cybuster! That's a good hit, lover boy! I wonder... Are you trying your best to kill me? You're going to die if you don't get serious! Look at how weak you are! Get out of my sight! If you can't fight, then you should stay out of the battle! What's wrong, Cybuster? Is this your true power!? Man, you're all show, huh? This isn't a joke, got it? Missiles won't work on me! Sorry, but that's the reality of the situation. Don't underestimate me! There! That won't hit me. You can't hit me so easily! Not good enough! Do you want me to teach you how to shoot? This isn't a playground, punk! Why don't you try something that might actually work? You're not skilled enough to fight me. Buzz off! Is that it? That's all the Elemental Lord can do? Your skill and power both suck, lover boy! You can't hit me! Can't you see you're wasting your ammo? I don't know what you're trying to accomplish here, pal. I already told you, beams are useless! Thanks for your kindness. I appreciate it. I'm out of ammo? Oh, well... Now, you're using your head. Good. You knew I was out of ammo, didn't you? Tch! Why now? Tch! At this range, there's nothing I can do... I'm out of range for Graterkin to attack... I see you're pretty good at being sneaky. We thought so. Hey, take this! Eat this! Thunder Crush! I'll have to start being more efficient with you. Sorry, but I'm gonna kill you all at once! Take 'em all! Thunder Crush! I'm gonna rip you apart! Here you go! This'll rip you in half! Eat this! Mega Buster Beam! Take this! Mega Buster Beam! Mega Buster Beam, fire! Fix the aiming angle! ...Fire! Photon Laser! This is my way of saying "hi..." Photon Laser! Sorry, but I'm gonna take you out now! You Earthlings have a saying: "Kill 2 birds with 1 stone!" Garbage belongs in a can... Like you in your mech! I'll blow you to bits! --Battle Vigagi-- How's this! Outta my way! You're an eye- sore! Bow down to our superior power! You Earth trash! Eat this! Fool, you can't hide from me! That's as far as you'll get!! Get ready, you barbarians! You're nothing but a disaster for the galaxy! You cancer of the universe! Let's start with your right arm!! I'll destroy you all! Fool... You're mine now!! Here I go! Don't think that you even have a chance against me. I'll make you vanish, Earthlings! I'll show you the power of Galgau!! Don't make me mad! Good luck trying to resist me!! I challenge you, Cybuster! You...! ...Damn you!! How dare you get in my way! I won't forgive you! *chuckle* Now... Fool! You thought it was over!? I won't hold back against the plague of the galaxy!! You want to die that badly, huh!? I hope you have what it takes to challenge me! You're like a moth flying into a flame!! Time to retaliate!! You uncivilized barbarians! You really are a fool. There's no doubt about that. How dare you, you low-level being! Wh-What!? Impossible! Not here...!! H-How could it be!? Preposterous...! Wh-What!? What is this power!? They're pushing me back! How can this be!? This isn't good! At this rate...! I'm not going down yet! You'll never defeat me! Aaaargh!! It can't be!! Ugh! How can it end like this...!? Galgau's being pushed back!? This isn't good...!! We're right about you all, barbarians...! Damn you! Barbarians!! How dare you humiliate me...!! Cybuster! How dare you!! Do you think I would just let you damage me? Impudent fool! Ugh!! Wh-Why you!? Aaaaargh! D-Damn you all! You fools! How dare you... Tch...! How could Galgau be pushed back? Hmph. I'd better exterminate you all quickly. Is this all you primitive beings are capable of? That pathetic attack won't bring my Galgau down. Is that all you've got? How dare you!? I won't let you get away with that! A direcet hit, huh? Galgau didn't even flinch. How dare you, Cybuster!! I can't allow myself to fall behind again and again...!! You disappoint me... Is this all you're capable of? What's wrong? Why don't you show me how tough you guys are? So you're determined to stand in my way, huh? You're just inferior beings who do nothing but fight... We must destroy this cancer before it spreads. Your efforts are worthless... After all, the name "Elemental Lord" is only for show, huh? This time, you're the one who falls behind...! It's useless... Your missiles cannot affect me! Stupid! Where are you aiming? Even if you hit me, you won't bring down my Galgau. Hmph. Is that it? Don't make me laugh! You have terrible aim. Your attacks won't work on me! I'm telling you, it's useless! What part of "It won't work" don't you understand!? You're just feeding my Galgau with your attack!! What? Out of ammo!? Damn! Out of ammo! Not now!! They've set me up to waste my ammo!? How did I not notice that I was out of ammo!? Damn! How can this be!? Out of range!? Sneaky bastards!! How can I not counterattack!? The range is far more than Galgau can handle!? Fool... I've got you now! Take this, you pests! I'll burn them all! Fire the missiles! I've got a perfect weapon for this range! Witness my overwhelming power! Tremble with fear!! Witness my Galgau's power with your own eyes!! I guess I'll use the Iron Claws...! Mega Smasher! Behold the power of the Mega Smasher! Try my Mega Smasher on for size! You'll never withstand my Mega Smasher! Hear the Galgau's roar! Noisy pests!! ...Shut up!! I'd hate to see you struggle any more! I'm going to silence you! I'll make your puny mechs even punier! I don't like using cheap tricks, but... --Battle Aguija-- Go down! Give up! Take this!! You're too obvious! Got you! Hey, here I come! Just die! I'll take it! You're an eyesore! Get ready! I'm coming! Cybuster!! Vortex Shooter!! You're just begging to be beaten!! This is what happens when you stand in front of me! Silbelwind! Obliterate everything in your path! If I've set my sights on you, then you're through... Let's go, Silbelwind! My, my, how slow you are. Hehehe... Can you see my movements? I'll show you Silbelwind's power. Well, entertain me. Get ready, Cybuster! I'll show you who's faster! Show me what the Elemental Lord of the wind can do! You're an eyesore, little witch! You will regret calling me an "old hag"! A Guarlion copycat, huh? You seem pretty confident. I'll take you and the Cybuster down together! I'll finish you off! I'm not going to pass up this opportunity! Dropping your guard will cost you your life! That's a pity! Be gone! I'll help you, darling. I know, my darling gets the credit. You owe me, Mekibos! Vigagi! You're so careless at the end! Don't be overconfident! So you've come to take me down, huh? Since you've made me mad, you're out of luck!! I won't let you go! You think you can escape from me!? I-Impossible! How could I...!? Wh-Why!? And to such an opponent...!! Argh! Sikalog...! Hey! How unfair! Tch,not good! At this rate...!! I will not fall here! Silbelwind! Don't go down!! How dare you put my Silbelwind into this condition!! What the!? My Silbelwind!! How dare you...! I'll smash you to pieces!! Argh! What the!? I've been...!! I'm losing!? Impossible! What!? How dare you, Cybuster! Argh! By such a little witch!! Hey, not bad! Damn!! What have you done to Silbelwind!? H-How dare you! Damn!!Not bad at all! How dare you damage my Silbelwind! You think I'll go down from such a little scratch!? You're messing around too much!! Wh-What the!? They were stronger than I anticipated! Ugh! Mark my words; you'll pay for that! How dare you! I'll return it to you tenfold! Hmph, you seem to live up to your reputation. Not bad at all, little witch! Damaged by a Guarlion copycat! That's all you've got? That tickles. This is how strong uncivilized barbarians are? My, my, it seems you've underestimated me. Huh? You held back? Is that all you've got, Elemental Lord of Wind? You're nothing but an immature little punk. Oh, you got lucky last time? Missiles won't work on me! Hmph, it's futile! Ha! Like I'd get hit by that! Don't mess with me! Hey, hey! I'm right here! That's impossible for you! You'll never be able to hit me! You're boring me. Don't underestimate Silbelwind's speed! You'll never be able to catch my Silbelwind! I'm much faster than you, Cybuster! So that's the power of your so-called godly craft? Where are you aiming, little witch? You're just a copycat of the Guarlion, huh? Ha! Like that would affect me! I'm telling you,it's useless! Thanks a lot! You just don't get it,don't you? I absorb your beams! *wink* Thanks! Oh, so you planned this!? I can't counterattack!? What's going on!? So, I've been tricked, huh? Hmph... That means you're actually thinking! Hey! That's not fair! I demand a fair fight! You coward!! Take all these! There's no point in surrounding me! I'll dice you into pieces! I'll make you dance! I'll mutilate you! Sorry, but that will be enough! Right there! Photon Laser! Take this! Photon Laser! Be gone! Here I go! Vortex Shooter! Time to end this! Vortex Shooter! It's the end of the line for you! I'll take my time to make sure you suffer! You guys are so annoying! Take this! I'll show you my dirty tricks! Dance a bit for me! --Battle Sikalog-- ......! ............ ......... ............! !!! .........!! ............!? ! ......!!